Suzaku's Ah! My Goddess Reviews

Rating : ****� 4 Of 5 ���Comment : Creative

Ah! My Goddess is written by FujiShima Kousuke in 1988 featuring a romantic love story between a goddess and a mortal. i find it to be a very creative work making god and heaven seems very high tech (Goddess can be reach by phone & had licences, magic stones that made use of scientific knowledge ....etc). The classification of God and Devil seems new and finally the character. Every character in the story has its own characteristic no matter he/she is good or evil, this made the story very life like and enjoyable. Get it if you are sick of anime with themes of blood and want something new.

The goddess Belldandy was called through phone by Keiichi Morisato one night and a wish was granted to him. He kidded that he wish Belldandy to stay with him FOREVER. Well ,the wish was granted and thus followed by the rest of the story

Subsequent character made their appearance as the story goes on including Keiichi's younger sister Megumi, Belldandy's sister Urd and Skuld (elder & younger respectively), and many more.

It is most unfortunate that i can't find the anime version this series at my place so i got most info from the manga and other webpages (i haven't finished with the manga yet) do come along some other time u may find something new and pls give me your comment.

Ah! My Goddess Character InfoCharacter INFO

"Going so soon ? Pls don't leaves me crying go back to my main page"