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A Song of Ice and Fire / A Song of Ice and Fire / Robert and Lyanna

Rania Aug 16th 3:45 PM
What if Lyanna had not died at the Tower of Joy?�Would Robert have married her? Would she have left Jon at Starfall?�Any ideas?
User ID: 0867924
Aug 16th 3:51 PM
I'll take the assumption that Jon is her son by Rhaegar as a given. ;) Others would disagree.

Yes, Robert would probably have wanted to marry her even still. She would have refused, however, I think. And Ned . . . I don't know. Only trouble could come of it.
User ID: 0283314
Aug 16th 7:41 PM
Would she have refused? Even if that meant protection and safety for Jon? I would guess her best protection from Robert and the best protection she could have afforded Jon was to go on pretending that Robert so fervently believed that she was kidnapped and raped, to refuse would have given him an inkling as to the real situation.
User ID: 0721754
Aug 18th 5:59 AM
Lyanna seemed to be pretty independently minded and strong willed, and I think she would have done whatever she liked, which did not seem to include marrying Robert....
It is an interesting question. Remember tha Ned and Robert were on bad terms at this point, Lyanna's death was all that reconciled them. Is it possible the war would have continued, but between Robert and Ned?
User ID: 9719083
Aug 18th 9:32 AM
Interesting idea Brady, I had never thought of that. If Lyanna refuses to marry Robert and Ned as the head of the family takes her home to Winterfell what does Robert do?
User ID: 0721754
Aug 18th 9:49 PM
And who does Jon Arryn support in such a case? It could be a whole nother war
User ID: 9719083
Aug 18th 9:51 PM
Jon Arryn stays out of it I think :)
User ID: 6960173
Aug 21st 2:31 PM
Interesting theory. What if you take it a step further. What would the Lannister's do? Who would they side with? I'm not sure when the enmity between the two Houses started, but if it was in the throne room, then would they support Ned after he made a fool of Jaime? or would they support Robert, who Ned humiliated Jaime in favor of?

User ID: 2324014
Aug 21st 3:56 PM
I doubt Tywin would take the Ned-Jaime throne room confronation into account if he had to choose sides.
User ID: 9719083
Aug 21st 8:08 PM
There wasn't much of a confrontation to tell the truth...... but it did start the bad feelings between Jaime and Ned