All characters belong to Panzer/Davis and are fictional. No copyright infrigement is intended or inferred so please don't sue me! Lost Hours copyright 1998 Celedon -------------------------------------------------------------------- LOST HOURS by Celedon Prologue The sun began sinking slowly toward the horizon and the lone man, lightly wrapped against the Mediterranean breeze, looked out toward the crescent shaped bay. Fishing boats bobbed in the choppy waters, heavily laden with the evening's catch. As they slowly made their way back to shore, the man abruptly turned to walk away. He was tall and lean; he had a finely chiseled face of planes and angles with an aquiline nose. It was when you saw him in profile that he seem to have appeared as if he had come off a freshly minted Roman coin. The shock of dark hair tousled by the wind was short, and he seemed to carry himself with an air of tragedy. Dark eyes hollowed by the dark circles under them spoke of pain and a tragedy that few could even begin to fathom. Absently, he fingered the small velvet box which he held in his hand. Once more he looked out to sea and then looked down at the ring, now removed from the box. A crimson, heart shaped ruby delicately set in gold, twinkled bloody. He bunched up the ring in his fist and tears began to roll down from his eyes. The island of Santorini silently watched as he flung it out to the sea, with all his might,screaming torturously as he did so. "ALEXA!!!! ALEXA!!!!" Only the sea birds crying and wheeling overhead answered. -1- "So, where to, milady?" Methos asked as the Volvo sped away through the snarl of traffic. He glanced over at Alexa, and smiled encouragingly. She smiled back then looked away, lost in thought. "Time, give it time.", he reminded himself. But the knowledge that time was a valuable commodity to her and they both knew it caused him more than a little anxiety. "I can't believe that you are doing this. This is like a dream--are you sure that this is what you want? I mean, the cost, the money--" She looked at him, perplexed. "How, why?" He took her hand, and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Don't worry, about anything. Just leave it up to me. And yes, this is what I want. As to the why, it's very simple, really." "Oh?" Her eyebrows arched so beautifully, he thought as he looked at her. "Yes. Because my dear, the alternative would be unthinkable. Not to be able to spend what time you have with you is a very bleak prospect indeed. I won't lie to you and I promise that we will live each moment like you have never even lived before." With that he turned his entire face to her and smiled. She watched, still somewhat in disbelief, then shaking her head, began to giggle. He frowned. "What-was it something I said? Did I say something funny?" She laughed harder at this and he liked the sound of it. Rich and so full of life, like her. He began to laugh too. He swerved from hitting a car. "Whoa! I think I better attend to what I'm doing." Later, at the airport, as they stepped up to the ticket counter, she took a long look around and sighed. "Are you all right?" Instinctively, he wanted to protect her, although he had to smile at himself for feeling it. "Five thousand years you've been saving your neck and now you want to save hers." The irony of the situation wasn't lost on him. She nodded, then slowly said, "I've never been anywhere that's really far from home. This is a big step for me. I'm scared a little." He reached down and gave her a big bear hug. She felt more reassured then and began to anticipate the trip. The ticket agent motioned them forward, "Next?" Methos placed the baggage on the scale. "Destination?" The agent continued. "Cairo." -2- "Comfy?" Methos adjusted the blanket about Alexa and she nodded, laying her head on his shoulder and getting adjusted for a quick nap. She thought about what was ahead and for once in a very long time, she had reason to hope. "Here's to new beginnings," she whispered and closed her eyes. She wasn't going to admit to how tiring all of this was, how much it drained her to Adam. She didn't want to worry him any more and she didn't want to be a burden. She'd been far too independent to have made it this far by herself in the course of her illness to have to rely on someone now. She had almost accepted the fact that quite possibly she might not see her next birthday, or even next year. She was almost fatalistic in her outlook in many respects. But there was just something about Adam, that made her want to go on forever, to live a whole life and fulfill her dreams. And she wanted to do it with him by her side. Methos glanced at her sleeping form beside him, with her head resting on his shoulder. The stewardess walked by, inquiring if anything else was needed, and he shook his head. A strand of dark honey colored hair had strayed from the side of her head and had become attached to her moist mouth. Gently, he reached up and pulled it away, watching it fall back into place, savoring the texture of the strands. He smiled as he thought how much of a marvel she was. "Why,", he asked himself, "do you bother? You haven't been involved with much of anyone or anything for over a century." He glanced back down at her sleeping form an dsoftly smiled to himself. "That's true, you’ve blended in, saved yourself all these centuries." He knew why. He was lonely. And she--she just seemed to fill a void. But for how long? It just wasn't fair. It wasn't fair to her, to him to anything that this could happen! "Life’s not fair--you've known it for how long?" he asked himself once more for the umpteenth time. Sighing, he reached carefully for the phone on back of the seat in front of him. He had preparations to make plans to put into effect.The phone lined crackled and a baritone voice answered the other end of the line. "MacLeod." "Hello, MacLeod. I have some favors to ask of you for Alexa's sake." "Methos! I thought you were on your way to Cairo." "Ever hear of phones on airplanes or don't you remember such things?" he said sarcastically. No comeback was heard so he continued. "I need you to contact Geneva for me, please. I am going to need a base of operations so to speak, so that when it comes time for her to get her treatments, we have a place to stay. And you know me, I do well to get something suitable for me." MacLeod said, "What do you need? I'm willing to help any way I can, you know that. And you know that you don't have to ask for Alexa's sake only." He snorted. "I remember your place very well...I wouldn't advise getting a place like that for the two of you. And I think Geneva's a good place to be. Good hospitals--some of the best in the world--" "I'll leave it up to you--you've had more dealings with things of this nature than I have had in who knows how long. I'm putting some money in an account in Geneva that you'll have access to so that everything is taken care of. I don't want to be bothered with the mundane details. I want to concentrate on her, spend my energy on her--" The phone line crackled once again. "You don't have to worry, my friend.” MacLeod said gently. "I understand. I'll get reservations and fly out to Geneva tomorrow." Methos nodded. "Thanks." The phone line went dead. -3- The day burned hot and one could see the waves of heat radiating upwards from the tarmac on the runways of Cairo's airport. Methos and Alexa wove through the crowds of tourists from differing countries, making their way to customs. They patiently answered all the questions which were asked of them, and watched as their luggage was inspected for any weapons. Methos winced when they found his sword and held his breath waiting to see if they would take it out and examine it. When they didn't, he let out an almost audible sigh of relief. The customs agent glanced quickly up at him and then turned to his partner, speaking quickly in Arabic, then motioned for the package that held his sword to be examined closer. Methos began to protest, but then spoke in Arabic to the first agent. "There's no need to examine that. You wouldn't want to upset the lady, would you?" His eyes narrowed as he tried to will them into not opening up the package. The agent's eyes and face remained impassive. "I will examine it as I please. If you don't have anything to hide, then you have nothing to worry about, do you?" He almost swaggered as he spoke. Alexa couldn't understand what was being said but it was very clear that whatever was going on, Adam clearly was agitated. It had surprised her when he began speaking Arabic and quite fluently too! The heat was stifling and the airport crowded. She watched as people of many nationalities swirled about her, not quite believing that she was really in Egypt. She pinched herself just to make sure that she was indeed, awake. Observing the conversation as it swung back and forth between the two she carefully watched as Adam, in the end, seemed to get the upper hand and won the argument. The agent backed away and stamped the passports, albeit reluctantly. They gathered their things and made their way to the outside to hire a cab. The streets were noisy and very congested, the air filthy from the smog which surprisingly hovered in the city. Once inside the cab, Adam once again gave directions to an address in Arabic to the driver. "I didn't realize you spoke Arabic, Adam. Have you been here before?” she inquired. "Yes, many times. You pick up the language. Nothing special." If she only knew how many times he'd been here, how many lives he'd known--how many immortals he'd killed...or trained to play the Game. He silently laughed to himself. He pulled her hair back from her face with a tender motion, using the back of his hand and gave her a quick kiss. She leaned into it and gave him one in answer. "Where are we going to? A hotel?" She kept craning her head around taking in all the sites, all the bazaars and open air markets that they passed. Her excitement grew at each new sight. "No. We're going to a friend of mine who has invited us to stay while we are here. But he's devoutly Muslim so there are certain things you should know. You know, customs and the like." He waited until she turned to him, listening. "All right. First thing, hide your hair. It's very, shall we say, sexy in the Arabic world. If you show your hair then you are considered, what's the word--loose. Next, remember to retire with the other ladies once dinner is over and don't be surprised if you eat your meals separate from me or the other men." "What! You mean I have to--to, not be with you or share your company, meals or anything? " She was surprised and hurt by the restrictions he was placing on her, not quite comprehending what she was hearing. "I don't understand! I mean--" He held a hand up to quash the protest. "Remember, this is their country and you must follow their rules. Also, remember that polygamy is still practiced here although that is found out more in the rural areas provided that the man can provide for all of his wives and children. Here in Cairo, it's more Western and has a more western "air" in some respects but yet it retains it's sense of being caught in a time warp between past and present with an outlook to the future. Shall I continue?" Alexa quieted, knowing that it would be worthless to try and say anything and yet it fascinated her to listen to him because it was almost as if-- as if he were intimately acquainted with all of the intricacies of the Arabic world. And now he was lecturing her as if she were a child. She tried to suppress a yawn but it came anyway. She shook herself despite herself and grinned. "I'm sorry, couldn't help myself. It must be the heat. How DO they stand it?" He grinned, shaking his head, silently admitting defeat. 'How long has it been since that happened, old man? Ah, you've forgotten feminine wiles--and how they use them.", his inner voice spoke to him. "Well, I suppose you get used to it. And growing up here, well--" He shrugged and let the thought trail off. He carefully watched as things went by and they maneuvered out of the city. "We'll be at el Ahmed's very soon." "How long have you known him?" "A very long time, you could say." Soon they arrived, and el Ahmed came out to greet them as the taxi speed away. Alexa gave Adam a withering look, as if to say, "What did you tell me about customs?" once she took in el Ahmed's very Western appearance and manner. Methos frowned at her, then turned his attention to his old friend. "Mohammed, you have certainly--er, changed since we saw each other last!" The accompanying buzz from him was easily ignored, rather like a pesky fly. "What happened?" "You cannot expect me to stay locked into one way of life forever, can you? After all, this is the twentieth century!" He laughed richly, and continued. "Tell me--" Methos mouthed the name "Adam." Taking his cue, Mohammed said, "Adam, what brings you to this land of mine once more? Surely it wasn't for the heat and flies?" Methos, beginning to sweat from the noonday sun, replied, "I think if it weren't for the flies and heat there would BE no Egypt. Do you mind if we go inside? It's damn hot out here and she's" he indicated Alexa, "not used to the heat, unlike you." Mohammed focused his attention fully on Alexa. "One thousands pardons, my dear! Do come in and grace my house with your presence, please. This way." He led them inside the house where it seemed like heaven to her since it was cool and shaded and showed her to her room. "These are the women's quarters. You will stay here. My wives will come and help you with your things." He turned to Adam. "And you will come with me. I will give you only the best quarters you have had in perhaps many---" his eyes twinkled merrily, "years." Methos shook his head, and grinned. el Ahmed could be a real pain sometimes especially when he would remind him of his age. And that was often when they were together. It also explained why Methos hadn't come to this house in over a century. Alexa put a hand on his arm to detain him as he turned to go. He paused. He wasn't sure of what she wanted, but something told him that it wasn't going to be very favorable to him. He turned to his friend, and told him that he would join him in a few minutes. Mohammed shrugged, slyly smiling at him, winked and walked away laughing. He waited. She paused long enough to see that they were alone then whispered vehemently to him, "Customs? Don't tell me about customs! I am not some stupid schoolgirl that doesn't know when to follow the rules! And he said wives, plural! Why can't I stay with you? You have no right too tell me what to do. He is about as old-fashioned as I am." Methos waited till she paused to catch her breath."Are you finished now?” he asked sarcastically. He was caught off guard by her anger and put on the defensive, which he didn't like. He hadn't had to explain himself for centuries to anyone and he didn't feel in the mood to begin again now. Her eyes blazed at him and he couldn't help but feel like deja vu, but with other women, other wives--even other times long since vanished. Alexa felt as if she had been cut by his remark. She knew that Duncan and Joe had tried to tell her about him, but she didn't listen. She had always been a sucker for a face, a voice, and an accent. She began to cry. At this, Methos gathered her up in his arms and held her tightly."Shhh, shhh, Alexa, I'm sorry," he intoned into her hair. He stroked the silky honey tresses and kissed her head. "Shhh, shhh.." She continued to cry, and held him tightly. She cried for the remark, for the argument, out of homesickness, out of pain. Her body hurt and she wouldn't acknowledge the fact that things might be changing once more for her physically. She had faced the truth once before, but now she wanted to ignore it-- to live. Slowly she raised her head till their lips met, and they kissed, each tongue wrapping entwined about the other and the kiss deepened. Breathing became heavier and each began the quickly undo the others' clothes. Fingers and hands began to fly across exposed skin and each set began to explore the other. Suddenly, a woman's laughter broke through their consciousness. Both of their heads broke apart and up at the same time, looking guiltily in the direction of the laughter. A woman stood in the doorway in full Muslim chakra, the dress that covered her body from head to toe and included the veil that covered the lower part of her face. She held her hand to her mouth, with eyes wide as she gazed upon them. "Damn!" they both said in unison, and quickly gathered their clothes. The woman scurried away in the direction of the rest of the house. They looked at each other and began to laugh, dissipating any leftover clouds of anger between them. Methos tenderly took her face into his hands. "To be continued, rest assured, later," he said, voice hungry with want. "I promise." -4- Dinner came and much to Alexa's dismay, she had to take her dinner separately as Adam had told her she might have to before their arrival along with the other wives. She knew that she was the object of speculation--one didn't need an interpreter to know what the sidelong glances and overt attempts at communication meant. She smiled shyly at the women wishing that she had someone to talk to but thoughts of the afternoon's interrupted kiss interwove through her thoughts, Secretly, she smiled to herself. Methos and el Ahmed meanwhile sat eating and drinking to their heart's content, reminiscing over lifetimes and of people they had both known and lost. Their game of one-upmanship, which they engaged in each time they met, continued. Methos noisily licked his fingers as he ate, indicating his satisfaction with the food, which Mohammed noted and smiled. "So why," he went on to say, "did you decide to change after all this time? The last time we met, you were still very much the Bedouin, out in the desert, breeding some of the finest horseflesh around. As I recall, many of those horses led some of the Egyptian chariots at the battle of Agrippa--before they fled and were killed by the Roman army." He belched loudly and wiped his hands, looking at his old friend across the table. Mohammed nodded. "Ah, there you are right! My horses are some of the finest you will find. I pride myself on them for without them, I would be nothing." He shrugged and continued, "It keeps me in touch with my roots. I can never forget where I came from--the desert, and the nomadic way of life. Although," he said, as he surveyed the room, "I have given up wandering. I was getting too old for it." He laughed loudly and belched. A woman appeared and silently poured some of the thick and heavily sweetened Turkish coffee into cups, laying a small platter of baklava and Turkish delight on the low table. She left and Mohammed watched her go with obvious affection. "My youngest wife.” he simply said. Methos smiled and then asked, "Tell me, whatever happened to that chariot driver, Tek-Ne? You remember him; he was run over by a runaway cart and became one of us." He paused and sipped at the scorching drink. "Ah, yes! Last I heard he had gone to Scotland but that was what--450 years ago!" He poised a hand of the sweets, carefully making a selection, then biting into it with delight. " I heard that he took the name --what was that name--? Hmmm..oh yes, Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez. An Infidel's name. One of your students, wasn't he?" Methos slowly nodded. "Yes. Quite a good sword arm as I recall. And a good man. Scotland, hmmm? I wonder..." “Wonder? What is it that you wonder about, old man?" Mohammed grinned as he teased his friend about his age once more, something he would not let Methos forget about but he deeply respected. Methos frowned at him, slightly irritated. "Old? You are hardly young yourself--" he said dryly. Changing the subject he asked to go and see the stables and they both walked outside in the bright of day. They toured the complex and Methos had to admit that there was indeed something to be said about giving up the life of a wanderer. He shaded his eyes and looked out towards the direction of the Pyramids, which could be seen, not too far off in the distance. "Things have sure changed,” he said outloud, more to himself than to his friend as he noted the smog which covered Cairo and was creeping out towards the Pyramids. Night fell and they retired early, Alexa too tired to care what else happened that night. The flight and accompanying jet lag had caught up with her and sapped at her energy. Methos came to see to her needs and to make sure that all her medications had been taken. He gently lifted her head for a final kiss and with a wink he said, "Remember what I promised. Be prepared for a surprise." He kissed her again. "Now, go to sleep. Good night." "Surprise? I don't understand. What are you-" He placed a silencing finger on her lips and guided her to her bed then left. She stood there perplexed and then got into bed, weariness overcoming any curiosity that she had and instantly fell asleep. She tossed about in her sleep. The heat had permeated the night and even the distance from the center of all the hustle and bustle of Cairo had done nothing to dissipate it. She rolled over to her side and slowly awoke to the knowledge that someone was in her room. She stayed silent; intently listening to the swish of fabric as it drew closer to her bed. A hand reached out and shook her gently. She pretended to be asleep and waited anxiously for the intruder to go away. "Where's Adam?" she wondered to herself. "Damn, I hate this arrangement!" The hand shook her again, more urgently. She sighed. She glanced up to see a man in flowing robes and turban looking at her. A cloth drawn from the wrappings of the turban covered the lower part of his face. She began to scream and he quickly clamped a hand over her mouth, effectively stifling her scream. "Alexa, for the gods' sake, shhhhhh!" It's me, Adam!" He removed the wrap from his face and showed her that it was really he. Her eyes flew open wide and then blazed in fury. "Why you--"she began after he removed his hand. The other women who shared her quarters tossed and began to stir. She glanced over to them, then back at him. She quieted then whispered, "What are you doing in that get-up anyway?" She propped herself up on her elbows to get a better look at him. Somehow, the robes looked natural on him, like they belonged on him. He knelt down and whispered back, "I thought you might like a midnight ride to go sightseeing. It's the perfect time. No tourists, avoid the rush." He paused and then said, "Saves on money too. No fees to pay." He smiled at her then. She melted. "OK, but there's a problem. I have never ridden a horse before." She got up silently and quickly got dressed as Methos tried unsuccessfully not to look. "Don't worry about it. I think I can remember how to do it. Leave the driving to me. Shall we go?" He led the way back out to the main room of the house and then to the stables outside. A pure white Arabian stallion stood, already saddled in the Arabian style—tassels hanging brilliant red from the bridle and brightly colored saddle blankets and saddle all ready. He helped her into the saddle and mounted behind her. They headed towards the pyramids and she leaned up against him swaying and rocking to the horses' pace. He glanced down at her as he maneuvered the horse around the roads, which sprawled in the same direction to the pyramids so that they were actually riding in the desert itself. A full moon overhead bathed the dunes in soft light and Alexa thought that perhaps she had never seen anything so beautiful. The ripples of the sand and the now looming relics to a time past gave the atmosphere an enchanted eerieness. She looked up at Adam and he seemed quite at home and yet distant from her here. He wore a look, which she couldn't quite describe--one of returning after a long time from being away perhaps or maybe one of sadness. She couldn't decide which. They drew up and he dismounted, then lifted her down. Hand in hand, they strolled through the area, and he proved to be quite an interesting guide. He pointed out where the caravans loaded with tribute from Nubia and Hyskos had come through as well as other caravans with other treasures and merchants hoping to sell their wares in the cities of Thebes and Luxor even Alexandria would pass. It was if he had been there and to hear him speak of it enthralled her. His face took on a different light while talking of the past. In a way it was disconcerting but she loved him all the more for it. "Adam--this is wonderful! I have never dreamed of doing this, this close and the things you are telling me--it's almost like--like you were there!" She turned to him and kissed him. She looked around, arms outstretched and twirled about as if she were a child again. "If I shall never live past tonight--I shall always keep this memory and treasure it forever. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She kissed him in gratitude again and he pulled back away from her. His eyes troubled, and his thoughts tumbling about, he watched without responding as she searched his face. "Is this a part of it?", he wondered. It bothered him to think that it could be just this one night then there would be no more. "Is this what mortality is?" He desperately wanted to not allow it to be so and forced himself to smile at her. "I'm glad you like it." He had given of himself to her a part of his history in telling her about where they were and what had transpired here. He was unsure if he would ever tell her the truth, but who said that he ever told the truth? Not in totality at least. It wouldn't be believed. Why bother? They both fell into silence as they came up to the Sphinx. They looked up into the face and Methos remarked upon the how the face had been used as target practice when France had tried to take over Egypt in the early years of the nineteenth century about 1814. The end result was that the nose was shot away. Wind and erosion by the desert sand played a role in how it appeared now in the present. Alexa slyly looked up at him and remarked, "Oh, did you pose for its head? I seem to see a resemblance between it and you!" She took his chin and turned his face to and fro studying it from different angles. Finally, in turning it to profile, she exclaimed, "Yes! There is a resemblance! It's the nose!" She pulled away and began to scamper off. He laughed loudly and took off after her, each running madly through the dunes chasing the other. Their laughter rang in the silence of the night and echoed in the dunes. Finally, she collapsed, breathless, holding a hand to her side and he collapsed at her side. They looked at one another in a subtle challenge and she reached out to kiss him but he moved as she was almost upon him and they collided in mid-air, his nose hitting her cheek and she missing her intended target. They drew back in surprise, and then laughing, tried again. This time contact was made and both drew the other into an even deeper kiss. Methos broke free to look at her lightly remarking, "It's the nose, you're right, I did pose for it! How nice of you to notice!" She laughed and drew him once more to her. He slowly began to work his hand into her blouse and she fumbled around looking for an opening in his robe. When none could be found she pulled on it till it came off over his head. She gazed at the wiry strength of him and reached out to stroke his chest while he removed her bra and then her blouse. The naked want, the hunger each felt was evident on their faces and they merged together as if they were one. Caresses became intimate and he began to stroked then kiss her breasts. She gasped and licked at his ears and they in unison, became more hurried in their desire for one another. Off came her pants and before long, the jackal's laugh in the night was joined by the laughter of two bodies entwined amongst the dunes. Afterwards, she turned to look at him tenderly, as her breath slowly returned to normal. Lightly, she touched his face with her fingertips and traced his lips with her thumb. He looked over at her, her face shining, eyes glowing. Smiling,he said, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known." He reached over and kissed her, stroking the hair from her face. "I love you, Alexa." She smiled back at him and nodded. "And I love you too." He glanced at the stars and upon hearing the horse stamping its’ hooves, began to get dressed. "It'll be dawn soon. Get dressed. We need to return. We wouldn't want to offend our host by not being there for breakfast." She got dressed and they both re-mounted the horse and went back as the sun just peeked over the horizon. -5- When they arrived back at the house, they found that everyone had been awake for some time and were bustling about doing the daily chores that were necessary in order to make life bearable in the desert heat. Mohammed, with a twinkle in his eye, grinned from ear to ear as they came through the door and inquired if they had had a nice ride. Methos merely smiled in answer and Alexa thanked him for asking and yes, the ride was wonderful! They both went to their respective areas of the house to bathe and clean up. Absently she took her medications without counting the amounts out carefully before downing them, before stepping into the cool water. It felt so good to the skin, as it ran down her and into the drain. She kept recreating what had happened over and over in her mind and she closed her eyes as she remembered. Her smile got broader as she contemplated what would happen on the next stop on their journey. Methos, meanwhile, showered and shaved, thinking furiously all the while about how much he should let her know about himself without revealing too much. It would be, he decided, too much against what he had been over the centuries to tell her much if anything about himself. His instinct for self-preservation had been honed with a razor sharp edge as his sword was over the centuries. That fact had saved him so that he had indeed become as old as he was. Revealing things about himself didn't come easy to him. It just wasn't in his nature because of the differing circumstances an immortal might have had to face. He'd had his share of differing circumstances and had survived them all. He emerged first, just as a small boy from the street handed Mohammed a cable, then stuck out his hand for payment. Mohammed tousled the boy's thick dark hair and tossed him a coin which was adeptly caught in mid-air. He spoke to the boy and told him where to find the kitchen so that he could at least have one decent meal for the day. The boy scampered off in search of the kitchens, clutching the coin and grinning broadly at the thought of food for his hungry stomach. Mohammed glanced at the name on the cable and held it out for Methos. He took it, and walked over by the window so as to get the morning sun on his back and better light to read it. He opened it. It read: ADAM: ALL ARANGEMENTS MADE AS REQUESTED STOP. APARTMENT NEAR LAKE STOP. GREAT VIEW. STOP. COME AND SEE IT STOP. WILL MEET YOU AT AIRPORT STOP. DUNCAN He frowned and began tapping the cable against his other hand. He hadn't planned on going to Geneva so soon and wondered what was up with MacLeod. "Trouble, my friend?,” Mohammed asked. "No, just maybe a change in plans." Methos glanced in the direction of the women's quarters. What was taking Alexa so long? He went over to the table and sat down, stretching out his tall frame across the chair. He looked over the cable again and tossed it onto the table. Mohammed started to reach for it then paused, looking at his friend. "May I?" Methos nodded. He waited till it had been read then digested. "He's a friend. He's one of us. One of the best of us. I had asked him to get me a place in Geneva." "Geneva? But for what reason--you've always never stayed in one place too long." el Ahmed's face became a furrowed mass as he tried to understand. Methos' eyes told Mohammed more than words could, yet the confirmation was still a shock. "She's dying." He looked down the hall once more where there was still no sign of Alexa and he was beginning to get concerned. He got up and began to head towards her room. It gave him something to do so that he could put his energy into something rather than to face any more questions. He heard the water running from the shower before he reached it and then saw her arm peeking out of the stall on the floor. His heart began to thump as he pulled open the door to the shower open, revealing her crumpled form on the stall's floor. He quickly turned the water off and grabbed a towel to wrap her in. Turning his head, he screamed in Arabic for someone to call a doctor immediatly. He carried her over to the bed and began checking for vital signs, his doctor's training taking over while his mind was reeling. "Live!", he kept telling her in a repeated litany as if to will her to do so. Mohammed and his wives came running in. He gave quick instructions to make sure that everyone understood that it was imperative that she get medical attention immediately. One of the wives scurried off while another began to softly moan. Mohammed quickly turned to her and reprimanded her for her behavior, then sent her out. Methos looked at Alexa's pale face, and pushed back her hair from her face. Her heartbeat had sounded good but her breathing was shallow. He was thankful about her heartbeat was good but he then felt her skin again. It was clammy and he lifted up her eyelids to check for dilation. Something was definitely wrong but the couldn't place his finger on it. He reached over and took a look at the myriad of pills that lined the small table near the bed. He then remembered what it could be and he grabbed her and began walking her back and forth fervrently. He glanced at Mohammed, standing in the doorway, feeling quite helpless. "She's bloody well overdosed on her pills!" He glanced down at her. "Alexa, c'mon keep going. Alexa!" When he didn't get a response from her, he began to shake her like a rag doll. She slowly began to moan, then roll her head about limply. Her eyelids fluttered and Methos began walking her all the harder. "ALEXA! ALEXA! Listen to me--wake up, c'mon you can do it! ", he encouraged her. She moaned a bit louder, and started walking under her own power bit by bit. Her head turned to him and she opened her eyes long enough to see him. "Adam?" "Yes, it's me, stay awake, you hear me? Alexa, awake!" He slowed down the pace of the walking and slowly let her slip back onto the bed in a sitting position, with him next to her to support her. She laid her head down on his shoulder. "The doctor is on his way." Mohammed said after speaking to the wife who had called for help returned. Methos looked up at him gratefully. Maybe Geneva wasn't such a bad idea after all, he thought to himself. She needed to get her treatments again and the mountains would be beautiful this time of year. Bittersweet memories of Byron at the chateau along with the Shelleys began to weave through his mind. Sweet Mary—no, it was best not to think about that; he pushed the thought to the back of his mind. He looked down when she made a small noise then she proceeded to vomit up her stomach's contents. He gently held her head until she was finished then wiped her off with the towel's edge which was wrapped about her still. Even though he was disgusted with what had happened he never let it creep into his voice. "Shhh, I'm here, Alexa." She looked up at him rather blearily and gave him a slight smile. With that one smile, his heart lifted. She was going to make it, he was sure. She was a fighter all right and he admired her for her spirit. He leaned in closer to her ear as he laid her down to rest on the bed and whispered, "Looks like were going to Geneva..." -6- Four and a half hours later, their plane arrived in Geneva and as promised, MacLeod was waiting for them complete with a wheelchair for Alexa. They gathered the luggage and placed it in the rental car and drove off to their new apartment. Alexa slept during the ride which gave the two friends a chance to talk. MacLeod looked over at Methos' haggard face. "You look like hell--" he began. Methos looked at him. "And you look like Mary Sunshine.", he said snidely. He sighed deeply and glanced at Alexa in the back seat. "She scared the hell out of me, MacLeod!" He looked at MacLeod, eyes narrowed. "I suppose you think that's funny." Duncan glanced at him as he wound his way about Geneva's convoluted streets. "No, I don't think that's funny. I think that that's a normal reaction under the circumstances." He pulled up to a small building in one of Geneva's older neighborhoods. "Here we are. Second floor, corner." He dangled the keys. "You're not coming up?", Methos asked as he grabbed the keys. Alexa began to stir in the back seat. Duncan shook his head. "No, I have a plane to catch back home." Methos frowned. "Then why did you pick us up at the airport? Why did you stay around after finding the place?" "Maybe I wanted to do some sightseeing?" He looked seriously at Methos. "If you need anything--call. Oh, and tell her that Joe and Amanda send their regards." Methos opened the car's door and bent down to peer at him. He began to say something, then thought better of it, and nodded instead. He opened the back door and gently woke Alexa who sleepily got out, and whispered to her. Duncan, meanwhile, popped the trunk and removed the luggage, placing it on the sidewalk. The two men looked at one another in unspoken mutual understanding and slowly, Duncan got back in the car and drove away. Methos watched as he drove off then sighed and turned to Alexa. "Looks like it's just the two of us." He reached down and grabbed a suitcase then wrapped an arm around Alexa's waist. They went up the stairs then inside to the elevator. It seemed that time dragged while waiting for the elevator. Neither of them spoke to the other and Methos took a close look at Alexa while waiting. She was pale, and still weak from the overdose; the ordeal told on her features. She glanced at him momentarily, and started to say something. She bit it back after seeing the silent anger and resignation on his face and kept quiet. The doctor in Cairo had given her something in the IV that made her groggy and yet counteract the drugs she had taken. She tried to remember what had happened. She knew that it had been accidental, and that she should have been more meticulous in taking the pills but she had been dreaming about that night and what had happened in the desert. She remembered coming in and getting undressed for the shower, then going over to the table and opening the pills. Frowning, she hit her forehead in frustration, trying to remember how many had been taken but try as she might she couldn't remember. And she couldn't remember anything more once she got into the shower. "Oh, I hate this!" The elevator came, doors sliding open, and they both entered. Methos turned to her when she spoke. "Hate what?" Admittedly, he was angry at her. He didn't want to lose her--not yet, not so soon and especially when it could have been prevented. He damned himself also for his stupidity for not insisting on her staying with him. But he hadn't wanted to offend el Ahmed either. He shook his head and then both went into the apartment once the elevator had arrived on the second floor. The apartment was spacious, with a fireplace at one end, over which an elaborately carved mantle hung. The floors were of solid oak, and Oriental rugs covered them in places. The walls were paneled also in dark cherrywood which were broken up by the amount of windows which, Methos knew, would face the lake. A balcony with French doors opened to a sight that was breathtaking. Mountains, with peaks of snow surrounded them; both Geneva and Lake Geneva shimmered royal blue in the sunshine. You could see pleasure boats taking the tourists around on the lake and the rest of Geneva sprawled out beneath the peaks. Alexa gasped at the sight, and leaned out over the railing, looking to the sights below. A flower cart wheeled by, with a heavyset man offering his flowers to buyers. He sang in French of his wares and Alexa clapped her hands in delight. She came back in to see Methos sprawled in an overstuffed chair of Victorian vintage. All the luggage had been dumped beside the chair, and he looked at her. "What is it you hate? You said that while we were waiting for the lift." She took a deep breath, sat on a matching chair across from him and looked him squarely in the eye. "You want to talk about what happened--that's what you really want to talk about, isn't it? Well, I'll tell you what I hate--I hate having done such a stupid thing and that no matter what I say, you won't believe me when I tell you it was an accident. If I really wanted to die all I would have to do is wait. Look at me! I'm DYING! And no matter what I do, or what anyone does it's not going to matter because I'll still die!" She paced the room in agitation, hands thrown up. She whirled back to him. " Is that what you wanted to talk about? Is it?" His anger slipped away in the face of her justifiable wrath. "Alexa, that is not what I wanted to talk to you about.", he replied in a calm, soothing voice. "But, since you brought it up, let's talk about you dying. What we need to focus on is not you dying--but your living. Maybe it's true, that you might not have a lot of time left, but you really don't know HOW much time you have--no one does. Death could come at any moment to anyone--we never know when exactly we are to die. It could come tomorrow, or three years from now. You don't know!" He reached out as she went by and pulled her to his lap. "Don't worry about it--live for now, live because you ARE alive now, and live because we are together. No matter what happens, I'll be right here. And I'll be with you until you don't want me around anymore." She looked at him solemnly, tears welling up in her eyes. "I don't want to die. I'm scared! Hold me, please!" Tears spilled over onto her cheeks and she hid her face in his neck. She sobbed as if her heart was breaking; Methos kissed away the tears which fell. Not a word was spoken between them, and yet two souls spoke volumes to each other. He leaned his head back, eyes closed, heart open. Soon she fell asleep and he lifted her up gently, went into the bedroom and laid her onto the massive four poster bed. She sunk into the mattress and surprised, Methos felt it. Goose feathers! Great! "There goes my back.", he thought wryly. "Some kind of humor you have, MacLeod.", he added under his breath. He took off her shoes, then carefully removed her clothes, making sure to not wake her. He swore when it came down to removing her jeans because he couldn't see way to get her out of them without waking her. Women's liberation! Things were so much easier when they wore dresses only--and that was not too long ago. He tugged at them and she stirred. Exasperated, he threw up his hands, rolling his eyes skyward. "Hell, let her sleep in them!" He put her under the wine-colored goose down comforter and antique ivory lace duvet. She snuggled into the pillows, quieted, and softly smiled. He reached over her and quickly kissed her cheek. Returning to the living room, he quickly began the process of unpacking and putting away what needed to be put away. He then walked out onto the balcony, smelling the crisp mountain air. His feet kicked a package on the floor of the balcony. Puzzled, he bent down to retrieve it. A note was attached. He recognized MacLeod's scrawl. "To Alexa" it read. "So that you can see beyond what is." Curious, Methos opened it. Inside, a brass ship's telescope and accompanying tripod lay. He looked out over the lake, and began remembering people, places and times long past as he began to set it up onto the tripod. When he was finished, you could oversee all of Geneva from the balcony into a clear crispness afforded by the telescope. He nodded in approval. He went in to sit at a rolltop desk in what could be described as a small study. Rows of empty shelves lined the walls and he stared at them, his mind working in overtime. He picked up the phone and began to dial then stopped himself. He frowned trying to remember what the time difference between Geneva and Seacouver was. When he couldn't think of it, he shrugged and dialed anyways. A sleepy man's voice answered,"Hello?" Methos smiled to himself. "Must have woken Dawson up." he wryly thought to himself. "Hello, Joe. It's me." "Methos, do you have any idea what time it is?" Joe asked gruffly as he glanced at the clock beside the bed. "Hmmm. I would venture to say that it's night there. Am I correct?" He could hear Joe swearing under his breath at him. "What do you want? It's not Alexa, is it?" "Actually, yes and no.I need for you to do me a favor." "That being?" Joe straightened up in his bed. "I need to lay my hands on every book there is about oncology, toxicology, any and all things related to the illness that Alexa has. I don't care how remote or if they are far-fetched. I'll take medical treasties, research studies,textbooks-anything!" He continued in earnest. "I want to beat this." There was a distinct pause on the other end of the line. Joe held the phone from his ear and stared at it as if to see Methos. "Are you telling me that you are going to try and save her life? Isn't that a bit arrogant? You knew about it before you left and remember, I tried to dissuade you from getting involved with her? You think you have the time to play God?" Methos sighed sadly. "I have the time, Joe. She doesn't. Will you help me?" "Yes, I'll help, for her sake." Joe replied after a moment's pause. Alexa woke late in afternoon, sat up, and looked around her. She looked and felt better after crying and sleeping jag. It was as if a big weight had been lifted off of her and relief flooded through her. She slid off the bed and into her clothes. Going into the living room, she followed Adam's voice. It sounded like he was on the phone to someone and as she stepped inside the small room, she realized that he was speaking German to whoever was on the other end. She frowned at him and went over to look out the small window at the view. He glanced up at her and smiled. He started scribbling down notes as he talked, and nodded on occasion. Finally, he hung up the phone. "How are you feeling, better?", he asked. "Yes." Her stomach growled, and she quickly covered it in embaressment. "Excuse me!" Methos laughed. He walked over and held her tightly. "We'll get through this together. We will. Trust me.", he whispered. He leaned down and they kissed. For some time, they both stood silent, gazing out at the window. Her stomach growled insistantly. This time both laughed. "Maybe it's time to think of getting a bite.", she said at which he nodded in agreement. "I think you're right. Grab your coat--it gets a bit cold at night here. We'll go and do the tourist thing." They left and began walking the streets, taking in the flavor of Geneva both old and new. They paused at the Hoftra, the oldest open air market in Geneva and picked up some fresh food for the apartment, and each pointed out the Old World architecture with it's elaborate masonry and grounds. Hand in hand, they walked,laughing at themselves and the other more obvious tourists. Finally, they settled on a restaurant, ordered their meal and waited. The conversation came to a lull and finally Alexa asked,"Just HOW many languages do you speak, Adam?" He looked at her, judging his answer. "Living or dead languages?" He took a sip of the dark German lager he had ordered, refusing to look her in the eye. She was taken aback at that. "What do you mean, living or dead? I don't understand!" She took a drink from her wine and looked closer at her companion. "Living means that they are in use today and dead means that they aren't. I thought that it was self-explanatory." He knew that he could play cat and mouse with her easily and she'd never get a straight answer from him. But it was something that he didn't want to do unless he had to. She curled her nose at him."Very funny. How many?" He paused, trying to remember all of the ones he had known and used. "Do you want me to list them?" She sat back in her chair and started to speak when the food arrived. They mumured their thanks to the waiter and began to eat. The food was exquisite and they nodded as they ate the gastronomical wonder in front of them in appreciation of it's taste. She paused from eating, wiping her mouth and looked directly at him. "Well? Are you going to tell me or not?" He gulped down more of the lager, thinking of how to reply once again. "You're very persistant, aren't you? I suppose you want to know how many I read as well?" Intriged, she silently nodded. He took a deep breath and ticked off the languages on his fingers as he counted. "Let's see...English, French, German, both high and low, Farsi, Hind, Arabic, hmmm...Spanish, Porteguese, Greek, Italian, Latin, Mandrian Chinese--there are others." She sat there, eyes wide and stared at him. So many! And if were true that he could read them as well--! Avoiding her eyes, he went back to eating. "Your food's getting cold." Absently, she picked up her fork and started to eat. Her mind was whirling at the amount of languages he knew. They finished eating in silence. On the way back to the apartment, they stopped and caught a horse drawn carriage that wound it's way through the cobbled streets which paved the street on which they would be living. Alexa was getting tired and Methos didn't want to have her overtired. He knew that she needed her strength. The clip-clop of the horse's hooves on the cobblestones were in marked contrast to what was commonly heard in most streets. Alexa snuggled into Methos' side and he put his arm around her, holding her hand. "Where and how did you learn all those languages, Adam?" she softly said. He looked straight ahead and answered her, dead-pan. "I traveled a lot when I was younger. I needed to learn them to survive." "Oh. How exciting that must have been!" She grinned, thinking of all the places he must have been to. "I wouldn't necessarily call it exciting." The carriage drew them up to their doorstep. Methos paid the driver and they both went back upstairs to their new home. "I forgot to tell you--you're scheduled to begin your treatments next week at the Hospice.", he said once they were inside. "Oh?" She turned from hanging up the coats and faced him. "Yes. And once they are finished, WE are going to--" he paused as he wrapped his arms around her. "Where?", she asked, as if she were a small child getting a treat. "Vienna..." -7- The next week came and Methos escorted Alexa to begin her treatment He served as her interpreter for the intake. Everything went smoothly until after Alexa went in to start the treatment. The attendant sat filling out forms asking and getting answers from Methos. She glanced up at him and asked, "Do you have insurance?" Methos sat back, perplexed. "Insurance?" "Yes, insurance. How do you intend to pay for this?" She looked at him patiently. "Cash, bank draft--does it matter?" Methos replied, a bit exasperated. Annoyed, she glanced at the paperwork which lay in front of her. "Well, Mr.--Pierson. Are you saying that you have no insurance to cover this?" "I suppose the answer is no. I haven't been sick in--" he paused, "centuries you could say." His eyes narrowed and glittered with ire. "Very funny, Mr. Pierson. Sign here." He signed his name to finish out the formalities, then started to stroll out toward the door then stopped, turned about and winked at the woman. Smiling, he turned and walked out the door. She sat there, looked around to see if anyone had seen what had just happened and blushed. That night, Alexa was ill from the chemotherapy. She couldn't keep any of her dinner down and spent a great deal of the night in the bathroom, getting rid of anything and everything that was in her system plus some things that weren't.Finally, she came out of the bathroom, disheveled, pale and drawn. Methos helped her to a rocking chair that she had seen and fallen in love with at a small store near their home. He had bought for her on the spot. She sat there, motionless, waiting for the world to stop spinning. "Water?", he asked, feeling a bit useless and uncertain. She shook her head and weakly smiled at him. "No. Just think! Only five more days of this. It's something I really can look forward too." She bit her lip and struggled to sit more upright. He laughed. "I see you haven't lost your sense of humor. That's good." He walked over and easily picked her up and walked into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. "Not tonight dear, I have a headache," she whispered, smiling. He laughed. "I wouldn't worry too much about it--for now, at least. But wait until you are back on your feet!!" He mimicked a growl deep in his throat. It was her turn to smile and laugh, which she did clutching at her stomach. "Oh, please, don't make me laugh! It hurts too much!" He became serious. "Listen--you get some sleep. I have some reading to do. If you need anything--just call, all right?" He planted a kiss on her forehead. "Good night, milady." The door closed behind him. Crates had begun to arrive from Joe in the States, and Methos poured over the books, research papers,graphs and charts every night. Many nights, he spent until the wee hours of the morning, reading while Alexa slept alone in the bedroom. Each article he read, each book, all came to the same conclusion about Alexa's condition: terminal. He sat back late one night after reading a paper on new methods of treating tumors in advanced stages, leaned back in his chair, and blearily rubbed his hands over his face. Looking around, he decided that what he needed was a beer, if not for the wetness down his throat, then for the solace that it might provide. Terminal. He knew in his heart that deep down, there was nothing he could do for her. But the acceptance of the fact was difficult at best. Opening the refrigerator, he pulled one out, and downed it quickly. He walked to the bedroom door and watched her as she lay, silently sleeping. Sighing deeply, tears in his eyes, he nodded to himself in acceptance of her inevitiable death. He slipped off his clothes, got into bed with her and laid there just watching the rise and fall of each breath she took. "Alexa--why do you tug at my heart so?",he whispered to her sleeping face. His finger traced the contours of eyes, cheek and nose; the softness of her skin, the warmth of her breath upon him as she breathed. "Alexa, Alexa, Alexa.", he repeated in a litany of deep sadness. She stirred, and he quieted. Drawn as if to a flame, his fingers roamed down her body, so warm and alive. She opened her eyes and looked at him. Smiling, she whispered, "Go on." "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure." They made love slowly, tenderly, and sweetly. -8- In the morning, all the last minute preparations for the trip for Vienna had to be rechecked and double checked. They had planned to stay in Vienna for a few weeks and travel to the Rhine valley by boat on an extended trip if Alexa's strength held up. They both smiled as they checked last minute details, Methos humming absently to himself, and Alexa still glowing from the night before. Finally, all was ready and they took off. They were going by train so that more of the country could be seen. They didn't mind the length of time spent on it either. They liked the cabin they had been assigned to--close quarters bred closer relations between them and they often filled the long hours making love in the berth. Methos couldn't get enough of her nor she him. It was if both were teens again and it became a private joke between them. They knew just by looking when the other wanted them and both glowed from the love they shared. One afternoon, they were in the midst of making love. A tap came at the door, breaking up the concentration and the impending orgasms of both. Annoyed, Methos asked in German what the person wanted, while Alexa covered her face to keep from laughing out loud at the incongruity of it all. He was acting as it had never happened to him before and try as she might she couldn't surpress the laughter and burst out laughing. He looked down at her, finger to lips trying to silence her but by doing so, it only made her laugh all the more loudly. The coachman, outside the door, upon hearing this, grinned widely and visions of what was happening behind the closed door swam before his eyes. In answer to the man's query he answered, "We will arriving in Vienna in ten minutes. Please be ready to disembark there." He turned about and walked away to the next private cabin , leering slightly. Methos looked at her, as she lay grasping her sides, still laughing with tears rolling down her cheeks in merriment. "What is so funny?" She tried to catch her breath,then said,"You are." "Me? What do you mean me?" He sat up and began getting dressed. "You looked like that had never happened before." She too, begain gathering her clothes and putting them on, softly giggling the entire time. He shot her a exasperated look then said, "You just wait..." -9- They rented a room at a hotel near the famous Ring, the encirling set of buildings which surrounded the main square of Vienna. Looking out the winds of the room, one could see the spires of St. Stephan's cathedral, a part of the heart and soul of Vienna originally built in the 1300's with towering, ornatly carved spires reaching heavenward. Methos told Alexa how when Hitler had invaded Austria, the Germans had bombed the church thus having to have the roof replaced once the war was over. You could also see the Hapsburg palace and the Vienna State Opera House, both buildings masterpieces in their own right, elaborate in the design, and ornately carved. They got unpacked; Alexa stood by the windows, a hand drawing back the delicate lace of the curtain, devouring the sights and scenery of the city. Methos pulled out his CD player and one of his CD's and stretched out on the bed. Before too long, he sat back up, hands and feet drumming in time to the music, head nodding to the beat too. The sound of the rythmic drumming of hands and feet, drew Alexa's attention from the sights outside the window and annoyed, she turned to watch him. She couldn't help but smile as she looked at him with his eyes closed oblivious to anything but the music in his head. He reminded her of a teenager--maybe even herself when she really liked rock, but the older she got, the more she began to appreciate classical music, with it's ability to elict emotional responses by the music alone or the use of a single instrument. She walked over to him, pulling the headphones off his head gently and slipped them on. He watched as her smile turned into a frown, then into disgust. She threw them back at him and walked away. "You call that music? You've got to be joking!" "There is nothing wrong with my musical tastes. I have excellent taste in music, I'll have you know. Do you want to argue? Or maybe you need to go out and "do the tourist thing" again as in Geneva?" He stood up, stretching his tall frame, then walked over to where she stood. "Who was that group anyway?" She half-wanted to argue but the idea of going out and actually seeing the city whose very existance was culture and refinement and of course, music held a tremendous appeal. "They are a British group, "Queen", if you must know. I happen to think that they are a very good band. You are allowed your opinion, of course." His whole being seemed ready to challenge her. "Do you want to go out or are we going to argue about musical tastes?", he continued. She looked at him then outside, biting her lip as she did so. "Ok, outside. Let's take a walk." Methos smiled. "Ok, let's do that. Are you hungry? You haven't lived till you have hit some of the coffee houses here. And of course, you must try the strudel--between here and Bavaria it's a toss-up as to which is better." They left making small talk and headed toward a small coffee house which overlooked a ornate garden and from which you could see the Alps, shining blue-grey in the sun, with snow capped peaks still visible in the distance. The strudel, it turned out, was as divine as Adam had said it would be. They passed massive bronze and copper fountains in the squares which had figures of seraphs and nymphs, playing in the cascadinig water. Other ones had images of the gods in repose or looking out to eternity, silently watching the march of time. Alexa was awestruck with the sights and once again, Methos provided the commentary in great detail, although they did stop at a small gazebo type stand and bought a tourist guide in English this time. She kept swiveling her head from one side to another and the little tiff in the hotel had been forgotten as she took in the vast richness, yet gentleness that is Vienna. Its' richness in culture, musically speaking, and the other arts combined in to a way of life, despite it being overrun time and again by invaders from the ancient Romans to Hitler and never once even in the worst times, gave up any of its' heritage. After the waiter brought the strudel, they ate in silence. Alexa began to read outloud finally about places she wanted to visit and then she remembered that this was the city where of course the Vienna Boys Choir originated from. She excitedly told him about seeing them on "The Ed Sullivan Show" on tv when she was a little girl and now she was actually here!!! Methos listened in bored disinterest, but he agreed to take her to Hosburg Chapel where the choir performed nine months of the year. He had hoped to go back to the hotel and catch some sleep. But she was so excited at the prospect of hearing the choir, that he conceded to going. The chapel is located in what had been the Imperial Palace for the Hapsburgs and the Holy Roman Empire. They arrived just in time for the next performance and paid their way in, sitting near the front. Gilded and enamaled panels of the life of Christ and the Resurrection covered the walls directly behind the beautifully carved Renaisannce alter. The choir filed in quietly, row upon row of them, and remained standing. Each face reminded Alexa of a freshly scrubbed penny, all shiny and bright and each wore stiffly starched robes with lace collars. They began to sing in pure voices that seemed to rival the angels in their beauty. The sound of them was haunting in its' simplicity, as voices interwove into intricate melodies and chants that seemed unearthly. Methos sprawled in the pew, one arm draped protectivly about Alexa's shoulders, as he looked about like he really wanted to be somewhere else. "In the 500 years of their existance," he thought to himself, "surely they would change the songs ever so often." But they hadn't and despite the beauty of the surroundings and the voices, he was bored. When the concert was over, Alexa had tears in her eyes, and Methos sat upright and asked if she had liked it. She nodded her head in a very ferverent "yes" as she wiped the tears away. "Did you like it, Adam?", she asked as they made their way back to the hotel. He looked at her. "Well--it's certainly not Springsteen, was it?", he said dryly and continued to walk on until he noticed that he was walking alone. He stopped and turned to face her. "What kind of answer, is that? ", she wailed in indignation. "I thought they were magnificant!!!" "Just not something that interested me, that's all." He shrugged. "Besides, I've seen them before." He remembered when both composers Hayden and Schubert were young boys singing for the choir. Yes, it had been good--back then. She angrily strode up to where he stood his ground and waved a finger in his face. "You have no appreciation for the finer things--no culture at all!!! How can you say that?" He pulled her hand down away from his face gently and listened to her tirade with a bemused expression on his face. He put a hand around her waist and propelled her back to the hotel, not answering any of her accusations. She had quieted down by the time they reached their room and she walked in under her own power, still a bit angry about his remark. She sat on the bed, and began to take off her shoes, coldly ignoring him as he stood by the doorway. Finally, he turned and walked out, telling her that he would be returning after a bit once she cooled down. The door slammed shut and she laid on the bed. Soon she was fast asleep. A knock on the door woke her and she went to answer it, only to find a large box with an accompanying smaller box on top of the larger one on the floor. She brought them in and began to unwrap them when another knock came at the door. Impatiently, she got back up with a backwrds glance to the packages on the bed. She opened the door to find two dozen red roses and the concierge who brought them, smiling broadly. She dug about and passed a bill of some kind to the concierge, hoping that that would be enough of a tip. The concierge looked at the bill and half bowing to her, left. Smiling, she dug through the flowers and found a small note which read: Milady, Be ready by 6:00 sharp. Your carriage will be waiting. -A- Intrigued, she paused as she laid them down on the bed. She began opening the larger of the packages and gasped as she saw what lay inside: a white silk ballgown, cut low at the bodice, with an off the shoulders type neckline. Also, there were white satin three-quarter length gloves included in the box. She held it up to herself and it seemed to be a perfect fit. Quickly, she opened the smaller of the packages and found shoes that matched perfectly to the gown and an invitiation to the Vienna State Opera Ball. She sat down, almost missing the chair, in the realization that she was going to a real ball. She glanced at the clock--it was almost four o'clock now!! She smiled from ear to ear, dreaming of the night she hoped she would have and feeling very much like Cinderella. "Oh, she was going to apologize to Adam the very best she knew how!", she kept thinking to herself. "But where was he, anyways?" -10- Methos impatiently held the phone to his ear listening to the ring at the other end. He stood with one arm outstreched as the tailor made last minute adjustments on the his coat for the ball and sighed in frustration. Why weren't they picking up the phone? He clicked it off then immediately redialed as the tailor valiently tried to keep up with his arm movement as he was dialing. Finally, he heard a answering click as someone picked it up on the other end. "Joe's. May I help you?" Loud music was playing in the background and the bartender put a finger to his ear to hear better. "Is Dawson there?" Methos asked, relieved at last to get a person on the other end, despite the distraction of the music. He was anxious to speak to Joe and he thought that Joe would be just the person to go to. "Say what?" The bartender, yelled over the music. Methos rolled his eyes and said between gritted teeth, "JOE! Is he there, or not?" He pulled himself out of the coat as the tailor took it in the back to fix. "Joe? Yeah, he's here. Hey Joe!" the bartender called out, then said back into the phone, "Just a moment, he's coming." He handed the phone to Joe. "Dawson." Joe looked around while pressing the receiver to his ear, nodding at MacLeod as he came in the door with Richie. "Joe! Finally! It's me. I need some advice." Methos sat down near the mirror and glanced at his watch. He knew that Alexa had receiived the dress and flowers by this time and it was only a matter of time before he'd see her again but he wasn't real sure what her reaction would be to them. "Methos--where are you? Damn! Where's Alexa?" "It's good to hear you too, Joe. We're in Vienna and she's not with me right now." He ran a hand through his hair. "I have a problem and I need your advice." "Wait--you have a problem and you want MY advice? Whoa, that's quite a change, coming from you. Tell you what, I'll take this call in my office. Hang on." The phone went dead but moments later in the relative stillness of his office, Joe picked it back up. "Ok, what do you want to know?" "It's Alexa--we seem to fight all the time--she snaps and is argumentive about the littlest things and I don't understand why!" "How's her health? She still able to get around?" Joe shifted in his chair, arms propped on the desk. He reached for a cup of coffee he had left there, making a face after sipping it and realizing that it had grown cold. "You want me to answer as a doctor or as a companion?" Methos stood again as the tailor returned with the jacket, finished and ready to go. He paid the man, who bowed and went to attend another man who had come into the shop. "Aw, c'mon, Methos, you want my advice or not? I have a business to run, for God's sake!" He tossed the storeroom keys to the bartender, who had come in, miming his need for them. "Dawson, you are a royal pain in the--sorry. ", he said contritely. "We had another fight this afternoon. In answer to your question, I think that she's hiding a lot from me about how she feels physically and, I think that mentally she's not ready to give up the fight yet." He sighed. "And by the way, thanks for the help on the books and all you sent me. Interesting reading--" he paused. "Too bad I couldn't use it." He closed his eyes as the church bells rang evening Mass outside the shop's windows. Joe nodded, heaving a deep sigh himself. "Yeah, well, you wanted to help, I know. But there are some things that can't be stopped and this is one of those things. You can't change it. Have you thought that she's angry because she's dying and knows it and everytime she looks at you she's reminded of that fact? And remember, you may have died many deaths but she's dying only once and that time is right now!" There was quiet on the other end of the phone and finally Joe said, "Hello? Methos? Still there?' Methos stood and put on his jacket while cradling the phone on his shoulder. "Yes, still with you, Joe.", he said quietly. Joe glanced again outside the door where MacLeod stood, hand on doorknob. He held up a hand in greeting then motioned for him to wait a moment. Mac nodded then walked away. "Methos," Joe began, "does she know about you? Does she know what you are--how old you really are and all that?" He went on gently, "Do you intend to tell her, if you haven't already?" Methos softly replied, "No, she doesn't know about me. Look, I have to go. I have a date--I hope." He started to hang up but then said, "By the way, thanks, Joe." The phone went dead. Joe looked at it as Mac came in. "Who was that on the phone, Joe?", he inquired. Joe shrugged. "Methos, of all people." He got back up and walked towards the door when Mac put a hand to his arm. He looked up at his friend. "Is everything all right with him? Alexa?" Concern marked MacLeod's face. "What do I look like-- a priest? Sorry, that was uncalled for. Tell you what--let me buy you a drink as an apology for that one. And yeah, " Joe grinned, "everything's as good as can be expected under the circumstances. It's hard for them." He opened the door and waved Mac out of his office. MacLeod walked out, saying under his breath, "Yes, it always is." Six o'clock. Alexa could hear St. Stephan's bell tower ring the hour. She put on her last earring on and raced out to the lobby only to find that Adam was nowhere to be seen. She looked around and in the dining room but still, no Adam.! Where was he? A employee came up to her and handed her a note. She opened it and a slight smile spread across her lips. She raced outside then only to stop dead at the top of the stairs, staring at what lay in front of her. A horse-drawn carriage with a pair of horses, blue--black in color and sporting headgear of fine feathers sticking upwards from the top of the bridle, stood at the bottom of the stairs. On the reins and entwined on the harness of it were red roses along with delicate lily of the valleys interspersed with tiny silver bells that tinkled with each movement of the horse and carriage. The door of it was open and Adam stood there, dressed in a black tuxedo with tails, starched linen shirt and silver-grey cumberband. His bow tie matched the cumberband and he was wearing a full length black cape lined in silver grey satin. She smiled at the sight of him and thought that she'd never had seen anyone look so handsome before in her life. It lit up her entire face like a halogen light. Methos stared in return at Alexa, whose gown looked like poured water flowing over her body and she had her hair up in a quick but elegant, French twist. The bodice and neckline accentuated her perfectly and he smiled in return at her, eyes glittering in admiration. Finally, they both started talking at once to the other. "Adam--I'm sorry--" "Alexa, I was wrong--" They stopped and both burst out laughing at the silliness of it all. "Does this mean that you'll go with me to the ball?", he asked, smiling. "Of course. How could I ever a refuse an offer like this!!!" She slowly descended down the stairs but tripped on the last one on the hem of her dress and fell right into his arms. He held her in his grip for a moment, his eyes searching hers. Then they kissed like nothing had ever happened that morning. One of the horses stamped his hoof, sending a small symphony of the silver bells to their ears. They both looked up and both smiled. "I think we'll be late, Adam. Shouldn't we go?" "This is Europe, milady, and you can always be fashionably late here." He paused as he led her to the carriage and helped her in. "However, we mustn't keep the musicians waiting." He kissed the back of her hand as he got in and then thumped the driver on his back and sat down. The carriage started to their destination as Adam turned to her and asked, "You can waltz, can't you?" -11- They walked inside and paused as Alexa took in the grandeur of the building. A three tiered set of box seats, in a horseshoe shape, stood in front of them with massive chandeliers, six feet across spanning the ceiling. The room was also festooned in white carnations, thousands and thousands of them, in arrangements spread throughout the room. Another room was across from where they stood and they moved through the massive crowd of other dancers in evening gowns and black tails. To their surprise, it had been set up differently, with a different theme than the main room and disco was to be played there. They looked around and spied another room yet and entered it, only to find that it was to have big band music plying there and it was themed as such. Room after room was entered, and each was different in size, theme and music. The food was abundant and fine champagne flowed freely as well as beer if you so desired. Any other beverage that was to be had also was available should one be so inclined. Food, ranging from the freshest oysters to the most common goulash, was served and one could be secure knowing that you wouldn't have to go home hungry this night. Methos looked around noticing the changes that had been made since he had been here last for the premiere of Mozart's Don Giovanni in 1879. He thanked whomever thought of air conditioning mentally since it had been a hot day when that opera had premiered. And one could tell it when sitting next to the people next to you. He nodded, approving of it all. The beginning strands of music were heard from the orchestra in the pit at the front of the room and the couples began to line up in pairs, preparing for the opening of the polanaisse. Alexa began to panic a bit--she wasn't sure what to expect and she sure couldn't dance this kind of dancing. She looked at Adam, trying to get his attention, waving slightly. He glanced at her and winked. "All will be well", he mouthed to her. He smiled and the music started in earnest. The men bowed to the ladies while they curtsied in return. Two singers, began singing in German a waltz tune and all 400 dancers came together in a swish and swirl of skirts. All spun in unison, a hand about the waist of each lady, another held in mid-air. The strings sung sweetly and Alexa found herself off of the floor in a turn as Methos picked her up and swung her around so that her feet didn't touch the floor at all. Around and around the marble floor they danced; Alexa slowing finding her way about the intricacies of the dance and surprised at how adept Adam seemed to be at this. He guided her just by using a touch and she knew which way to turn, which way to go. It all seemed so natural. Methos, in turn, had eyes only for her. He wanted to store this night in his memory for eternity. She was so beautiful! The music went through him and into his movements, as his natural quickness, normally hidden, became apparent on the floor. The first set over, the dancers as a group applauded, then bowed and curtsied to one another's respective partners. Alexa fanned herself with her hand and Methos looked at her closely. "Are you all right?" She nodded. "Where did you learn to dance like that? I had no idea you could dance!" She smiled at him and he grinned. "You could say it's an old habit that I haven't used in some time." "Oh?" She began to say more, but the music began for the next dance. Once again, the sea of white and black swirled and eddied about the floor in time to the music and once again, they locked eyes and saw nothing else, let alone no one else. Hours went by and through dance after dance both flowed as one. Alexa finally had to sit down for a moment as she was getting dizzy and pulled Methos off the floor to a nearby chair in the foyer. She collapsed on it, kicked off her heels and rubbed her feet. Methos bent down and held a foot in his hands and began to massage it. "Here, let me." She leaned back and closed her eyes in ectasy as he kneaded and rubbed her foot, then picked up the other, repeating the same for it. She groaned in sheer delight, then sat up. "You want to dance?" "You sure you're up to it? We could go if you want." He looked at her, concerned. "I don't want you to get too tired." "Yes, I know doctor, duh." , she said, with a sarcastic tone to her voice. Then with an impish smile, she kissed him. He grinned in return, and pulled her up. "If you are feeling that good, then let's dance again. But let's try something a bit more sedate, shall we?" He led her into a smaller room where the band was playing more mellow tunes and he began to slow dance with her. "Adam?" "Yes?" He looked down at her, waiting, trying to decide if he should tell her about-- "I'm sorry about this afternoon." She nervously laughed. "Wow, after tonight, I'll never doubt you musical tastes again. Forgive me?" "Yes, of course, how could I not forgive you?" He took a deep breath and led her to a corner of the room. They danced in silence for a few minutes before Methos broke the silence by saying, "When it was fashionable to hear and listen to Handel, I did. When it was fashionable to listen to Mozart, I did. For each era, there has been a standard of music and certain personages to hear or listen to. When in the '50's, Elvis was the thing, I listened. In the 60's, it was The Beatles. Before that, long before that, it was Beethoven. Before that era, it was the Church. Before that, it was the shamans and the elders around the campfires. I have listened to them all, Alexa. I have been to them all." Alexa stopped dancing and looked at his face, so serious in it's conviction. She looked and couldn't believe what she was hearing and yet when she looked into his eyes, just for a moment, she thought she could see ages upon ages within them. She shook her head, backed away from him and looked at him again carefully. Silence hung in mid-air despite the band's playing. "You have got a very strange sense of humor-you almost had me believing that you're as old as the hills!" She came back to him and began to dance. She laughed. "What a great joke that is, Adam. You say it with such conviction!" Methos looked at her and slowly nodded. He had tried to tell her but who would believe such a thing?--unless it happened to be you. "I guess I do, at that.", he replied, a bit dissapointed sounding. Alexa laid her head on his chest and listened to the heartbeat there. It was so strong and yet so mysterious like him. She smiled to herself, thinking of what he had just said. Ridiculous! "Adam, I've been thinking. You know how we've been talking about traveling up the Rhine? I changed my mind. Let's go to Athens instead. Can we, please? It'd be warm and sunny and beautiful!" She looked up at him. "I promise to call the doctors in the morning and get the ok about it. Please, can we go?" "Athens? Well, hmmm..." He mimed looking at a schedule after he stopped dancing. "I don't know if we can fit it into my-our itenerary." She poked him in his stomach with her index finger. "Say yes." He said nothing and she jabbed him again. "Say yes!" "OUCH! Alright, alright, yes. Bloody little finger of yours hurts!" He rubbed where he had been poked. She grinned and brought her finger to her mouth, blowing on it as if she were blowing out a candle. "Another one down!" He grabbed her, picking her up over his shoulder as she whooped and others stared. He carried her out to the carriage and they returned to the hotel where he once again caried her over his shoulder in to the room and tossed her on to the bed. The rest of the night from that moment on, was spent making love. -12- They slept late the next morning with Alexa waking before Methos. She eased herself out of bed, so as not to wake him, and headed for the bathroom. She wasn't feeling at all well--she thought that perhaps maybe she had overdone it just a bit the night before as far as the dancing. It had really taken a lot of energy from her but she wouldn't have changed things for the world. However, now all she could feel were waves of pain washing over her. She bit her lip to keep from crying out as she walked, her body rejecting the ability to move. She had to hold out a arm to steady herself against the wall for suppport as she walked. But she forced herself to make it and then entered, closing the door behind her. She slid down the wall into a crouch and pulled a towel from the rack, stuffing an end into her mouth to stifle the sobs which broke over her. She didn't want Adam to know what was happening but she was getting weary of the constant pain she went through but never spoke about to him. And as much as she loved him, she couldn't bring herself to share this part of the illness with him. She had always been the strong one in her family growing up, but now there was no one of her family left. She was alone--except for him. And she wasn't sure what to consider him as. And she wasn't sure as to what he considered her. That they were friends and lovers was certainly a fact, but anything beyond that she had giving up dreaming about early on in Seacouver. In regards to other men, once they had found out about her illness, it was easier to show a harder side to them and others than to be hurt and rejected. But he was different somehow. Methos rolled over in bed, a hand reaching out to Alexa's empty pillow. Upon finding it, it sat him bolt upright in bed completely alert. He quickly looked around only to not see her anywhere. He slid of the bed in haste, grabbing a pair of chinos from the floor left there from yesterday afternoon and hopped about on one leg as he pulled on them on. Cocking his head, he thought that he could hear something coming from the bathroom and he headed that way, pausing to look out the window to see if he could spot her outside. No Alexa there, so he went over towards the door, hearing her sobs despite her efforts to conceal them. Alarmed, he tried the doorknob. It was locked. "Alexa?" He called through the door, after rapping on it gently. "Open the door, let me in." His self-control took over and he remained on the outside calm but inside he was truly panicked. There was no response except for the sobbing stopped and a silence hung in the air. "Alexa, OPEN UP!", he said a bit more forcibly. Nothing happened. He slid down the door and leaned his forehead against the smoothness of the wood and he closed his eyes as he concentrated on what was happening on the other side of the door when he heard her retching. "Alexa, I'm coming in!" As he said that, he slammed his shoulder against the door and splintered the frame as the door gave way. His momentum propelled him into the shower, tripping over her legs as he went crashing into the far wall. He heard a shoulder blade crack from the impact and felt the blinding pain which accompanied it. He got himself back up quickly,holding his mending shoulder and drew his breath in sharply. He knelt down to her, seeing blood laying small pools on the floor,and splattered on the toilet seat. Hemoerrage! He pulled her up as she continued to vomit it up and called the staff doctor as well as the ambulance. He gently laid her on the bed, where she curled up in a fetal position on her side, very pale, bloodstains running down her chin and on her hands. He sat beside her, pushing back her hair from her face and whispered gently to her about how very much he loved her and that he didn't want her to leave him--not yet, not so soon! She closed her eyes, and tears began to roll out of them once more. "Remember what I said Geneva? You and I are in this together--and we will do it TOGETHER!", he whispered to her fervrently. "Don't leave me out of this, please, please, milady, I beg you." He kissed her on her cheek and he started to softly and quietly cry also as he held her hand tightly. Soon after, the ambulance came, and rushing her to the hospital where the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon, he spent by her bedside as they slowly stabilized her and stopped the internal bleeding. Once that was accomplished, the nurses managed to pry him out of her room so that she could be prepared for a few days stay. They pushed him down towards the hall where he spotted and older man heading in his direction. He glanced at his name and recognized him by his name as being the doctor who was to be Alexa's for the next few days. He stopped the doctor in the hall. The doctor, who had been reading the lab reports on the new patient, looked up at him in surprise. "Herr Doktor, I'm Adam Pierson." He extended his hand and they shook. "I understand that you are to be my friend's physician for the next few days and I wanted to find out about her condition from you." They strolled over to the waiting room, and the doctor shook his head sadly. "I am afraid that I cannot tell you about her. That is between patient and physician. Surely you must have this same kind of confidintiality in your country? You must understand that I am under an obligation here." He started to leave but Methos grabbed his arm. "Herr Doktor, I am a doctor like yourself--I graduated from the University at Heidleburg some time ago, but if you could just grant this one favor out of professional courtesy, I would be most indebted to you." He paused. "Please." A look of mild deseperation flashed across his features for only a moment. The doctor looked at him and heaved a deep sigh, nodded his head and said, "Professional courtesy only." He handed the lab reports to Methos, who glanced at them. "Rather than me going through them with a fine tooth comb, tell me what they say, if you would, please." He indicated the two chairs behind them and they sat. "You know that she's terminal, do you not?", the older doctor said, gently. Methos slowly nodded. "What does it say? The reports I mean." "All indications show that she has less than three months to live. That's what they indicate and show. All the reports are accurate to 98%." He put a hand to Methos' arm. "Are you ok? I'm sure this must be a shock to you, judging by your reaction." Methos had fallen back into the chair and all of his breath seemed to stop at the sound of that pronouncement. He looked away from the doctor to the window as his mind whirled. Less than three months to live... "I'm fine." Methos said after a few moments to the doctor. "Thank you for your time and for telling me." They both stood and shook hands again and the doctor continued on his rounds. Methos stood and watched him go, one hand to his mouth, his mind racing as he digested the news. "Alexa--" he thought to himself, "does she know?" He strode down the hall with a purposeful stride back to her room pausing just outside the door and watched her sleep. Three months. For the first time, he noticed as he stood there, the weight loss which showed in her face and on her body but that he had never noticed before. She had kept many things well hidden from him or else he hadn't noticed them before as being out of the usual. How could he have missed it? She looked so peaceful lying there, quietly resting. Death was coming before he was ready for it to take her. He slowly entered the room , gently sitting on the bed beside her. Stroking her hair, he thought of how much she had taught him, about courage, about life and love, and allowing him to be at ease for the first time in a milleneum. But now, he was going to lose all that all too soon. She opened her eyes and weakly smiled at him. "To my rescue once again, huh?" she rasped out and watched as he nodded, turning his head away from her as he did. "Guess I kind of needed a vaction from all the sightseeing we've been doing, I suppose. But this isn't necesarily what I had in mind, you know?" She reached out and held his hand, giving it a small squeeze. He looked at her then, and smiled at her weak attempt at humor. He cleared his throat then said, "I suppose not. But it does mean that there will be no Athens for a few more days." He frowned and continued, "Why didn't you tell me you were feeling so ill? This illness of yours--it involves me too, you know. You aren't alone in this any more." She shifted a bit in bed and he pulled her to a more upright position. "I don't know.", she said quietly. "I've done this on my own for so long, I guess I'm just not used to having someone there for me." She looked away, then back at him. "And," she went on, "I guess I just wasn't too sure of myself--and of you." She looked down at her hands in her lap and remained quiet. "Milady, how can you say that?" He laid his forehead to hers."I LOVE you, understand? Here, I have something for you. I meant to give this to you earlier but the time wasn't right." He fumbled in his pockets. "Where did I put it? Ahhh, here we go." He held out a small box. She hesitated before reaching out to take it. "What's in it? " "Something that belonged to Empress Sofia of the Hapsburgs before she and her husband Franz Joseph were assasinated." "How did you come by it? ", she asked suspiciously, as she opened it up, then took a sharp breath and held it when she saw what lay in the box. A heart shaped ruby encased in a delicate swirl of filigreed gold lay inside. "It was given to me. I want you to have it." He watched as she held it up to the light then tried it on her right hand. He removed it, placing it on the ring finger of her left hand and held her hand. He bent down and kissed her. She looked at him steadily and placed her hand upon his. "Why?", she finally manged to say. "Because I want you to be with me." He looked at her as a small, imaginalry knife tore at his gut in the knowledge of what lay ahead. "Think on it. No need for any answers anytime soon." She nodded and yawned. "Sorry, but I'm tired." Methos got up and tenderly placed a kiss on the back of her hand. "I'll see you later, then." -13- A week later, they were in Athens and had checked into one of the finer hotels. Alexa had recovered to some degree, although her stamina wasn't what it had been prior to Vienna and Methos had been warned that it would steadily decline as the illness reached its' final stages. They took small trips around the city seeing the sights including the National Museum of Antiquities, where Alexa sat in awe at the bronze figures and objects from Greek's golden age. The sculptures that were in the museum were so lifelike that it was hard to grasp how old they really were. Time and again, she reached out to touch them only to pull back knowing that one couldn't. They went out one day, on a short excursion to see what was left of the ancient city. Piles of rubble lay strewn about and small tour groups were gathered in clumps over the hillsides, each speaking a different language. Methos held her hand, with his other hand about Alexa's waist to keep her from falling on the treacherous ground. They had been half listening to a British tour group nearby them when suddenly he pulled himself upright, eyes searching the area. "What's wrong, Adam?" Alexa looked about too, although she wasn't sure what she was looking for. He started to guide her toward what she recognized as the Parthenon. She stopped and wouldn't budge furthur. He swung on her. "We need to disappear and fast, Alexa. Whatever you do, don't stop now." He began to pull at her again toward the ancient building. His eyes constantly scanned the crowds and the hills surounding them. "Why do we need to disappear? What is happening?!!" Fear began to fill her voice and it trembled. Reluctantly, she allowed herself to be led towards the building and onto its' grounds. "I can't explain--you'll have to trust me." He honed in on where the buzz was coming from and looked behind her in the shadows of the great temple that it was once. "Get behind me!" She was slow to respond and he grabbed her wrist, pulling her behind him, making her cry out in pain. He said, to whomever it was in the shadows, "Come out and show yourself!" A hollow applauding was heard in response, with's its' echoes reverberating, causing the doves to scatter in all directions from the rafters. "Remember, this is Holy Ground!" Methos called out, only to hear laughter from the shadows. He frowned. He didn't like the situation one bit. "My lucky day!," he muttered under his breath. "What is happening?", Alexa screamed, drawing the attention of the tour group near them. She stayed close as he slowly circled the perameter of the front of the building. She looked about and into the ruin but all she could see were the long, dark shadows cast by the hot afternoon sun. "Be quiet, Alexa!" Methos threw the words over his shoulder at her in a voice that was steel-tinged. He needed his full concentration to get them both safe and away from here---and away from whoever was in the shadows. He reached over to where his sword should be, only to remember that it had been left at the hotel. Ok, it would have to be a battle of brain against brawn then. He cautiously entered the old ruin, after glancing over at the tour group who were coming closer to them, and made his way through the front passageway, into the shadows. Alexa's wrist was stilled gripped in his hand, and he could almost smell the fear on her. It was something one never forgot through the millineum. He knew about it, never having had a reason to forget it, no matter how much he might want to. "Show yourself.", he said to the person that he knew was in front of him, but still was hidden in the dark of the temple. A rustling sound approached a shaft of sunlight as the other Immortal entered it, revealing a man of medium build, but of immense musculature. He looked like someone from the frescos that one saw in the museum of the Greco wrestlers. One hand he held behind his back, staring at them in such a way that it made Alexa cringe. "I am Mikalos Stephanapoulis." His voice had a deep sound to it and he spoke in what Alexa thought must be Greek. "Do you always challenge on Holy Ground or have you forgotten the rules of the Game? If so, allow me to refresh your memory!" Methos recognized the ancient Myceanae which his opponent was speaking. When he spoke it back, it threw Stephanapoulis off guard. Methos sized his opponent up as he was talking, but decided that the best way out of the situation was to try and talk him out of a challenge. He didn't want Alexa to be a part of it; quite frankly, he wasn't too sure that he would survive the challenge if one was made. It was easier to know when to disappear and then do it, than to fight knowing that only one will survive. Stephanapoulis warily listened to him and said back, "I know the rules. Nothing personal, of course." He looked over at the tour group where they had stopped and were watching the drama unfold in front of them. "Who are you?" Methos shook his head. "Tsk, tsk, know you should never ask a stranger their name. What do you want? We are in public you know--and we don't want people to talk about us, do we?" He relaxed his grip on Alexa's wrist and circled about the shaft of sunlight out of Mikolos' reach and sword thrust. Alexa rubbed her wrist and backed off from the scene. Something very deadly was happening here and she didn't understand any of it. Adam was involved in something that seemed so unlike him. It was as if were someone else speaking and not him. And his command of the language once more astonished her as it had each and every time they went somewhere new. Who was Adam anyways? What was he? She turned and ran outside away from it all, holding her hands to her temples as the heat hit her once she was out in the sunshine again. Methos watched her go momentarily, then turned his eyes back to the other. "So, what now? Were you going to challenge me? Or introduce yourself?", he said snidely. He watched as Mikalos thought about it--he could see the thoughts racing as they flew over on his facial expressions. Mikalos nodded, eyes narrowed. "I cannot challenge you here. As you said, this is Holy Ground. I remember this place in all its' glory, the people cheering, the festivals, Athena, with all that she gave us. But once you step outside, you can be mine. Understand? Mine!" "I don't want to fight you. But if you challenge me, I'm honor bound to accept." Methos smiled self-depreciatingly to himself. "When did you ever tell the truth?", he asked himself and in answer, said under his breath, "Never." He turned and began to walk outside, past the tour, who whispered amongst themselves, and nodded to them. "Afternoon!" he said cheerily to them although he felt suddenly quite old. He would have to explain what had just transpired to Alexa and she wouldn't believe him. Or would she? He continued to walk outside and had almost reached the portico when he heard Mikalos' voice, echoing from the ruin's depths. "MINE!! YOU WILL BE MINE!!" Taking a deep breath, he walked out of the safety of the temple and over to where Alexa sat, head in hands. "Come on, we're leaving. Back to the hotel." She looked up at him, saw the set to his jaw and got up. She reached out and took his hand and they made their way down to the street past the Acropolis and caught a cab back to the hotel. Neither spoke on the ride back about what had happened, but once they arrived they found a message in their slot to Adam. "Who'd be calling you here?" Alexa craned her neck over to peek at the note. "Besides, who knew you were here, anyways?" Methos opened it up and looked read through it then re-read it again, his face becoming a frown. "It's from Joe!", he finally said. "MacLeod's in trouble." "Duncan?" Alexa repeated. "In trouble? How?" "How the bloody hell should I know? Do I look like I have all the answers to the world?" The lock was stuck and despite the key rattling in it, it refused to open. Methos smashed his fist in frustration on the door, "OPEN up!!" The lock finally gave way and they entered the room. Methos began to throw their things back in the suitcases, while Alexa pulled them right back out. He paused and looked at her in annoyance. "Leave things alone after I do things, alright? I know you don't understand, but we have to leave right now and go somewhere else." She continued to pull clothes back out and fold them neatly, while looking at him, trying to find the words to ask him about what had happened at the Parthenon. It was hard to put into words everything that she wanted to ask about because the more she thought about it, and about him, the more things didn't make sense. Finally, she asked a simple question. "Why?" "It's not safe here for you--or me, for that matter." He turned to the window, and looked out at the Aegean Sea and was quiet. "Why isn't it safe?" She sat on the bed, beside one of the suitcases. "Because we could both die here--", he began, but cut himself off in mid-sentence. He turned, walked over and knelt beside her. "You must trust me. I can't explain right now." "Why not?" She steadily looked him in the eyes. "Who are you? What are you?" She placed a hand to his shoulder, and he turned away. "You told me that you would never lie to me. Remember?" He stood and walked back towards the window. "I remember. I remember everything." Taking a deep breath, he looked back at her. "Finish packing. We're going to another hotel. I need to call Joe and see what is going on with MacLeod." "Wait--you didn't answer my question!!", she called out to him as he walked out the door. The door slammed shut, leaving her alone. She sighed, then began to pick up their things and placed them in the suitcases. He had been so unlike his usual self when they had been confronted by that man on the Acropolis. Adam had referred to Holy Ground. She sifted through things that it could refer to in her mind. Well, it could mean places that were consecrated or places of worship, sounded reasonable and logical, didn't it? "Yes, it did.", she thought as she nodded to herself What places could it be? Churches, most certainly, were on consecrated ground. Cemetaries were another. She walked over to the window and looked back out at the Acropolis which overlooked urban Athens. Temples? Yes, those too. She started to make a mental list and had it almost completed when he walked back in. "Are you all ready to go? I've got the room all paid for and reservations at another hotel where you'll be safer." He hefted up the suitcases and started out the door. "Aren't you being a bit paranoid, Adam, about all this?", she said as she followed out the door. "I mean sure, that was quite frightening earlier but--" she paused as the elevator doors slid open. "But I think that maybe you're over-reacting to it.", she continued. He grimly looked at her. "A strong man knows when to flee from danger, Alexa. A weak man doesn't." The doors slid back open and they left, into a waiting cab. -13- Once they arrived at the new hotel and into the room, he sat her down on the bed. "Alexa, I want to talk to you about a lot of things but I don't have time to explain, right now." He sat down beside her and held her close, stroking her hair. "I love you, but--I have to go away." She drew back sharply, pulling her hands away from his and stood facing him. "What do you mean that YOU are going to HAVE to go away?!!!" She put a hand to her head and frowned. "OH, you have some big explaining to me to do and I want an explanation now! I DEMAND an explanation--you owe it to me!" She began to pace the floor in agitation, and shot him a look that would have killed him, if that had indeed been possible. "Do you think that this is easy for me to tell you this?", Methos said with his hands upraised. "I tried to tell you in Vienna but you didn't either hear or grasp what I told you." He rose and took her by the arms and sat her back on the bed. "Don't wear yourself out, Alexa, on my behalf." He stood with his hands on his hips, eyes narrowed."I have certain obligations that traditionally I must attend to, you might say. But you must believe me when I tell you that I will be back for you--understand? I will come for you!" He paused, then said in a softer voice, "If I survive." "Survive what?" She grabbed at his hand and held it. "Tell me, whatever it is, we are in this together. That's what you told me. Didn't you mean it when you said it to me? It can work both ways--" He took a deep breath and turned away from her, saying "Some things can never be two ways, Alexa. Never." He paused. "Do you want to know why Joe called?" "You told me that Duncan's in trouble but never said what kind of trouble he was in. I mean is he in jail, or hurt, or something like that? Just tell me--I'll understand, really I will!", she said earnestly. "You wouldn't understand this. I must go and help MacLeod--I'm the only one who can help him now." He started to unpack her things, laying them on the bed beside her. Once that was finished, he turned and grabbed a smaller suitcase and placed a small amount of clothing in it, then sat it by the door. He thought about what lay ahead, then went over and sat back down by her, looking deep in her eyes. "You're right--I do owe you an explanation, but it's not something that comes easily to me to sit or tell anyone." "Why can only you save him or help him or whatever? Why can't he help himself?", she asked as she tried to fathom what lay behind his eyes and words. There it was again--that look of ages upon ages in his eyes, like what you would see in the elderly.It was elusive and fleeting yet it was most definatly there. "Because only I have the knowledge to help him. He can't help himself right now. He doesn't know how! Hell, I don't even know for sure how. But I must try." She shook her head, and backed away from him once more. "So you're telling me, that you are choosing him over me. Is that what you are telling me? He's more important than me, who you say you LOVE?" She scrambled for the head of the bed, spiiling her clothes everywhere. She sat, with her knees drawn up to her chin and stared at him, her eyes filling with tears. He shook his head and reached out to touch her, but she drew further away. He let his hand drop and said, "No, that isn't what I said or meant at all. He needs me for an entirely different reason and there are certain things that I promise you, I'll tell you all about. This isn't about choice, Alexa! It's about a life, and a good man." He ran his hand over his face, then looked at her again. "I love you, but you will be safer if I go." She turned her head away from him and covered her face. "I guess you've made your--" she began as tearful sobs racked her body, "choice. Now I make a choice, Adam.! Go to hell, and don't come back. I won''t be here if and when you come back." Sobbing, she got up and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. He ran after her, only to have the door slam and locked moments before he arrived at it. He pounded on the door, only to hear the sobs increase in volume. "Alexa, be reasonable! I will be back for you! You must trust me!" He leaned his weight on the cool wood of the door, listening to the crying within. "Go to hell!" He waited, finally pushing himself away and walked over to the front door, pausing to rummage through her purse. He finally pulled out what he had been searching for--her passport, stuffing it into his pocket of his chinos. "You won't go far without this, " he muttered under his breath. Opening the door and reaching down for the suitcase, he paused, looking in the direction of the bathroom. "I love you, Alexa. I will be back, if I can!", he whispered and then left,closing the door behind him. -14- The phone rang and Joe picked it up. "Dawson." "Joe, I have some unfinished business that I have to take care of before I can catch the next plane out. Where is he now?" Methos asked, looking around at the milling crowd in the bazaar, from where he was calling from. Night was falling and the people were beginning to close up their shops, packing and folding up the wares to be displayed in the morning for the tourists, once more. "Methos--he hopped a freighter; I've contacted the harbor master and found out that it's due to dock in Le Havre in a few days. He's dangerous, Methos. Tried to kill Richie and me--hell, almost succeeded in killing Richie if I hadn't of shot him." Joe shifted around some papers on his desk. "I've contacted Watcher HQ in Paris, and we have a man on him once he hits France. When you come-for God's sakes, be careful." "Careful is my middle name." Methos said, swiveling his head as he felt a buzz nearing. "Joe, I have to go. My business just showed up. And Joe--" He spotted Stephanapoulis standing on the other side of the street, half hidden in the long shadows of the dusky evening. "Yeah?" Joe said, wondering what was going on in Athens.The tone of voice Methos was speaking in, was a bit strained. "Alexa's here--she's alone, no passport. If you don't hear from me within the next few days, come and get her for me. Will you do that?" He hung up before he heard Joe's reply, nodded an acknowledgment to his opponent,and they both walked off to a nearby alley. "Methos! What the hell are you--" The phone went dead. Joe sat back,in deep thought. The whole conversation was so unlike Methos; it didn't sound like him at all. Then it dawned on him that maybe there was another immortal tracking him. He quickly tapped into his computer all files relating to any known immortal in Greece and their whereabouts then whistled when he saw the name of Mikalos Stephanapoulis. "Nasty piece of work this guy is!" he said, as he began to read his file. In the alley, both opponents took their places. "You never told me your name." Stephanapoulis began. "Does it matter?" Methos looked steadily at the other immortal, then glanced at the sky, which showed portents of rain. He slowly circled Mikalos, within the narrow confines of the alley as a dog barked nearby. "It seems that you are the one who doesn't know the rules. Perhaps I should refresh your memory!" Stephanapoulis said as he licked his lips in anticipation of the battle to come. On his guard now, both he and Methos had withdrawn their swords, the steel glinting cold in the light. "I made the rules, so there is no reason to tell me again what they are. And, by the way, my name is DEATH!" Methos swung and felt the shock of the steel connecting with Mikalos' sword. They began to swing, thrust and parry in earnest, with Mikalos striking first blood on Methos' face. Blood poured from a cut over his eyes, partially blinding him. He wiped it away with the back of his hand and thrust quickly into an opening that presented itself when Mikalos over-extended a thrust of his own. He was rewarded with the feel of Stephanapoulis's soft flesh yielding to the razor sharpness of his weapon. He twisted it for good measure, and sharply withdrew it. Mikalos grabbed at his abdomen, as the sword was withdrawn and groaned in pain. His eyes glowed hot with rage and hate and he swung wildly at Methos once again, missing him. Methos deftly stepped back from the sword's momentum and heard the sing of it as it rushed past him. He raised his sword again, waiting for the next blow. It came, but from an unexpected direction and sliced through his side like butter. He fell to his knees, sword clanging to the ground, where it was kicked away. Mikalos lifted his sword up for a killing blow as Methos struggled to get to his feet, cluching his side and in immense pain. He looked up and saw the upraised sword and bent down once again to barrel into Mikalos, knocking him off his feet. Both fell, and both struggled trying to get to a weapon, any weapon, or anything that could be used as one. Mikalos, who was stronger, captured Methos' wrists in his massive hands and squeezed until he heard the bones crack and fracture. Methos could only feel a ball of pain envelop him. Yet still he continued to fight even though he was essentially without the use of his hands. Both opponents separated; Methos was kicked across the alley, slamming into a wall on the far wall. He cried out in pain as he slid down the wall and fell, only to find his sword withing reaching distance. His breath was coming in gasps and he forced himself to reach out for it. Mikalos ran over and stepped on his wrist, shooting even more pain up his arm. Methos kicked him in the groin and Mikalos fell heavily on all fours, clutching himself. He took the opening to crawl over to where his weapon lay, wrapping his hand around the hilt, as he cried from the pain. He struggled to upright himself and did, raising the sword over his head. "Remember this rule?" he said through gritted teeth. "There can be only one!" and slashed downward with all his might, severing his opponent's head. Blood gushed everywhere and he felt the immediate quickening, levitate him, and again he cried out as it blew the lights out with glass flying in deadly shards about him. All of Stephanapoulis' memories, strength and other quickenings taken over the two thousand years of his lifetime hit Methos full force,spasming him into a contorted mass of flesh. As quickly as it had begun, it ended. He fell back to the ground, hitting the pavement with a loud thump. He looked around, to see if anyone had seen what had happened and heard the dogs barking like mad. People were beginning to stream out of the buildings to see why they had lost power. He slowly crawled over to where Mikalos' sword lay, past his body. "I told you," he said to the body, "I am Death." He grasped the sword in his other hand, biting his lip as he did so and stood up again weaving, then walking away to find a place to heal in the darkness of the night. -15- Alexa sighed as stood by the window, looking out at the busy scene below on the streets. Night had a particular dark inkiness to it here in Athens, she had noticed since their arrival except for the brightness of the Acropolis at night and other tourist attractions which abounded in the city. She had come out of the bathroom when she heard the room's door click shut, only to find the room empty and herself alone, in a strange country,unable to speak the language and, as she quickly discovered, without a passport. "Damn Adam!" She shook her head at the memory of the arguement; it was her fault perhaps, she ruefully thought, that it had escalated. Before he left her, she had never admitted how much she needed him and depended on him for everything. Her translated for her, accepted her, loved her, everything. And he very rarely took offense at whatever she threw at him. He would--she turned away from the window,and stopped in mid thought as she heard the doorknob rattle. Her spirits rose, and she waited in expectation for the door to open and Adam to come in, but the noise ceased and she heard a druken man's voice carry itself down the hall past her door. Once again, her spirits sank. She went over and laid on the bed, glancing at the daily medications, which sat beside her on the stand. She picked one up, and looked at it, then replaced it. No,she told herself. He said he'd come back--if he could. She sat back up and with a sweeping motion, knocked them all of it on the floor where they exploded into a miasma of brightly colored pills of various shapes and sizes all over. Hanging her head, she went through everything on the list she had compiled on what the Holy Ground thing was that she had heard Adam refer to. And she also tried to think of plausible explantions of his uncanny ability to speak the various languages she had heard him speak, plus the others she hadn't heard but that he had said he spoke and read. No plausible explanation was forthcoming. She looked back over at the suitcases that he had left behind. He was so secretive and a great mystery at times to her and yet she instinctivly knew that there was more to him than what he had ever said. How else could you account for the look in his eyes at times? She doubted that she would find any answers within the suitcases but still she went over and opened them. Inside were his clothes he favored, oversized shirts, and jeans plus some other items of clothing. She smiled despite herself, as she fingered the fabric of his clothes and the memories they evoked. She felt around, along the sides and hit a rectanglar shaped object. She pulled it out, to discover a very old book. As she turned the pages, saw that it had been illuminatedin the style not unlike The Book of Kells, made by the Irish monks centuries ago. It looked to be an original; it was obvious that the pages were not true paper but instead, perhaps vellum. They were very fragile, and crumbled if she didn't take great care in turning the pages. She sat it back down as she had found it in the suitcase, more intrigued and confused than ever. A piece of paper jutted out from where the book had gone and she pulled it read it. It was from Duncan to someone named Methos. She frowned. Odd name, Methos. Why would Adam have it in his suitcase? She read furthur into the note, and saw that it referred to a date both seemed to have some kind of meaning to the two of them. What did this Methos character and Adam have in common? And where did Duncan fit into it all? She felt a pang of jealousy when she thought of how he had choosen him over her. The whole thing was incomprehensible to her and yet things somehow were beginning to form a pattern. She wasn't quite sure what it was but there was something else that perhaps she didn't know about. Another piece of the puzzle in regards to Adam was still missing. She yawned as she finished closing up the suitcase and then got into bed. She was completely spent and she couldn't think straight about it now. Maybe in the morning more of it would make sense. She closed her eyes and praying that wherever Adam was, that he was safe. Glenfinnan, Scotland The pub was small as was the hamlet, Methos thought as he took in the area of MacLeod's birth. He had heard Duncan talk about it for some time although Duncan rarly mentioned it without an almost imperceptable trace of longing in his voice. Once MacLeod had returned from his birthplace earlier in the year, he made mention of his clan's sword-his father's sword and that it had been hanging in the pub on display, wrapped in the tartan of his clan. Methos decided that this was what Duncan needed to help fight the dark quickening that he had experienced and was going through even now. But how does one get an honored antique from the hands of its' safekeepers? Methos half smiled. "You lie and forge some papers.", he thought to himself as he stepped through the door into the smokey room that held both the only lodging for travelers and what he wanted. He went up to the bar and ordered, took a sip from the draft and glanced up as the patrons fell silent to better gauge the stranger in their midst in suspiciousness. A young woman, with auburn hair and a no nonsense manner came in and looked at him. "Can I help you?" she asked in a distinctive brogue. He looked at her and said,"Yes, I was looking for a Rachel MacLeod. Do you know where I might find her?" "Depends on why you want her. I might know where she is and I might not." She drew an ale for someone and sat it on the counter. "I'm a friend of Duncan MacLeod's, and he sent me here to speak to her for him personally." He sipped at his drink and watched as she stopped cleaning the counter with her rag. "Duncan MacLeod, did you say?" Her eyes held a spark of interest. That was a good sign. "Yes." "I'll be Rachel meself then. How do I know that you're who you say you are?" She took a piece of paper that Methos held out to her, and read its' contents. She glanced around and then told the other patrons that the pub was closed, would they please be so kind as to leave? The patrons grumbled but eventually all left. She turned to Methos and then at the MacLeod sword hanging on one of the posts. "I don't believe you told me your name." She waited. "Sorry, I'm Adam Pierson." He extended a hand and they shook. "If you don't mind, I'm in a bit of a hurry and Duncan wanted the sword as quickly as possible." Rachel mulled over what was being asked of her--the note did look like Duncan's handwriting and signature and this man seemed sincere. But to loan out the clan's sword and heritage! That was asking a lot. Finally, she nodded in assent and went over to remove the sword from its' place of honor on the support beam, still wrapped in its' hunting tartan. She handed it over to Methos who carefully took it in his hands and cradled it carefully. "Thank you, Miss MacLeod. I'm sure that Duncan will be glad to see this once more. And I'll take good care of it, don't worry. I'll take as good of care of it as I do my own." He smiled, and extended his hand once more to her. She took it, shook it as she watched him walk out the door with her heritage, then sat back down at the bar, wondering all the while why Duncan would need it again. Then it occurred to her. He had said that he would take as good of care of it as he would his own. She frowned. What exactly had he meant by that and what exactly was going on? Seacouver, United States "You sure about that, Harry? It's a definite kill? Yeah, he was a bad one looks like, just from reading his file. Stephanapoulis was one mean son of a bitch. Any ideas who did it?" Joe scratched at his beard as he listened. "No? Ok, well, thanks for all your hard work on this for me. Yeah, tell you what. You come out this way, I'll buy you dinner sometime, deal? Alright, great. Oh, and tell Connie and the kids hello for me. Ok,I will, bye." Joe sat back in his chair, looking out the window to the beauty of the winter which Mother Nature had seen fit to dump on Seacouver early. "Damn, Methos! What the hell are you thinking?" he said outloud as he wondered for the thousandths time that day as to why he hadn't heard from Methos. "Where the hell are you and why don't you call?" he said to himself. Just then the phone rang again. "Dawson. Methos! Where the hell are you?" "I'm at the barge in Paris, Joe. Where's Duncan? Did he dock in Le Havre yet?" "Yes, he's there, better get there as quickly as possible--my man says he's worse than even I thought." Joe looked at a list of names of the field agents in France. "You want his name?" -16- She was right there--he could almost reach out and touch her once more, smell the warmth of her skin, feel the softness of her hair. She smiled, and ran laughing, away and he chased her through the dunes. She pulled away once more and try as he might, he couldn't hold onto her. She kept slipping away from him. He stopped and looked around, then at himself. It was Vienna now, and they were dancing once more, and he held her close, closing his eyes, at the feel of her to him, and the music continued. He heard himself say,"I love you," but it was hollow sounding. They turned and circled about the floor, but the sound of swords clashing rang through the room, and women began screaming, running for cover. Behind them, four horsemen came, with blades flashing and sending death to all. Methos recognized himself and watched as he neatly ran a woman through as though it didn't matter. The horseman who Methos recognized as himself, dismounted from the horse, and came over to check on his kill. He rolled her over, pulling back the woman's golden hair, only to see Alexa's face. The scene dissolved again, and once more he was dancing with her, but watched in horror as her features, dissolved into dust, revealing the bleached skull underneath. He tried to push himself away from her but she clutched him tightly in her grip. He twisted away, breaking off a hand in the process, screaming all the while, while she laughed the sweeet, rich laugh of hers. He ran away into what he recognized as the apartment in Geneva. He stopped, gasping for air, and looked around. All seemed calm and normal here and he walked over to sit in her chair. He rocked, back and forth, catching his breath. After awhile, he got up to get a beer from the refrigerator and passed the bedroom door. Looking in, he could see her sleeping on the bed in the gown that was his favorite. He smiled; all was well. He went over to touch her, only to draw back in horror at the coldness of her skin--and at the rigor mortis which had set in. He backed back out of the room, turned around only to confront himself. "I am Death," it told him and swung its' sword-- Methos woke with a start, sweat pouring off him, looking around, trying to orient himself. One hand had clutched the sword that he always kept by the bed, unconciously. He looked at it as if he'd never seen it before and threw it away in disgust. He put his head in his hands, and sat there in the darkness, slowly calming back down from the nightmare. He had been tracking Duncan for a week and had had sporadic contact with him. A week lost, when he should have been with Alexa. Both people were important to him, but one had time to spare, and the other had little time left at all. He got up and walked over to the window gazing out at the moonlit countryside of France. Duncan hadn't made things easier. Even though he had had a watcher on him and that Methos himself had interfered with the mission so that he could help his friend at the risk of his own life, Duncan still knew enough to be able to sidetrack him. He was thankful though, that MacLeod was predictable as that made things easier to know where and what he might do next. He wondered how Alexa was; he had decided not to call her until this whole thing was over so that he could concentrate fully on it. It was going to take all his cunning and skill to help MacLeod--and keep his head at the same time. Alexa would just be a liablity if he were to think or feel anything for her now. He supressed consciously all the thoughts he had of her. Despite everything he did though, some would still creep back in unannounced. He shook his head and got himself a cup of coffee. It looked to be another sleepless night for the rest of the night. -17- Alexa knew that she was weakening in body, and had only a short time left. The doctors who had treated her had never told her, but she knew. There were more things that previously she had been able to do that now, she found she couldn't. She had need of sleep more and it was becoming more difficult to want to eat, even though she forced herself to. She waited for the phone to ring, to hear from Adam, to know that he was all right and safe, but it hadn't since the fight. She stayed in her room for most of the day, sleeping and only venturing out when it was necessary. The questions about Adam still haunted her and she hoped that he would answer them all when he returned. If he returned. Where was he, anyways? Why didn't he call? It'd been a week since she had told him to go to hell, and not one word. She began to think, and went over to her purse, pulling out her calling card, and dialed with the operator's assistance, Seacouver and Joe's bar. She waited,listening to the phone ring repeatedly but never picked up. She sighed in frustration and hung up the phone again. Maybe Joe would know something about where he might be--at least she was hoping so. She also was longing for an American voice on the other end of the phone. She was getting tired of hearing Greek and thought if she couldn't hear English soon she would go crazy. She redialed, and finally got an answer. "Hello?" She clutched the phone, a large smile of relief and happiness spread across her face. "Hello, Joe? Is that you? It's me, Joe. Alexa." "Alexa?" Joe grinned broadly and sat down on one of the bar stools. "Damn, it's good to hear from you! You still in Athens?" "Yes! Listen, I was wondering if you could answer a question, well really questions, for me, about Adam." Joe paused and the smile dropped off his face. "What about him? I can't say I can say much, but I'll try.", he said seriously. He felt a bit uneasy discussing him with her and it was obvious that he hadn't said anything to her, just from her tone of voice. "Well, first off, have you heard from him? We had a fight after he got the phone call from you and then he disappeared." She paused, then said, "Actually,it was my fault. I told him off and said I never wanted to see him again, but when he left, he took my passport. I'm stuck here!" Joe smiled at the thought of Methos running off with her passport--it was so typical of him to do that. "That's what he meant when he told me that!", he thought to himself. "Well, yeah, I 've heard from him. He's in France. But that was last week and I haven't heard anything since. Did you really tell him off?" "Yes, I did, and now I feel terrible about it!" Joe heartily laughed when he heard that. "Serves him right--that guy always thinks he has the last word on everything!" She laughed with him. "I agree, to a point." Wistfully she continued, "It's so good to hear an American voice again, Joe. I wish I were home." She brightened then said, "Ok, now the next question-what do Adam and someone named Methos have in common?" "Where did you hear that name?" Joe was all ears now. The shit had just hit the proverbial fan, he thought to himself. "It was on a piece of paper in Adam's suitcase he left here." "Careless of him..." "What did you say, Joe? I think the connection is getting bad. Repeat what you said, please." "It wasn't important, Alexa. I can't tell you about the name and Adam's relation to it. You'll have to ask him about it when he comes back." "Will he come back, Joe?" Alexa's voice was full of hope and of hurt. "I think so. Tell me about you--how's it going? You holding up, ok?" "I don't think so, Joe. I'm very weak now. But I don't want to talk about it, if you don't mind." She hoped that he would take the hint and leave the subject alone. "Alexa, it's ok, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want. But I hate to say this, I gotta get ready to open so I need to go. You need anything, just call me, understand? Anytime, day or night! Ok?" Tears filled her eyes. "Thanks, Joe, you're the best. I'll remember you. Take care. Bye." "Bye." She didn't sound very good at all, Joe thought. Not at all. Did Methos know how sick she was getting?, he wondered. He began to pick up the phone but replaced the receiver when he realized that he had no idea where he was in France. He stared at the phone, wondering if he should go to France himself. -18- Methos was tired, and all he could think about was going back to Athens. He had kept his head, despite MacLeod, and now that Duncan was his old boy scout self again, it was time to head home, back to Alexa. Four days had past since the nightmare and the holy spring which helped to heal Duncan's psyche and himself. He had given him the clan sword to him for his safekeeping, knowing that it had been worth it to have when it was needed. He had made his goodbyes on the barge and was looking forward to being with Alexa again. The nightmare still haunted him but he dismissed it, thinking that it it meant nothing. He boarded the plane, and leaned back in the seat. "Soon, Alexa, soon", he said to himself. Alexa woke to the sound of the phone. She struggled to sit upright but became tangled in the sheets. She grimaced in frustration. "Hello?" "Hello, beautiful. Sorry, did I wake you?" Methos looked up at the stairs that led to their room, smiling secretively. "Adam? Is that you?", she said, fully alert, and hanging onto every word. "Where are you? Are you ok? Are you angry with me?", The questions spilled out like water from a pitcher. He laughed, happy to hear her voice once more. "Wait, one question at a time!!!" He was relieved to hear the spirit in her voice, although she did sound tired. "ADAM!!! Where ARE you?!!" She grew impatient for the answers and listened once more to his laughter. "I'm somewhere, Alexa.", he teased. "And yes, I'm fine now that I know that you are all right. And no, I'm not angry with you." He paused as she growled at him in frustration. "ADAM! Please tell me where you are!" She wanted to strangle him--after other things. "Well," he started,"I could possibly show you. That is, if you want me to." He dropped the phone and bounded up the stairs before he heard her scream her answer. The door rattled and Alexa pulled the sheets off the bed as she swung around to the edge of the bed, waiting, wondering, if it were some drunk again. It swung open, and Adam stood there, arms outsretched, and she skipped a step then ran into his arms, tears streaming. They held each other tightly, feverishly kissing, the unspoken longing finding an outlet in the closeness of the two. She pulled back, looking into his eyes, face beaming. "I missed you so much!! Don't leave me again, promise?" "And I missed you tremendously." They hugged and he lifted her up, noticing how light she felt, in his arms. He carried her to the bed and he gently placed her back on the bed, sweeping her hair from her face, just like he had in the past. "I'm glad to be here again, Alexa. You'll never know how much I mean it." He bent down and kissed her again, and held her hand. Noticing the ruby on her finger, he peered at her, "You know,you never gave me an answer to my question in Vienna. Do I get an answer, or will I have to guess it?" She blushed, and pulled her hand away to examine the ring. "An answer? You mean, I never gave you one?" "No." He couldn't stop touching her, and stroked her skin as she answered. "Yes." "What's that? Did you just give me an answer?" He held his breath as she repeated her answer. "YES!" She sat back up and caressed his face and neck, then kissed his nose. She hugged him tightly about the neck and Methos' head was spinning from her answer. "See, you didn't make a fool out of yourself after all, did you?" he heard his inner voice say and broadly smiled. The boat rocked as it rode up and down the sea's swells making it's way to tiny Santorini in the Cyclades' system of the Greek isles. Methos stood hanging onto the side watching the dolphins swimming besides the boat. He pointed them out to Alexa, who watched in fascination. "They say that they will guide you through the reefs safely and there are stories of them saving men from drowning after a shipwreck.", Methos said as she watched them cavorting alongside the boat. "Do you believe that story, Adam? ", she yelled over the wind. The sun was hot bearing down on them but the winds which blew them, kept her cool. It whipped both clothes and hair about and the fresh salt air stung in her face. She loved every moment they had been on the sea on this old ferry and it made her feel so alive and free to be out on the ocean. She snuck a peek at Adam, and smiled. He didn't want to use a boat to go-something about having a bad experience some time back on the sea. Gulls and albatross flew overhead and glided on the sea's breezes, swooping down to catch the breadcrumbs that Alexa threw to them, laughing as they caught it in mid-air on occasion. Things were calmer now between the two of them, since Athens. They were both very contented and it reflected in everything that they did. Methos did watch her carefully, though, keeping track of the days, and having to cajole her into food every once in a while. It was getting harder to have her interested in the food, let alone eating but he was proud of his abilituy to get her to eat at least something. It was a start, and it kept up her strength. The captian called out to him, pointing ahead and nodding. Methos nudged Alexa and pointed to a speck that was growing larger by the minute. "Welcome to Atlantis, Alexa!," he hollored over the roar of the ocean. She gazed at the high cliffs which streched upwards from the ocean and the whitewashed houses one could see in the distance even from the sea. The closer they came into the bay to dock, the more she became enchanted, as they passed the small fishing boats with the eyes painted on the bow, not unlike what the ancient Greeks did. More sea birds wheeled and cried overhead; some she recognized, like the gulls and albatross, and others she didn't. She was truly happy and the glow of her happiness was evident to all who looked at her. Methos was lost in thought, as he watched her. Little had been discussed about what had happened when he had left her in Athens, and he knew that she had questions but wasn't going to ask. How does one explain immortality to a dying woman? He'd never trusted anyone with his secret in all his years; it was safer to not say anything than to reveal himself. He shifted his position on the deck, and looked at her again. Could he trust her? He wasn't sure of her reaction if she should hear the whole of his life--or even parts of it. She was so beautiful, her skin pinked by the Grecian sun, honey colored hair, flying in the breeze, smiling and laughing. He turned away and glanced at the starboard side of the ship as one of the small fishing craft passed by. He sighed; she was slipping away too fast and it was more apparent everytime he looked at her. Her mind was still intact--but her body was failing. They pulled up to a dock; they grabbed their things and walked down the gangplank once it had been lowered. Rows of nets were strung across the masts of the boats and across the crates and packages the awaited delivery to Fira, the capital, which sat on the cliff high above them. Putting a hand to shade her eyes, she looked up at the imposing cliffs. "How do you get up there?", she said, pointing. "Well, you have a choice. You can walk up the 582 steps to the top." He paused as she looked at him with widened eyes. "No way! Nope,won't get me to do that." She shook her head and giggled. "Alright, then you could hire a mule to take you up the path there." He said as he pointed out a small rough path, which transversed the cliff to the top. "Mules? Are you serious?" She eyed him skeptically, then shook her head "no". "Or, you could use the modern convinience of the cable car. Which one? Hmmm. Let me guess, no to mules you said, and no to walking, which, by the way, might do you some good. That leaves me to deduce that you wish to take the cable car to the top. Am I correct in assuming this?", he said in a most Sherlockian Holmes way. She rolled her eyes at him, and began to giggle. "I'm supposed to say now that it was all elementary, aren't I?" Shaking her head, she started to head off in the direction of the cable car. He pulled her back, putting his arms around her waist, and gave her a kiss. "What's that for?", she asked, as she pulled away. "For you! Nothing, everything, no reason, really." He grinned as he picked up the bags. "Come on, let's get out of the sun and go to our new home. You're burning." She smiled seductively at him. "I'll say!" They settled into a home on Santorini, and became a part of a world where ancient and modern time existed on the same plane. Alexa, when she was feeling up to it, would sit out on the balcony of the small villa they had rented, and even though it was isolated, felt whole. From the balcony, she could see the vinyards which covered the small island, producing grapes that were of the muscatel family as well as olive and fig orchards. She watched the ocean liners pass in the night and days, the very blueness of the ocean taking her breath away no matter how many times she saw it. The weather was perfect, the sun warm , with both the sunsets and sunrises too beautiful to even attempt to describe to others. Methos watched her in the times when she wasn't looking and saw her slowly fading from him. Often, he'd talk long walks along the black sand beaches which encircled the southern side of the island, mourning her, trying to think of some way that maybe he hadn't of before, to save her. But nothing came of it, except the pain of knowing that she was dying. If only she were immortal. Occasionally, they would venture out together to Akira, where they had, on occasion, seen some of the annual festivals both church and family. They both enjoyed watching them, and would always laugh at the antics of the children and even the adults. Alexa would make up stories about the people she saw and they would laugh till their sides hurt at them because the stories had absolutely nothing in common as far as the real people and incidents which prompted them. It became a favorite pasttime to tell stories to each other when she was bedridden, so that he could at least try and keep her spirits up, while, deep inside himself, his would sink. About three weeks after arrival, they had been telling stories about some of the locals they had seen the day before in the village. They had been laughing and Methos sipped at his tea, while trying not to laugh at a comment she had made about the local matchmaker. Alexa stopped giggling long enough to sayin a very serious voice, "How old are you, Adam?" He dropped the cup and it shattered. "Here it comes-" he thought to himself. He bent down and began to pick up the pieces of the shattered cup. He was trying to buy time for himself, in actuality, but knew that she would not be satisfied until her questions were answered to some degree. He remained silent and went outside to throw away the cup, after having cleaned up the liquid. He came back in and looked at her, and knew immediatly that this was the time to try and say something to her and make her understand about what he was and had been for five thousand years and then some. "Well, are you going to answer me?" She struggled to move to a more upright position, and he came and pulled her up, placing more pillows behind her to prop her up comfortably. She waited patiently, searching his face with her eyes. He sat on the edge of the bed, held her hand, and steadily looked at her. "Of course!", he said lightly. "Did you want that in the Gregorian or Julian calendar years?" He tried to smile but her look stopped him cold. "Very funny! How old are you, really?" She waited. "What makes you want to ask that now, after all this time?" he countered. "Because I want to know. You never discuss yourself hardly ever!" "Maybe there's not much to say, Alexa." He patted her hands and moved off the bed to a nearby chair. "Why won't you tell me your age?", she persisted. "Maybe because it's not something I want to discuss. Didn't your mother ever tell you that it was rude to ask such personal questions of someone?" "Yes, but I'm not asking if you're a serial killer, either." She reached over to get some water from the small table near the bed. "True. Ok, let me ask you a question." He bent forward with his arms resting on his knees. "How old do I look?" She frowned, and looked at him hard. "Ok, you look like you're about 35." "Well, then, you guessed it! Right on the nose." He leaned back, relieved. She shook her head. "No. I don't believe you." He paused and took stock. Could she be trusted? "Ask me any question, Alexa, about myself. I'll try to answer it but there are certain things that I won't talk about." He waited. "Ok, tell me about your childhood then since you don't want me to know your age." "Why was he being so evasive?" she asked herself, while waiting for an answer from him. "My childhood?" He looked at her and whistled. "I don't remember my childhood. Or my family, for that matter, if that was going to be your next question." "You don't remember? How can you NOT remember?" The more he spoke in riddles, the more intrigued she became. "It was some time ago--you know how memory fades over time? Maybe that happened to me, or maybe it was a traumatic one and I'm pschologically blocked from remembering it." He shrugged, and prepared himself for the next question mentally. "Ok, score one for Adam!" she said snidely. "You don't like to talk about yourself, do you?" "It's more polite to talk about others and their accomplishments, rather than your own.," he parried back to her. "Ok--" she paused. "What does someone named Methos and you have in common?" Methos' warning signal came on full force inside of himself and he paid her strict attention. *Where had she gotten his name from? How did she learn it?* He deadpanned. "What was that name again?" "Methos!" "Afraid I don't know anyone by that name. Sorry.," he lied. "Oh? Then what was it doing in your suitcase on a note written by Duncan? I found it and a very old manuscript in your suitcase while you were away and I was stuck in Athens. Now why would you have something addressed to a perfect stranger and written from Duncan in your suitcase?" He took a deep breath. "Bloody hell! Damn careless of me, to say the least." he angrily told himself. "Ok, ok, Alexa. Maybe I do know him." He was trapped but still had some tricks up his sleeve. "He's an old, old friend of mine, who doesn't want people to know about him. And, yes, Duncan does know him." He watched carefully to see if the lie would have the desired effect. He hated to lie to her but his skill in survival through the centuries had taken over. "Why then did you lie to me about him?" She sat back, hurt in her voice. "Because I respect him--he's a very old man and has the right to privacy. I also said that he doesn't want his location revealed to anyone." "I talked to Joe, while you away doing whatever it was you were doing for Duncan--don't worry, I'm not going to ever ask you what that was--and he said he couldn't talk to me about it and to ask you." "Oh? Did he say that? Well, you've asked me and I answered you. End of that!" Frustrated that her questions had all but been answered she looked at him then dropped her eyes downwards. "Adam?" she tenatively began, a bit unwilling to brooch a new but necessary subject. "Yes?" "When I die, will you have me buried here? This is where I want to be buried--over by the lone olive tree, where we had our last picnic, remember?" She smiled at the memory, and reached out a hand to him, which he took, and held it tightly. He looked at her, then away. When he spoke, his voice was strained and choked. "I remember the one. It's near the orchard, isn't it?" He looked back at her, unshed tears in his eyes, and silently nodded. "That's the one. Do this for me, will you? Please?" She waited and tears spilled down her cheeks when he came over and held her close as if he would never let her go. "It's not like I can live forever, you know?" Methos'heart was tearing into small pieces. He held on, knowing that it wasn't going to be forever, not like he had been and that her whole life was only transitory while his was never-ending as long as he kept his head. His pain was almost tangible in this moment of time. "I will. I promise.", he managed to choke out at last. The evening came and Alexa slept. Methos slipped out of the house and took a walk toward the ancient Minoan ruins. He was deep in thought about the afternoon's conversation. He'd seen plenty of deaths in his lifetime, both natural and unnatural and even had been the cause of thousands himself. But none had really affected him quite like this with Alexa. He walked over the landscape by memory when he had last been here before, three thousand years ago and except for the ruins and the cliffs, not much had changed. Except, of course, when the volcano in the bay had erupted with a force ten times more powerful then Krakatoa had in the 1870's, then collapsed in on itself and formed the bay which it had now, that really had changed the face of the island and given rise to the legend of Atlantis. The old bay had been obliterated and the tidal waves nearly destroyed civilizations far and wide around the Mediterranean area when the eruption occurred. He hadn't been here then but counted himself lucky that he hadn't been. He found the ruins, and climbed down inside of them, walking once more the ancient streets, as memories came flooding back of how it had looked originially with the red tiled houses, palaces and the Labyrinth, with brightly painted frescos of priestesses doing acrobatics off the horns of bulls. He drew solace from the ancient stone walls, now silenced forever except for when the tourists came to gape and flash their cameras. He sat down and looked to the stars, silently naming many of them to himself until he was calm enough to return back to the house and face another day with her, as she visibly slipped furthur away and death came one step nearer her door. He headed back. When he arrived, he was surprised to see her awake and waiting for him. He took off his jacket and walked over to her. "What are you doing up? You should be asleep!" "I couldn't sleep." she simply replied. "Where did you go?" "For a walk. Couldn't sleep either." He sat on the floor next to her, legs crossed. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" "Morning?" She lightly slapped him on his shoulder."Adam!" "You asked!!" He looked at her, in her gown and robe and stood back up, scooping her in his arms as he did so. "Come on, let's go!", he said smiling. "Go? Go where?", she asked in mock terror at the very thought. "Why, to the beach to watch the sunrise, of course! It shouldn't be very long before it does." He awkwardly reached over to pull a light blanket from the chair. She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. "Of course!" He carried her to the beach which ran below the cliff where their house sat and wrapped the blanket around the both of them. The breakers splashed upon one of the jutting pinnacles of rock nearby, sending waves cascading high into the early morning air. "Comfy? If not, we could move.", he asked as he shifted her body against his. "I'm fine, no need to move." She leaned into his chest and searched the still night sky, gazing at the bright stars which seemed so close overhead. Both sat in silence, listening to the waves as they hit the shoreline and edged up towards their bare feet. She dug her toes into the wet sand, feeling the softness of it as well as the roughness of the grains between her toes. Turning her head back towards him, she glimpsed the sadness in his face, as he sat lost in thought, oblivious to his surroundings. "Hey, you ok?", she asked gently. "Wha-what?" He looked down at her, and gave her a squeeze. "Yes, fine--just thinking." He pulled her around to look at her better. "You're still beautiful, you know." He kissed her forehead. "And I want you to know how much you have given me in the months that we've had together. You have taught me so much. Thank you." He held her close once more. "Do you see that group of stars,there, low on the horizon?" he said, pointing. "You mean, those?" She also pointed to the same constellation. "Yes." "What about them?" "They are called the Southern Cross. Sailors who ply the waters through here and the equatorial zones throughout the world use them to get their bearings accurate in conjunction with Polaris, the North Star.," he lectured, without knowing that he was doing so. She shook her head, not understanding his point. "So?" "I won't have my bearings straight when you go, Alexa. I won't have something to guide me through." She reached up and stroked his face. "I'll be here with you. Look," she said as she placed a hand to his heart, "I'll be right here." He looked out to the horizon where the sun was beginning to peek out, golden in the morning air. He nodded, eyes closed. "Yes, Alexa, right there. Forever." After a few moments, he collected himself enough to say, "What were you thinking about just a bit ago, when we sat down here?" "Thinking about? Me?" She frowned, then said, "I was saying my goodbyes." He gulped at those words. "Goodbyes?" "Yes, to Santorini. Adam, I want to go home." She held his hand, playing with his fingers, as she spoke. "To Seacouver?" He was visibly relieved at her explanation. "No, silly!" She smiled shyly at him. "To Geneva, of course! Why did you think I meant Seacouver?" "Well, I thought--" "Nevermind what you thought. It was wrong." She shrugged and laughed. She turned back towards the ocean and sighed at the beauty of the sunrise. "It's gorgeous!" He nodded silently in agreement, then snapped his head up as a memory hit him. He wondered. "Alexa, do you believe in immortality?" She turned to look back at him. "You mean like God and church and all? I don't know, never really thought about it." He hesitated, bit his lip, but then he continued. "Do you think that it exists today? Here and now?" She curled her nose at him. "Aren't you getting a little philosophical so early in the day?" She turned back to the view laid out before her as ocean and sky sparkled golden with deeper blues intermingling with the gold. After some thought she replied, "Well, I suppose that it is possible, right now." He thought a moment. "If someone were to offer you the possbility of immortality, right now, would you take it? I mean, if it were real." "Are you serious?" "Yes." He took a deep breath. "What if I were to tell you that immortality exists and has always existed?" He looked deeply in her eyes."Watch." He drew a line down his arm with a small penknife, drawing blood. In a flash, his arm was whole again. Frowning, her eyes searched his and then widened. "Are you immortal?" He looked away to the distance, still reluctant to tell her the whole truth about himself. He shrugged with a bemused look on his face. "What do you think? If I were immortal, would you still love me as you do right at this very moment?" Lowering her eyes, she searched her soul's innermost reaches. Did his little secret mean anything at all? Or was he toying with her? But her instinct told her that he was telling the truth. She stroked his face tenderly. "No." He started to head back up the path to their house, then paused, looking down at her in his arms. "It just struck me--you said, "no", you didn't love me. Alexa, is that true? After everything I just told you, you don't love me? Or maybe something else, perhaps?" She looked up at him and smiled slyly. "Gotcha!," she teased. "How can I not love you, you've been the best thing that's ever happened to me, Adam. Thank you. For everything, thank you." He rolled his eyes, and shook his head ruefully, knowing that she had made a fool of him after all. He smiled, then got serious. "Do you believe me now? About the immortality?," he said as they tramped back up the cliff and into the house. Later that afternoon, Methos busied himself with the packing as he tended her too. They had just had a late lunch and he was getting her ready for bed. They had discussed the concept of immortality all day on and off and the conversation continued as they headed for the bedroom. "I don't know what to believe--but the healing that I saw--it's unbelievable!" He placed her back into bed. "Adam, really, let me help pack, " she said as she struggled to get out of bed, but fell back, too weak to try again a second time. He sat down beside the bed, hands folded in front of him. "It's only a part of it, Alexa. There's so much more to it than that." He stood and pointed a finger at her, as he started to leave the room. "Stay right there. I'll take care of all the arrangements. Get some sleep." She nodded. "Ok, if you insist. I am sleepy!" She yawned. "G'nite, darling." "Goodnight, sweet milady." -19- They had taken the first plane out of Athens after taking the ferry once again to mainland Greece. Methos had arranged for their things to be sent after them to the apartment in Geneva. Life became precarious as Alexa became totally bedridden, dependant on him for everything and had been put on a liquid protein diet since she could no longer tolerate solid foods. She required almost round the clock supervision, which Methos refused to have anyone else come in and do. He tried to make her as comfortable as possible; as she slept, he watched her, almost without sleep himself, so that nothing would happen or if it did, he would be right there for her. If Death had been in the same room with her, Methos would have spent every last ounce of his strength to fight it, to stay the hand of it. But this was a battle he knew that he was losing, and he would gladly have given his life of it would save her, if only he were given the opportunity. And yet, something that he had seen in Research, in Watchers Headquarters in Paris, nagged at him. He had read about, and had known the myths of the Methuselah stone for sometime. The crystal was supposed to bring immortality to the person in possession of all the parts. The crystal was very old, and he knew that Amanda's mentor and teacher, Rebecca had broken it up and gave each of her students a piece of it, when they had completed their training. Many of her students had been scattered, and with them, the pieces of crystal. Not much more was known about it. But the thought of something that would provide immortality to an otherwise mortal person haunted him in the night. He needed to do more research on it--but that would mean that he'd have to travel to Paris to Watcher HQ to do so, and he was reluctant to leave Alexa alone with anyone else. But through his dreams at night the crystal and it's possible promise of hope, called to him. One morning, he awoke with a start, to the sound of Alexa choking. He quickly scooted the chair back in which he had fallen asleep in, and ran over to her. She was semi-cyanotic, and her eyes were wide and unseeing, as she struggeled to breathe. "Alexa!! NOOO!" He ran back out to the living room and quickly dialed up an ambulance; in what seemed an eternity, they arived after he had performed a crude tracheotomy on her, so that she could breathe at least. They wheeled her out with him following close behind. On the ride to the hospital, he held her hand tightly, watching her close. "Hang on, Alexa. Hang on.", he whispered to her even though it was doubtful that she even heard him. The paramedics had filled her with needles and wires and had run an oxygen tube down her nose, to allow more air into her lungs. He hated the sight of her like this and wanted to tear each needle out of her skin, break each wire to the machines which monitored her every heartbeat and breath. This wasn't his Alexa, lying there. No--it couldn't be! They pushed him out of the ER, upon arrival to the hospital, and he paced in anger and frustration, in the waiting room. A doctor came in and extended his hand. "Mr. Pierson? I'm Doktor Schmidt." He indicated the chair behind them, but Methos refused it. "How is she?" he said, almost pouncing upon him for any kind of information on her condition. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but she's gone into a coma. She has no response to outside stimuli and in my professional opinion, won't be coming out of it, prior to her death." Methos held one hand to his head. "NO!!" He quickly paced over to the wall and punched at it, only to be rewarded to the sickly crunch of bones splintering. He drew it back, cradling it in his other hand as he turned away from the doctor. "Mr. Pierson! Here. Let me look at it." He held out his hand but Methos waved him off as his bones quickly knitted back together. He then turned and nodded to the doctor, accepting the prognosis. This was it, then, for her. "How long, and can I see her?", he asked his voice struggling to remain composed. "Time-well, we don't know what the time frame could be for her. It's in God's hands. We aren't miracle workers and we can't predict the future. I'm sorry. I wish I could give you a good answer as for how long she has. As far as seeing her, come this way." They walked down the hospital corridors, and Methos felt nothing. He was in shock, and numb. They stopped at her room so devoid of color and sanitary in it's whiteness. Tubes ran off her and wires connected to machines which beeped and went off in alarm if something happened. Needles were stuck in her hands and taped in place. Methos could only stare at her; the doctor clapped him on the shoulder in sympathy, then walked away. He slowly, gingerly, made his way in the room, and reached out to touch her, but drew back and took an appraisal of the equipment attached to her in one form or another. He grimaced in disgust at it all, saying to no one else but himself, "Modern technology!" with a tone of revulsion. He came closer to her and peered at her face, pulling away the hair that always seemed to congregate there, no matter what she did to try and stop it from doing so. He leaned down by her ear, whispered that he loved her, as his heart was breaking. "Alexa, listen, I'm leaving for a few days. I'm going to Paris, but I'll be back. Hang on for me, please. Hang on!" His voice broke. -20- Methos arrived in Paris at Orly Airport, with one thought in mind--to research the crystal and to see if it existed. If it was an actual, existing thing, then he wanted to use any method necessary to obtain it. He made it through customs and headed back to his apartment on the Left Bank to drop off his things. He then headed to a large, gated Baroque-styled building, which to innocuous eyes was a normal business: the International Asset Corporation, according to the sign on the front of the enclosure which surrounded it. He drove into the gates, and a man stopped him at the entrance to the parking garage, checked his credentials, and waved him on in. He parked and went through another electronically controlled door into a long corridor. He walked into a door marked Research, and looked around at the rows and rows of files and computers scattered about the room. A desk was marked with the name of Adam Pierson; and he sat down and turned on the computer, while checking his messages. One of his colleagues came in and he gave them a perfunctory nod as his computer booted up to the chronicles, a database containing a listing of most of all the known immortals, and any information gleaned down through the centuries on them. He typed in one word: METHUSELAH. The computer paused and then displayed a mythological set of references, to the crystal and what attributes it was reputed through the centuries to have, including immortality. Methos read all the references, then sat back as it displayed one last bit of cross information on it.: Luther, deceased. Killed by Duncan MacLeod: at time of death in possession of much of the crystal. Crystal obtained by HQ, Western Europe. He sat back and then re-read the screen again. Was this correct? Did it exist and if so, was it within the same walls of the building that he was sitting in now? The very thought that it wasn’t necessarily a myth and that it might be quite possible to obtain it, set his mind racing. He called one of the other, lower ranked research assistants to go and get other more older texts, with references to the crystal, and he took notes on Amanda’s mentor, Rebecca, as well as carefully looking at the detailed sketches of the crystal. Soon, he had acquired three or four older texts and a older folder filled with parchment pages. He moved to a bigger table so there could be more room to lay things out on. His assistant had just laid down another book on the subject when a man approached him, closing the folder as he was trying to glean more information from it. He was asked who he was and after providing his name was told that the man in front of him was his boss. Until that time, he had never met him and yet this same man confirmed that the crystal was real and that it was on the premises in the Director’s Gallery. He asked if he could see it and was told yes. When they arrived at the gallery , he looked at the crystal, which was sitting under an oversized magnifying glass attached to a desk. He took a sharp breath and held it as he gazed upon the translucent, yet prismatic pieces of crystal that were almost completed into wholeness again after centuries of being split up. Before him was the hope for Alexa that he had come in search for. He knew that getting it out of the building would take cunning and skill. Cunning he had, skill at stealing it though, was another matter. He knew that he might need help and he knew where to get help. He needed an expert. Someone like Amanda. First, he needed to find her. She held a piece of the crystal; it was the last piece needed to complete the piece into wholeness once more and who better to know her whereabouts than MacLeod? He left shortly after seeing the crystal, and began to plan on what the best way to steal it might be. He headed over to his home and placed a call into the hospital in Geneva. He wanted to check in on Alexa only to find out that there had been no change in her condition and that it was still very precarious for her. He was becoming desperate to save her, even at the cost of his own life if necessary, if it would save her. The stress and strain showed in his face and he sat back in the darkened room, thinking of her and the hope of saving her with the crystal. He also knew that getting Amanda to give up her piece of the crystal would be difficult at best. However, he was willing to do anything or sacrifice anybody for her sake if need be. He rang up MacLeod, and found out that Amanda was in the city. She was, in fact, staying with Duncan, as she was apt to do when she was in town. He also found out that that someone had tried to kill her. He found that bit of information not surprising in the least, considering that this was Amanda, after all. Now came the hard part--getting her to give up the crystal and to help him get the rest of it so that he could take it back to Alexa. Geneva, Switzerland The doctor looked at the charts, then peered over his glasses at the nurse. “Do you know where the next of kin is? “ He lifted up a page on the charts, reading the information in his patient, laying in the room behind him. “"An Adam Pierson seems to be paying the bill--hmmm. No next of kin listed, but there’s a note to contact him immediately if her condition worsens and to treat him as next of kin.” The nurse shook her head, "We’ve tried to get hold of him to no avail. There’s no forwarding phone number to call in case of emergency. Pity. I feel sorry for him." The doctor glanced over at her at that comment and the nurse continued, "He was beside himself when she was brought in. We had to pry him from her in the ER so that she could be treated. Nice looking man, and obviously very much in love with her. He left after talking to Dr. Schmidt, and going down to her room to see her. It’s such a tragedy. She’s so young." The doctor slowly nodded his assent at her apprisal of the situation and sighed. He walked back into the doorway of Alexa’s room. “Young and pretty." He turned back to the nurse. “Keep trying to contact him. She’s losing ground." The next few days became a blur for Methos as accusations flew, hopes and dreams were found only to lose them moments later, cross and double-crossings were dealt amongst the Watchers and immortals alike. He nearly lost his head over the crystal, and was killed when a small group of Watchers discovered both Amanda and himself inside Watcher headquarters trying to steal it for Alexa. He took a bullet for Amanda in order for her to escape but, in doing so, revealed himself as an Immortal within the framework of the Watchers. The outcaome of it was that he was taken hostage and held in exchange for Amanda’s piece of crystal which was provided by Amanda, with Duncan’s influence, of course. On the bridge where the exchange was to take place, his eyes grew big as Amanda’s Watcher killed the other ones with him including his boss and held Amanda and himself at gunpoint, then himself at the point of a sword. After seeing the crystal whole and it begin to work, Duncan pulled a coup d’etat using a small detonator for the bomb that he had pre-set on the bridge’s structure, and destroying both ends of the bridge as a distraction so that Methos could be freed and the crystal retrieved. However, gunfire rang out and the crystal was sent over the edge of the bridge into the dark, swift river below as the body of Amanda’s Watcher went over the side of the railing, after being hit by the hail of gunfire. Amanda and Methos could only watch as the crystal broke into bits once more than sank piece by piece into the water. However, one piece remained on the bridge itself and she picked it up and kept it. Methos’ heart sank, knowing that the rest of the crystal couldn’t be retrieved in time to save his love. He turned away, visibly shaken. Amanda and Duncan, who was clutching at his shoulder from a gunshot, joined him as they walked away from the carnage on the bridge back to the car. As Duncan maneuvered the car over the Parisian streets to Methos’ apartment in silence, he glanced back in the rearview mirror at his friend on occasion. Neither of them said much, but Amanda also kept looking over her shoulder at Methos, concerned about his silence. Methos sat in deep thought, rubbing at his wrists where he had been bound. After they arrived at the apartment, Methos got out and Amanda grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. Their eyes locked for a moment, and he slowly withdrew his hand from her grasp. She noted the pain in his eyes and the strain on his face. He nodded silently, turned and entered the building. Once inside the apartment, he fell heavily into a chair, one hand to his forehead, as the memories of the last year came flooding back to him of Alexa. Cairo, Geneva, Vienna,Athens,Santorini....and all of the other small and wondrous places they had stopped and visited on the way. Visions of their love making, hung in mid-air before him in the darkness of his apartment. He could almost taste her in all her sweetness, and breathe in the smell of her perfume almost made tangible. He closed his eyes. "Oh, Alexa, I failed.", he softly whispered to the walls. He flew out to Geneva the next morning after Duncan and Amanda came back after a bit to say their farewells. Amanda had hugged him, telling him to have courage. Alexa, he had told them, would never know how close she had come to becoming immortal, and it was evident from his tone of voice as he said it, that his heart was breaking. At the hospital he immediately went to her room, standing at the threshold of it, once more repulsed at the amount of machines and wires connected to here in order to maintain her life. A nurse walked by then stopped in surprise upon seeing him. "Mr. Pierson? Are you Adam Pierson?” she asked, touching him on his sleeve. He nodded, then said as he indicated Alexa, "How is she?" The nurse gulped, looked at him and slowly shook her head. "I’m very sorry, Mr Pierson, for what you’ve been through. We’ve been trying to get hold of you for some time but we had no way of contacting you." He swung his head in her direction but managed to hide his sense of alarm, that was fighting to break free of its’ bonds which held it deep inside of him. “What? What has happened?” "Perhaps the doctor should explain--" she began, but stopped when she saw the icy look he gave her. It sent chills up her spine and involuntarily she shivered. "No, you explain to me. I don’t need an explanation from the doctor when you probably know just as much as he does.", he said, waiting, arms crossed in front of him. "Well, really--that’s really a doctor’s job, and not mine...," she stopped again, then continued in a hesitant voice, "but I can see how much she means to you and how much you care for her." She took a deep breath. "Listen, we want to make her as comfortable as possible. She’s failing physically but we have the technology to keep her alive for a few more weeks or so. In order for us to do this you need to fill out some paperwork and sign it." He got up and walked back into her room, softly, as he thought about prolonging her life. She looked as if she were sleeping, he thought, and then he looked about him, listening to the incessant beep of her heart monitor, recording every beat and the suction of the respirator as every breath was drawn and exhaled. Droplets of glucose leaked into an IV that ran down the length of her harm and inserted into the back of her hand. Should her life be prolonged? Who would it really benefit--the living or those whose time should be up? "Mr. Pierson?" He turned at the sound of the nurse’s voice, and looked at her. He looked back at Alexa, his face full of sorrow. "I need some time to think about it. Would that be all right?" "Of course, but if we are to do it, then it has to be soon, before she’s too far gone." She touched him on the sleeve for a moment. "I’ll leave the two of you alone now." She turned and closed the door behind her. Methos watched her go and then went over, pulled the drapes which covered the windows of the room and went over to sit beside her on the bed. He picked up her hand, laying limply on the blanket and stroked it, gently. "What shall I do, Alexa?", he began as if she could hear him. "I tried and I failed in so many ways to save you." He sadly smiled. "I never answered you fully about a number of things--and I never explained things to you as I promised I would. I’m sorry." He shifted his position on the bed and carefully picked her up in his arms, mindful of the wires and tubes and held her tightly against him. "Do you want to know my secrets, Alexa?" he said, as he hid his face in her hair. "I am five thousand years old. You wouldn’t have believed me if I had told you when I should have told you in Santorini on the beach. I have been many things in that time, and married many times in that time too, but you--you made more of a difference to me than so many of the others." He pulled her away from him and gently kissed her face, as he looked at her. He gulped down the lump that kept rising in his throat, and fought back the tears in his eyes. He needed to think clearly so that he could do what was right for her. Looking around at the sterile whiteness of her room, he slowly nodded, his decision made. He carefully placed her on the bed and walked over to the window. He pulled it back and looked outside to the rain hitting the windowpane. "Listen, Alexa! Do you hear that? Remember our first date? It was raining like--" He paused and glanced back at her. "Of course you do." Dropping the curtain, he walked outside the room over to the nurses’ station, which was unoccupied. He looked up and down the hall, then went behind the desk, and began flipping the warning lights to her monitors off. He heard someone approaching so he slipped back into the room, and began removing the wires and tubes from her. "Forgive me, milady. You don’t have any dignity this way, and certainly it’s not the way you’d want it. I don’t want you to go but this is preferable than to be living at the whim of a machine." He slipped back onto the bed with her, held her once more, and then reached behind him and shut down her respirator. "You have been my redemption, I want you to know that." Immediately, she began to struggle for air and he held her tightly, telling her that he loved her, that she would always be with him, and that she had been his teacher. Tears began to well up in his eyes as she slowly struggled less and less then finally ceased altogether. He continued to hold her feeling the warmth leave her body and her bodily fluids released themselves. He rocked her as all of this happened and his heart broke. After awhile, he put her down gently on the bed, stroking the hair from her face a final time, then turned and left. He wandered about aimlessly, mindlessly for hours after he left the hospital although he wasn’t sure where he’d been or for how long he’d been doing it. He was numb with the grief and when he finally began to come out of it somewhat and of what he had done, he found himself in front of their home. He went up and, upon opening the door, took a final look around. It was too painful to see what had been theirs together and he drew his sword in anger at fate and began to hack and swing at anything and everything in sight. Splinters of wood went flying, as chairs and antiques were demolished, and glasses were smashed into slivers of deadly intentions. He continued to chop, slice and mangle anything that would remind him of what had been while she was alive. Finally, he collapsed in sheer exhaustion, throwing away his sword into the middle of the room and fell to his knees, sobbing. Seacouver, 2 months later The bar's door opened and silently closed. Joe looked up from the accounts he was working on and grinned widely."Methos! When did you hit town?" Methos sauntered behind the bar, and pulled out a icy beer. He shrugged as he sprawled on one of the bar stools. "Sometime ago, actually. I wanted to see the place again." He grew silent as he twisted off the cap and flicked it at a nearby wastebasket. Joe watched him, a bit uneasy, not knowing really what to say to him. "Look, Methos, about Alexa...I'm truly sorry. But you knew what you were getting youself into." Methos, coldly angry, stood abruptly, knocking over the stool. "Are your platitudes supposed to make me feel any better? Is your little, "there, theres" going to bring her back? You don't even know what really happened in Geneva, do you?" He took a long swig of his beer and sat it hard on the bar, sloshing it out the neck. "Do you think that in 5,000 years I have learned to accept the deaths of those I have loved and lost? Well, one never learns that no matter how long one lives. Take that little nugget, and put it in the Chronicles!" Methos turned swiftly on his heels and headed for the door, his face a mixture of anguish and anger. Joe was taken aback at the outburst but wanted to try to make amends. "Methos--" Methos paused as one hand held the doorknob. "What?" He turned his head to look at Joe; as he heaved a great sigh, swallowing back the tears which threatened to erupt. "I'm not one for words too much, but I didn't mean anything bad. I'm sorry, that's all." Joe's concern showed on his face. Methos stared at him for a good, long while before he slowly nodded and spoke. "Put the beer on my tab, will you, Joe? I've best to be moving on." He opened the door and left, leaving Joe shaking his head at the bar. The End