John Saint Ryan acts the part of a
fearsome warrior who has been the confident Champion of Conor's family.
Fergus, as he is called on the show, had been sure of himself and his
actions up until the wedding day of King Derek's oldest son: Aiden. That
night during the celebration, Fergus had over indulged with ale and had
not been able to defend King Derek and his family from Gar's attack. All
were slain except for the King's youngest son and himself. Overwhelmed by
the murderous attack, he vows to never leave Conor's side again. The once,
happy going Fergus, thus releases some of the pressure of his supressed
guilt with a mug of ale and some solitary reflections. In time, Fergus
adapts to following the orders of the young Prince. Their relationship
gets stronger and helps mend the guilty pain that burns deep within the
mighty Champion...Appearances on tv: EZ Streets, General Hospital, Murder
She Wrote, Babylon 5, M.A.N.T.I.S. and SeaQuest. Motion pictures: American
Cyborg, Indian Warrior, CIA II: Target Alexa, Delta Force II and Cover Up.
Take me to the Fort!