Battle Angel (Gunnm)

In the rubble beneath the sky city of Zalem, Cyber-Doctor Ido finds the head and torso of a broken-down cyborg. Ido rebuilds this cyborg into a beautiful, young girl and names her Gally. In a society of hate, greed, thievery, and murder, Gally chooses to become a bounty hunter. With the sleek, metal body that Ido constructed, Gally is a lethal warrior. Soon, Gally falls in love with a boy named Yugo, but all turns toward the worst when Yugo is caught by the law, and a price is put on his head. Under false pretentions, Yugo has saved 10 million credits in order to leave Scrap-Metal City for it has always been his dream to live in the high-tech paradise of Zalem. Betrayed by the system, Yugo is refused access to Zalem. Soon after, with a price on his head, Yugo is hunted down by a very dangerous adversary. Yugo is struck down, but Gally, hearing the cries of her love, charges to the scene and defeats the bounter hunter. Gally quickly brought Yugo to Ido, and Ido saved Yugo's life. Not much later, Yugo was killed in the attempt to get to Zalem.

Click on the thumbnails to view the full-sized versions

Gally is Hardcore


Gally Fighting the Bounty Hunter

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