14th February

I'm dying to make this nice big update to the site, because I know the current content is pretty pathetic at the moment. Unfortunately the File Manager isn't working and I can't seem to find a trial ftp that doesn't expire after 30 days.

On a different note, I've seen the first three episodes of the new Adam and Joe show and I have to say "HUZZAH!" They have decided to stick with the old format, the question is - did Adam lie on purpose to make all the fans scream as they realised it was a fourth series? I believe Adam said something along the lines of making a totally different show; sitting behind a desk telling lame jokes. But I've talked to people who think this is the best series yet.


15th January

Bad news. It's not all bright and cheery in the land of channel 4 - by the way this news is for those of you who do not have digital or sky, those who do can fuck off. Adam and Joe's new show will not be coming on terrestrial TV for a long time. It has been decided by some unspeakable evil that the show will now be on E4. Channel 4's new digital channel. Of course when I say digital, I mean BASTARD'S. Why do things have to change?

2nd January, 2001

Well, kids, it's now 2001, meaning this is the first update of the new year. And what's updated? Nothing. Except a piece of news about shaky cam. Rumours are abound that Mano is hard at work on two new pages for the site. One concerns the Wonky World of Animation, for all those who missed it, and the other concerns the 100 worst tv moments in history, which you may have spotted our beloved A&J in. So get ready. Or not. And be sure to check David Buxtons Poo Pages for new updates and pictures.

24th December

Hello Shakers. Sorry about the lack of updates, but we've had bugger all to do here. Today I changed the link that said Pics to Pictures, and I've removed a picture which wasn't working and I don't intend to replace it. No rest for the intensely bored, eh? Bye now. * I promise I won't say hello shakers again.*

24th September

Last night on channel 4 Adam and Joe's (Wonky) World of Animation was on. It was fantastically funny and had 5 new characters for us to laugh at. The Russian animator Pavel Scratchanitch and his silly beard. They even sang along to the theme from Dogtanion and the muskateers. It was a great show. Shortly followed by late night animated pornography. It was a great show. I have to go now.

17th September

Huzzah! For those of you who watched the making of Big Brother thing and didn't notice that it was infact Adam who did the voice over then let me tell you that it was Adam who did the voice over. I've run out of things to say.

1st September

Mr. David Buxton has done it again. Go to his site now, and download the new MOVIE of the new series of A&J. It may be the funniest 10 seconds of your life. (Except for the "Caddyshack" gopher. obviously.)

11th August

Well, cleaned up the front page to get rid of some pages that were just shit. We will be posting our own episode guide to A&J soon, so look out for it. We also recieved a wonderful survey from Mr. Adam Buxton in which he has filled out his favourite "things". Hopefully, we shal get one from Mr. Joe Cornish too. However, In the meanwhile, Adam's survey is here. Finally, the splendid David Buxton has recently updated his own site, Poo Pages with a new Exclusive Adam sound, his own spoof of Radiohead's "Fitter, Happier".

Plus, Joe has placed his own "conceptual art" from the opening of the new show on it. Go to David's site here

The force is strong with these ones....

Everything (C) World of Wonder