DISCLAIMER: This humble offering of Highlander fan fiction was written for my own benefit and I received no profit (growl) for any of it (although I really think we fan fic writers should receive *something* for our troubles...). Nothing within the entire Highlander: the series universe belongs to me or anyone I know, and I’ll return every single one of the Highlander characters safe and sound (although I do have a feeling I may hang onto a certain 5000-year old immortal with a really cute nose for awhile longer than the rest...but can you blame me?) DISCLAIMER #2: I also do not own the music or lyrics to “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls, but as stated before, I made no money, blah, blah, blah... AUTHOR’S NOTE: Yes, yes, I know - Alexa died long before “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls came out, but it was just too perfect, so let’s just pretend that the song came out earlier, all-righty? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Pain and Memories by Tiffany Baer “Oh! ye whose dead lie buried beneath the green grass; who standing among flowers can say-- here, here lies my beloved; ye know not the desolation that broods in bosoms like these. What bitter blanks in those black-bordered marbles which cover no ashes! What despair in those immovable inscriptions! What deadly voids and unbidden infidelities in the lines that seem to gnaw upon all Faith, and refuse resurrections to the beings who have placelessly perished without a grave.” -Herman Melville, “Moby Dick” The wind bit at his skin, stinging it almost as much as the tears that slid noiselessly down his cheeks did, the mere strength of the gusts threatening to bring him to his knees. Why did he continue to do this when he knew how it would end each time? Why risk being broken and ripped apart piece by piece by the pain of loss, left alone with nothing but memories and funeral arrangements, and for what? A few months - a few years, if you were lucky - of happiness? A fraction of an second of love for an eternity of pain? Was it worth it? Methos knew the answer, had known it each time Alexa’s eyes focused on him and he saw her deep, inexplicable love for him beneath them, each time her frail, bony hand reached out for his when the pain was too great for her to bear - and he had known from the moment he laid eyes on her in Joe’s that day that he would give eternity to be with her...he would give up anything, his emotions, his love, his life, just to exchange a few moments of mutual love with her. He’d gotten his moments, brief as they’d been, and now there was nothing but pain and remembrance...but for some reason, Methos couldn’t separate the two, because the pain was hopelessly intertwined with all the memories - he couldn’t think of Alexa or the love and the bond they’d shared without feeling the pain of his loss immediately afterwards. Why did it always have to be this way? ‘Because that’s the way it is, Old Man, the way it’s always been and always will be. You have to make a choice,’ he told himself firmly, raising a trembling hand to the side of his face to brush away the tears that refused to stop coming. ‘Either you love and take the pain, or feel nothing at all...’ He wasn’t sure which was worse, but right now all Methos wanted was to be emotionless...to have his mind numbed and the pain fade...but that could never happen now, because if he gave up the pain, he gave up the memories, and he didn’t want to lose Alexa again. “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...” How many times had he heard those same words spoken by a similar man wearing a similar garb in a similar cemetery? To count them would be meaningless, because there were so many that they blurred together until it seemed as if all he felt was pain. He had mourned for so many mortals, so many lovers, wives, and friends, wiped forever from this world, many of them left nowhere but in his mind, in his memories...it was a hell of a burden, even for the world’s oldest man. He just wished she had known him for who he was, not for who he pretended to be. There were moments when she would call his name, her voice echoing across the timeless sands of the beach or the crumbling ancient ruins or an art museum, and he had nearly caved and admitted to his real identity. Just to hear her say “Methos” one time - just ONE TIME - he’d have given up so much. In the dark moments, when he was alone with no one but himself with no beer to numb his overactive brain, he wondered if she loved Adam or Methos - could she see him? He had worked for so long to hide his true self from the vision of others, and although hundreds of thousands of people had looked at him in his lifetime, it seemed as if none of them could actually *see* him, none could see past the mask he’d turned his face and his emotions into. Had Alexa been able to see Methos, or had her eyes simply fallen upon the man who rested on the surface - had she been in love with the man, or the myth? ‘Am I the only one who sees the irony in that?’ he wondered, his usual, badly-timed humor appearing from the dark recesses of his pain-filled mind. ‘All this time, so many have classified Methos as a myth and Adam Pierson as a man, when in actuality, it’s the other way around.’ It took all of his strength to stay for the entire funeral - every bone in his body was shrieking for him to get out of there, to run away and disappear, to hide from what he knew came next. He could practically hear them now, their voices dripping with false sympathy, faces contorted uncomfortably as they tried to cheer him up - as if that was actually possible. They would say things like: “Adam - I’m so sorry...” and “Alexa was a great woman...” or the ever popular, “I’m sorry for your loss...” The very second the ceremony was done, he fled to his car, rolled up the drivers side window, and peeled out of the cemetery before any of his “concerned friends” could make a move to express their “sympathies.” The radio was on - it must’ve been on during the trip here, as well, but he hadn’t noticed it. He smiled faintly. Alexa had loved music so much - she’d once told him jokingly that she hoped at least some of the good bands had gone to heaven, because she wasn’t sure if she could live without great music for very long, even in death. The smile faded as the thought completed itself and he remembered that now she was gone...pain and memories intertwined again, and Methos promised himself he’d get very, very drunk the moment he got home. Desperately wanting to keep his mind off Alexa, Methos tried to focus on the music playing on the radio, tried to block out the memories with the momentary distraction that music could provide. His breath caught in his lungs and he nearly swerved off the road as the lyrics to the song playing penetrated the thick fog that surrounded his weary mind. And I'd give up forever to touch you Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest thing to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home right now He heard his thoughts sung in this mournful, hopeful, truthful song that echoed his feelings so precisely that he could say nothing at all - could think nothing. The words continued, ringing in his ears with all the weight and pain that he’d thought no one in the world younger than five thousand years could understand... And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life Cause sooner or later it's over I just don't want to miss you tonight And I don't want the world to see me Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything seems like the movies Yeah you bleed just to know your alive Methos stared at the radio face with wonder, unable to comprehend what he’d just heard. How could anyone - especially a mortal songwriter - be able to hit it this close to the mark, be able to reach into his heart - into his soul - and drag out the truth of the situation so easily? The song ended, then, and Methos discovered that he’d driven too far and had passed his apartment. Three blocks and an illegal U-turn later and he was pulling into the driveway of the apartment he owned in Paris, one of the homes he’d deemed “safe” - Alexa had never been to this apartment, none of her memories were there, the scent of her perfume and her shampoo didn’t linger in the air, he couldn’t smell her on the pillows and the sheets as he could in other apartments of his, and there were no remnants of her belongings scattered throughout the rooms. Her clothing was not in his laundry basket, her collection of music was not here to taunt him with all the dances they could have shared if only they’d had more time. “I’d give up forever to touch you just once more,” he whispered to the empty apartment, standing on the threshold unmoving, door still open behind him. “...you’re the closest to heaven that I’ve ever been, and I don’t want to go home right now...” He stepped inside the apartment that Alexa had never visited, for some reason half expecting her to be standing in front of him - he could practically feel her touch, hear her soft voice whispering in his ear, see her small, frail, fragile form as clearly as if she were sitting on the sofa in the center of the livingroom before him. And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life Cause sooner or later it's over I just don't want to miss you tonight ‘But, I do miss you, Alexa. I do.’ The long, graceful fingers on his right hand caressed the gold band encircling his ring finger, slid across the smooth surface that symbolized everything that could have been between them, all the years they could’ve had, the laughs they could have shared, the flame that could have burned brightly for so much longer... ‘Just another of life’s little ironies,’ he thought bitterly, tossing his coat on the floor. ‘Here I am, immortal, given eternity to exist, and time is the one thing that I don’t seem to have enough of.’ He leaned forward on the couch and placed his head in his hands, willing the tears not to come but realizing they were, anyway. “Why didn’t I tell you?” he sobbed to the empty room. “Why did I let you love this person - this lie - when we had so little time?” He lay on his back on the sofa, still fully clothed, boots still adorning his feet, and soon managed to cry himself into the first sleep he’d had in weeks. As he slipped off into an uneasy and restless doze, the last lines of the song that clarified every feeling he’d ever had about Alexa echoed through his brain. I don't want the world to see me Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am... ***************************** FINIS ***************************** Questions, comments, criticisms? Email me at Methos2345@aol.com