Dragonball Z Quiz

Hi, I just put this quiz up recently to go to the next level you have to get all the questions right, Enjoy.

1. At the starting of the Freeza battle where is Goku?

In his spaceship.
On Earth with Chi Chi.
On Freeza's spaceship in the Healing Chamber.
Fighting Captin Ginyu.

2. Who gives Goku the heart medicine in the Android Series?

Future Gohan.
Future Trunks.

3. In the episode Password is Porunga (Freeza Series) what super hero name does Gohan give himself?

The Great Saiyan Man.
Super Saiyan Gohan.
Super Gohan.

4. The color of Gotenks hair is?

Golden, because he is always Super Saiyan
Purple and Black, because it is Goten and Trunks
Black, Goten takes over that trait of Gotenks
Purple, Trunks takes over that trait of Gotenks

5. What Super Saiyan level can Gohan go up to?

Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan 2
Super Saiyan 3
Super Saiyan 4

6. What clothing was Gohan wearing when they were fighting Freeza?

Goku's clothes.
Piccolo's clothes.
Saiyan armor.
School clothes.

7. What was the reason Gohan was angered and as a result went Super Saiyan 2?

Cell Killed Goku.
Cell bragged about how he killed Goku.
Gohan realized he was the only one left fighting.
Cell Killed Android 16.

8. In wich Dragon Ball Z episode did Goku and Vegeta Form Gogeta?

Dragonball GT:Baby Series.
episode number 243.
Then never formed Gogeta in a Dragon Ball Z show.

9. What's the name of Gohan's wife and child?

Chi Chi and Goten.
Videl and Pan.
Goku and Gohan.
Bulma and Vegeta.

10. Who destroyed the planet Vegeta?

King Cold.