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A Song of Ice and Fire / A Song of Ice and Fire / obsidian arrow heads

User ID: 8430353
Sep 9th 4:23 PM
Sounds stupid, but I didnt understand the meaning of the obsidian arrow heads. Jon find some in a cloak, Bran and Rikkon had some from their meester. What is their importance? How R they to be used? Why they were in the cloak? Any speculations?
User ID: 0743024
Sep 10th 5:20 AM
No spoilers in ASoIaF threads, folks. :)


The theories have run that obsidian may prove to be a weapon against the Others. Quaithe of the Shadow tells Dany that the firemage she sees in Qarth couldn't even squeeze fire from dragon glass until recently, so ... It could be that obisidian in ASoIaF has magical, fire-related properties.

The other significance I've seen is that the black cloak probably belonged to a brother of the Watch. Some think it was Benjen's cloak, and he left the stash to indicate something. The obisidian arrowheads ... Well, we know the children of the forest used obsidian arrowheads. Not impossible that he was trying to indicate that he had stumbled across the children.