See the Rafael Romero's gallery

Rafael Romero was born in Caracas,
Venezuela. He finished the Institute of
actors mastery in Caracas. He grew up
in artistic environment, because he is
a nephew of the famous Venezuelian
musician Aldemaro Romero. His first
leading role is in "La inolvidable" 
which became world famous. This is
an exciting meeting with heroes rended
of love passions, complicated peripetias,
unrealizet ambitious and a fearful secret
buried 25 years before the action's 
beginning. Rafael played  4 years in the
National theatre company, takes part in
2 films and in telenovelas:
"Caribie","Kassandra","En estas calles",
"Dulce ilusion", "Alejandra","Revange",
"La muchacha bonita","Ines Duarte" and



La Inolvidable/ SEE the STORY & CAST

La Inolvidable---gallery1

Juan Carlos Alarcon

La Inolvidable --- gallery2


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