Bobby Di Niro



His name is bobby


Bobby Di Niro


He's a lovely person


And a very good actor



Once upon a time in America

Huston, Huston, Huston

Huston Angelica

He's a super actor and a very lovely guy

With a cheeky smile and a mole under his eye




He was in Godfather 2

But not Godfather 3

Are you, are you, are you looking at me?

He could teach Kevin Bacon a thing or two

Looking, looking, looking at me are you?




He played Jake La Motta

In the film of Raging Bull

He ate, he ate, he ate,

He ate 'till he was full.

He did some comedy in a film with Seany Penn

He will never, never, never

Try that again.




But when he is not acting

It is said he is boring

But I do not believe this

It is you that is boring


In midnight run he showed to us

A lighter acting style

Proving he could swear a lot but also make you smile

This world is full of bad men but Bobby still repeats

One day a rain will come to wash the scum off all the streets.




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EVERYTHING (C) World of Wonder