
Sunday 11 March 2001, Planet Earth:
Taking NikeTown in London

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Anti-sweatshop campaigners marched into Nike's central London Flagship Niketown store today in a move to highlight the abuses of workers in the majority world and show support for the Mexico-based Zapatista movement.

On the same day the Zapatista rebel representatives were marching into the Mexican capital to demand recognition of their rights. People from the Italian white overalls 'Ya Basta' movement accompanied them on their journey from the Zapatista's home in Chiapas state.

London, 11 March 2001, Planet Earth: At 3pm white overalls appeared on the walkways above the main floor of London's NikeTown shop on Oxford Circus. At the same moment, nearly thirty white overalls overcame security staff to enter the main floor with a banner reading "We are all Zapatistas now". The people on the walkway above dropped a banner saying "NIKE sucks the life out of Mexico".

Shut Nike Down! - Zapatista Solidarity Action in London

Gallery: Nike /
Zapatista Action >>>


Nike security immediately assaulted the protesters, dragging some to the ground in neckholds. After a fifteen minute push-and-pull with the security staff, the police arrived. The white overalls made speeches to the staff, customers and witnesses about Nike's sweatshop emploment practices, its repression of workers' rights and exploitation of child labour.

While the action was unfolding inside NikeTown, tourists and other hystanders crowded the doors to see the events. Meanwhile outside, protesters were distributing leaflets and speaking to passers-by about Nike's ruthless practices (worldwide, especially so in Mexico) in support of the global capitalist system.

After leaving the shop, the white overalls continued their protest outside the building, standing on the walls surrounding Oxford Circus to show the banners. NikeTown closed for business that day.


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