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Copyright/Disclaimer/Using the Pages and Guides

  1. Copyright/Using the Pages and Guides

    All Guides are Copyright © Stephan Lerchegger. You are hereby granted to view, download and store the pages only for own and personal use on your system. All guides are written by Stephan Lerchegger, some with help from others (see appropriate notes in the guides). Additionally, some descriptions are (temporarily) taken from online sources in order to provide thorough guides (notes accordingly). This fan-written material is intended for recreational purposes only; it is neither intended for any commercial use or gaining any advantage nor to cause any disadvantages to other parties. No copyright infringement is intended. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.

    It is granted to forward this material to third parties as long as it is used exclusively for own and private purposes and no changes of any kind are made.

    Commercial use, especially the sale of these documents, is hereby expressly prohibited.

    This service does not represent and is not affiliated with any show, organisation, club, group, magazine, etc. The material provided is solely meant for information and entertainment purposes.

    All rights reserved.

    The advertising on the pages or possible pop-up windows lie under the responsibility of the freehoster and are in no way part of this service. Furthermore it is pointed out that there is no influence on my part whatsoever on the contents of this advertising, also there is no responsibility taken for the kind, type and contents of the advertising and possible pages they are pointing to (internal as well as external links).

    There will be taken no responsibility whatsoever for the contents of external pages.

  2. Using the guides on your pages or forwarding them to mailboxes or forums

    If you want to include any of these pages, especially the lists and guides, on your own pages, contact me first (that means before you put any material on your pages). Basically there won't be any objections as long as the following three requirements are met:
    1. The material is not as regards content (descriptions, notes, copyright notice, et al.) changed. Changing the layout, especially adapting the HTML-format to meet ones own demands, is granted.
    2. A source information must be attached to each excerpt (e.g. if only one season, only the trivia section, et al. is used). This source statement must contain my name or the name of this service ('Episodelists & -Guides by LS') as well as a link to the incoming page (
    3. Your pages are (I) free and free of charge accessible and (II) they are not used commercially, including for advertising purposes.

    The same applies to forwarding any of this material to mailboxes or forums.

    With both - the internet pages and forwarding to mailboxes and forums - it lies within the duties of the maintainer (that means the person who contacted me) to provide the newest version of the guides and lists. The most recent material can alway be found on these pages here, at What's new ? you can find the recent changes, updates and announcements.

    The (seperate) use of layout and design of all pages including but not limited to HTML-pages, guides and FAQs requires without exception a prior written permission.

  3. Other usage, e.g. distribution on CD-ROM et al.

    Other usage, except those already mentioned and granted, is hereby expressly prohibited.

  4. Placing links pointing to my pages

    Placing links on your pages (pointing to my pages) is granted without prior notification as long as the page which contains the link is (I) free and free of charge accessible and (II) there's no commercial usage, including for advertising purposes.

    Every other usage of links (so if at least one of the two conditions above is not met) demands a prior, expressive approval.

  5. Usage of the other (HTML-)pages, archives, design et al.

    All under I.-IV. mentioned points are also to apply to all other HTML-pages, indices, the design and the archives (packed files) on these pages.

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© 1997-2003 by Stephan Lerchegger