December Matt News

Happy New Year! May this be a year filled with good Matt News.
  • "If Damon weren't already a star, Tom Ripley would have made him one. Instead, his performance reinforces what a major craftsman he is - one measure-for-measure with Sean Penn, Johnny Depp and Edward Norton." - Wesley Morris, The San Francico Examiner.
  • "Matt Damon is an actor who's flatly impossible not to root for." - Kenneth Turan, . Los Angeles Times Film Critic .
    December 28, 1999 December 27, 1999 December 26, 1999 December 25, 1999
  • A wonderful Christmas treat from Felicity: click here for a collage of the best things written about Matt in Ripley - don't know how she did it - but it's beyond thanks.
  • The critics have spoken (see the Rotten Tomato site) : Many of them like Ripley very much. Roger Ebert gave it 4-stars, and NY Times' Janet Maslin also gave it a glowing review. There were some zingers, however. The Los Angles Times was decidedly cool about the film, including Matt's performance. Somewhat disappointing is the lack of specific accolade for Matt. He is either lumped with the other actors for a strong performance across-the-board, or, more disappointingly, considered overshadowed by Jude Law, who plays a much more glamorous role. Nevertheless, there are some bright spots, to wit (thanks mostly to Felicity): December 24, 1999 Christmas Eve - Peace on earth - may the force be with our favorite actor, Mr. Matt Damon. December 23, 1999
    Tons of news, as to be expected These are from various sources - my thanks to all who contributed. December 22, 1999
  • Check out this Ripley review - it has lots of pictures (and spoilers), and has high priase for the film as well as Matt and Jude Law.
  • A nice article "Star Watch: Matt Damon" by AP writer Mark Kenney was posted on Yahoo today. Read the text here (Thanks to Julianne.)
  • My thanks to Julianne's note about Good Morning America (see below) - I did catch today's segment of Diane Sawyer's interview with Matt. In this segment they talked about Ripley, and among the things spoken that we haven't heard before is that Matt's favorite scene is the one in the jazz club. The interview ended with Sawyer asking Matt what he's one talent is ("everybody has a talent" is a line uttered by Ripley), and Matt demurred in his usual charming way, muttering something about taking a (much deserved) vacation soon to find out. And Sawyer ended with "I think a lot of Americans have found out." Amen!
  • From Felicity:
  • (My note: It's maddening - I didn't know about this appearance of Matt on Good Morning America - sigh. It was quite a treat to see him reduced to senseless mumbling when Diane Sawyer asked him about Winona Ryder. )
    Julianne wrote:
  • In her Column today, Liz Smith reported that Ben is in talks to "take a bat turn" - he is "said to be a major contender for the next 'Batman' movie." While commenting snidely about the prospect of Ben "look(ing) mighty good in those fetishy black get-ups", added Smith: "I suppose it would be too obvious to suggest Matt Damon as Robin. Oh, why not be obvious?"
    (My note: Do not go there, Matt! December 21, 1999
    According to the Rotten Tomato site, Matt and Gwyneth will be on the Oprah show today - perhaps a rebroadcast of the one I described, around Thanksgiving.
    Jude Law will be on the Rosie O'Donnell show.

    Aftermaths of the Golden Globe announcement:

    December 20, 1999 December 19, 1999 December 16, 1999
    December 9, 1999 December 8, 1999 December 7, 1999 December 6, 1999 December 5, 1999 Lisa wrote to say that Matt will be on Conan's, not Leno's, this Friday.
  • L.A. Times' business page listed Matt and Ben as among those "Hollywood Clients" who are deserting a financial guru named Dana Giacchetto, 36, a New-York-based ivestment and financial advisor. DeCaprio is the most prominent of this man's clients, and the sentence lists his clients as "stars DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Courteney Cox Arquette ...".
  • Some comments on Ripley circulating on the web: December 4, 1999
    Well, and so it's onto December. Ripley will be opening on Christmas Day, and the news is coming in fast and furious, to wit: