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A Song of Ice and Fire / A Song of Ice and Fire / Prelude to the Series

User ID: 9356783
Apr 5th 4:53 PM
What is George RR Martin DID write a prelude to the series (even though he showed no interest in the chat)? I like the idea of a book about the Overthrowing of the Mad King Aerys. I can see it now. It's entitled Conqest of the Usurper, or something like that.

POV Characters? No problem:

Eddard: This is must, no questions asked. If you don't know why, re-read AGOT & ACOK.

Rhaegar: Again a must. we need to see the story through his eyes, you know, his side of the story.

Jaime: We need a character to view all the Lannister plans. Tyrion just wasn't a huge part of the War.

Catelyn: This is a maybe, but I like the way she handles the politics in the first books. Maybe we can see a softer, younger side of Catelyn, corrupted by the return of Ned with Jon, his "Bastard." Of course she would have only three to five chapters.

Lyanna: A maybe as well, but more of a maybe than Caetlyn. She could show us the huge romance between her and Rhaegar.

Littlefinger: We need someone to show us what is happening in Kings Landing. If not Littlefinger, than someone else.

Viserys: Maybe instead of Littlefinger, have poor little Viserys see everything. And after he flees, show how the hatred for Daenerys corrupted him cuz he DID blame her for his mother's death.

Robert: A huge maybe. He really doesn't need a POV, he is either with Ned or fighting Rhaegar, and that battle can be seen through Rhaegar's eyes. Of course unless anyone else can think of something.

Prologue: I think should be either the Tourney where Rhaegar gave the crown to Lyanna and not Elia. Have this seen through Elia's eyes. Or, my favorite, have it seen trhough either Lord Rickard or Brandon's eyes of when they went to King's landing and they are tortured to death.

Then have the first chapter of Ned and Catelyn's Wedding, an empty and emotionless event. Then go into the whole thing.

Of course it couldn't come out until we learn the truth of Jon's parentage.

What do you think?...
User ID: 0087674
Apr 5th 5:05 PM
Sounds great to me. Only, I don't think Littlefinger was in King's Landing. He was only 14 or so when he duelled Brandon.
Luke__ Apr 5th 5:11 PM
Also, it would be a shame if he didn't add anything new to the story. Another POV we don't know of, or don't know much about would be nice.
User ID: 9356783
Apr 5th 10:37 PM
You're right about Littlefinger. How 'bout Varys?
User ID: 1404584
Apr 5th 11:06 PM
I think the reason why Varys shouldnt be included because he knows too much! We'll get all the secrets from him!
User ID: 9356783
Apr 6th 10:00 AM
Exactly why if there ever WAS a prelude, that it has to come out AFTER the series is done.
User ID: 0283314
May 4th 11:50 AM
Well, since Min pointed Adam to this topic, I looked at it again ... First, Zer0Hour:

Because Martin has said that he wants to finish getting ASoIaF done. Writing a prelude novel would add an extra year (at least) between the wait between novels. Although I guess that's old.

In the Knighthood thread I posted a somewhat-edited and lengthy response from Mr. Martin concerning tournaments. There was a little info in there that I didn't feel was appropriate to post . . . but there was a telling tidbit that I've decided (after some thought) would be okay to reveal. It really doesn't mean much, but I suppose some care. ;)

[Talks about the size and grandeur of the great tourney at Harrenhal . . . then adds in paranthesis at the end of the paragraph:]

"(A lot happened there at Harrenhal. If I ever wrote the prequel book some readers keep asking for, I could probably set the whole thing during
those ten days)."

Found that rather interesting, although it's a rather off-hand statement.
User ID: 8479113
May 4th 12:01 PM

Why did you feel that some of that info was inappropriate to post, Ran? Did GRRM ask you to keep it to yourself?
User ID: 9209903
May 4th 12:07 PM
Perhaps GRRM revealed (in a weak moment), that his underwear is riddled with small, red hearts. :)
User ID: 0283314
May 4th 12:15 PM
He didn't specifically ask, no. But ... for various reasons ... I think I need to be more careful about what I post from Martin than some others might. And that's all I'm saying about that.
User ID: 0283314
May 4th 12:17 PM
Let me add that the reason that didn't go in the first time was because I was still thinking about it. As I said, I finally decided it was fairly inconsequential. Just him saying a lot happened there over ten days without specifying (beyond what we know already, and the seven-sided melee in the ancient style) and that he could set a prelude novel in that span.
User ID: 0805074
Jan 25th 4:23 AM
is the 3rd book goin to be called " Dance with dragons" ? or "Storm of Swords" ?
User ID: 0867924
Jan 25th 7:41 AM
_A Storm of Swords_. _A Dance with Dragons_ is said to be the title of the third book inside the cover of _A Clash of Kings_, but that's because the publisher was a little behind on things and because the story was originally a trilogy which has expanded to twice its size. :)

At, there's a link marked IMPORTANT which is information from Martin concerning the status of the book (it's still being written, thoguh right now he's probably at the point where he's polishing it one last time before sending it in.) It also shows that the title is _A Storm of Swords_
User ID: 9551723
Jan 25th 4:02 PM
Ran 0 care to specify what you meant by I think I need to be more careful about what I post from Martin than some others might

I mean I DON'T want any spoilers... just what kind of information do you have that we don't, where from and how come :-)?
User ID: 9551723
Jan 25th 4:06 PM
Oh, by the way, although I'd definetly read it, I'm not particularily interested in a Prelude. I'd prefer Dunk and Egg stories, or maybe something completely different. I guess the best of all worlds would be if Martin wrote like O S Card does (only much,much better, of course:-)- a book about Dunk an Egg between every couple of other books.
I just hope he doesn't go back to Holliwood. Whatever he'd write there, would be dumbed down by Studios, and any the written word is still superior to anything