The Tarot

The Basics

Introduction to the Tarot
There are 78 cards in the entire Tarot deck. The deck is divided into two groups, the The Minor Arcana and the The Major Arcana . The Minor Arcana resembles the traditional playing card deck. It consists of 56 cards, 14 cards of each of 4 suits. The Major Arcana is a group of 22 individually named cards, each with a distinct meaning and symbolism. These cards are often called the "Triumph" cards and feature cards with archetypal themes such as "Death", "The Devil" and "The Fool".

The Major Arcana

Introduction to the Major Arcana
There are 22 cards, numbered 0 through 21, in the Major Arcana. Each represents an individual character or force and holds it's own unique traditional meanings.

0 The Fool
Possibility; pleasure; folly; thoughtlessness; undisciplined; immature; frivolous; irrational.
Associated with URANUS

I The Magician
Originality; creativity; skill; willpower; dexterity; ingenuity; craft; guile; mastery; trickery.
Associated with MERCURY

II High Priestess
Wisdom; common sense; serenity; objectivity; education; perception; hidden emotion.
Associated with the MOON

III Empress
Natural energies; evolution; level-headed; intuitive; practicality; maternal; fertility.
Associated with VENUS

IV Emperor
Worldly power; confidence; stability; autority; maturity; paternal; worth; domination.
Associated with ARIES

V Hierophant
Ritual; tradition; ceremony; kindness; forgiveness; inspiration; compassion; unadaptable.
Associated with TAURUS

VI Lovers
Beauty; love; harmony; optimism; emotion; struggle; yearning; temptation; union.
Associated with GEMINI

VII Chariot
Victory; domination of man over nature; turmoil; vengeance; journey.
Associated with CANCER

VIII Strength
Endurance; courage; fortitude; power; desire; perserverence; resolution; zeal.
Associated with LEO

IX Hermit
Withdrawal; solitude; preoccupation; regression; possesser of secrets; coldness.
Associated with VIRGO

X Wheel of Fortune
Karma, destiny; fortune; fate; good or bad luck; forward or backward progress.
Associated with JUPITER

XI Justice
Fairness; balance; harmony; equilibrium; virtue; righteousness; good intentions.
Associated with LIBRA

XII Hanged Man
Stagnation; sacrifice; transition; boredom; apathy; dullness; abandonment.
Associated with NEPTUNE

XIII Death
Ending of a familiar situation; transformation; beginning anew; liberation; renewal.
Associated with SCORPIO

XIV Temperance
Moderation; patience; truthfulness; proportion; compatibility; harmony; working together.
Associated with SAGITTARIUS

XV The Devil
Failure; temptation; violence; ignorance; limitations; subserviance; malevolence.
Associated with CAPRICORN

XVI The Tower
Awakening; destiny; sudden change; breakdown; abandonment; undoing; instability.
Associated with MARS

XVII The Star
Hope; faith; inspiration; opportunity; innocence; astrological influence; fulfillment.
Associated with AQUARIUS

XVIII The Moon
Illusion; deception; twilight; obscurity; trickery; confusion; pretense.
Associated with PISCES

XIX The Sun
Enlightenment; clarity; understanding; comprehension; wisdom; happiness; splendor.
Associated with THE SUN

XX Judgment
Atonement; repentance; awakening; renewal; rebirth; end of a conflict.
Associated with PLUTO

XXI The World
Completion; fulfillment; triumph; reward; perfection; unity of positive and negative.
Associated with SATURN
The Minor Arcana

Introduction to the Minor Arcana
There are four suits in the Minor Arcana: Pentacles, Wands, Cups, and Swords. Each suit consists of 14 cards: ace, 2 through 10, Page, Knight, Queen, and King. Each suit holds its own traditional sphere of influence and meaning, and each card holds some special significance. Provided are general overviews of each suit, followed by the meanings of each individual card, each with a list of 10 or so words to help you get a feel for each card. I recommend that beginners start by memorizing the meanings of each card, and as they advance in their studies, take on a more intuitive approach.
Pentacles, Coins, Stars, Pentagrams, etc.

Symbolism/Interpretation of the Suit in General
Pure sensation; material gain; man; winter; new moon; night; old age; four elements of human nature.

King of Pentacles
Successful leader; full of character; intellect; good business; loyalty; aquisition.

Queen of Pentacles
Prosperity; well-being; wealth; abundance; luxury; comfort; magnificence; dignity.

Knight of Pentacles
Maturity; responsibility; methodical; patience; reliability; persistance; endurance.

Page of Pentacles
Concentration; study; knowledge; respect; news.

Ten of Pentacles
Prosperity; riches; security; safety; inheritance; home.

Nine of Pentacles
Accomplishment; foresight; prudence; nature; safety.

Eight of Pentacles
Apprenticeship; craftsmanship; handiwork; effort; modesty.

Seven of Pentacles
Growth; progress; expansion; success; money; gain.

Six of Pentacles
Generosity; charity; kindness; gifts; material gain.

Five of Pentacles
Destitution; loss; failure; error; trouble.

Four of Pentacles
Miser; ungenerous; inability to share; materialism.

Three of Pentacles
Mastery; skill; dignity; power; artistic ability; precision.

Two of Pentacles
Duality; contrast; equality; cycles.

Ace of Pentacles
Perfection; wealth; bliss; material and spiritual prosperity.
Wands, Staves, etc.

Symbolism/Interpretation of the Suit in General
Fire; inspiration; intellect; creativity; glory; air; feasting; dawn; childhood; animation; growth; will.

King of Wands
Honesty; maturity; wisdom; devotion; frendly; sympathetic; educated; fatherly; married.

Queen of Wands
Sympathetic; understanding; loving; honor; chaste; practical; grace; charm; sincerity.

Knight of Wands
Departure; journey; advancement; the unknown; alteration; absence; change; move.

Page of Wands
Faithful; loyalty; entrusted friend; bringer of news; stranger with good intentions; consistent.

Ten of Wands
Pressure; burden; opression; problems soon to be resolved; trying to meet a goal.

Nine of Wands
Anticipation; hidden enemies; discipline; order; pause.

Eight of Wands
Sudden progress; movement; swiftness; haste.

Seven of Wands
Success; gain; courage; overcoming obstacles; victory over insurmountable odds.

Six of Wands
Victory; conquest; triumph; good news; expectation.

Five of Wands
Unsatisfied desires; struggle; labor; strife; conflict; competition.

Four of Wands
Completion; peace; prosperity; tranquility; rest; harmony.

Three of Wands
Practical knowledge; enterprise; negotiations; trade; commerce.

Two of Wands
Maturity; attainment; ruler; boldness; courage; assertiveness; dominant.

Ace of Wands
Creation; beginning; invention; fortune; gain; birth; adventure.
Cups, Grails, Chalices, Hearts, etc.

Symbolism/Interpretation of the Suit in General
Intuition; water; pleasure; merriment; powers of water; instincts; lovemaking; lion; summer; full moon; noon; youth; love; happiness.

King of Cups
Responsibile; creative; knowledge; religious; considerate; kindly; reliable; liberal.

Queen of Cups
Warm-hearted; fair; poetic; beloved; adoration; mother; wife; devotion; honesty; loving; vision; perception.

Knight of Cups
Invitation; opportunity; arrival; approach; advancement; attraction; challenge.

Page of Cups
Reflectiveness; meditation; loyalty; willingness; helpful; trustworthy.

Ten of Cups
Home; happiness; joy; pleasure; peace; contentment; virtue.

Nine of Cups
Well-being; abundance; attainment; health; victory; fulfillment; satisfaction.

Eight of Cups
Disappointment; abandonment; shyness; modesty.

Seven of Cups
Fantasy; surreal; imagination; daydreaming; whim; wishes; illusion.

Six of Cups
Memories; past influences; nostalgia; past; longing.

Five of Cups
Loss; regret; meaningless friendship; loveless marriage; imperfection; flaw; incomplete.

Four of Cups
Weariness; aversion; apathy; unhappiness; disgust; bitterness.

Three of Cups
Resolution; conclusion; celebration; solace; healing; partial fulfillment; comprimise.

Two of Cups
Love; strong friendship; passion; union; understanding; partnership; marriage.

Ace of Cups
Great abundance; fulfillment; perfection; joy; fertility; opulence; beauty; pleasure.
Swords, Blades, etc.

Symbolism/Interpretation of the Suit in General
Air; thought; misfortune; intellect; trouble; sadness; sickness; death; powers of air; aggression; strife; stress; authority; autumn; last quarter of moon; evening; maturity; hatred; the bull.

King of Swords
Active; determined; experience; authority; control; domineering; justice; force; superiority.

Queen of Swords
Sharp; witty; keen; perception; subtlety; sadness; mourning; anxiety; misfortune; reversal.

Knight of Swords
Bravery; skill; young man; heroism; opposition; fearlessness; gallant.

Page of Swords
Perception; revelation; insight; vigilance; spying; discreetness; alertness; dexterity.

Ten of Swords
Ruin; pain; affliction; sadness; anguish; desolation; misfortune; disappointment.

Nine of Swords
Misery; concern; unhappiness; worry; suffering; dispair; nightmare.

Eight of Swords
Crisis; calamity; turmoil; bad news; conflict; sickness; domination.

Seven of Swords
Wishes; plans; attempt; endeavor; hope; fantasy; design; perserverance.

Six of Swords
Journey; travel; voyage; success after adversity.

Five of Swords
Conquest; defeat; destruction; degradation; erosion; adversity; infamy; dishonor; surrender.

Four of Swords
Respite; repose; replenishment; renewal; solitude; seclusion; retreat.

Three of Swords
Disappointment; sorrow; strife; removal; absence; dispersion.

Two of Swords
Balance; harmony; peace; stalemate; tension.

Ace of Swords
Determination; initiative; force; strength; power; excessiveness; emotions.

Several Basic Tarot Spreads

Listed here is a very basic set of spreads, and is far from complete. Listed are the Five Card Spread, Line Spread, YesNo Spread , the ever-popular Celtic Cross Spread , and the Wish Spread . When dealing, start with the card numbered one on the spread diagram, following in numerical order. You may also choose whether or not to use reversed meanings--since each card represents basic, archetypal themes of life, it is not really necessary to further complicate the reading by dealing with reversed meanings. Either way, all of the bases are covered.
Five Card Spread

5 4 3 2 1

Cards 4 and 5 represent the future Card 3 represents the present Cards 1 and 2 represent the past.
Line Spread

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 or 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

This is a simple variation of the Five Card Spread. Instead of placing two cards on each side of the present card, place three our four, yielding a seven or nine card spread (or go higher if you wish). Even though this is a very simple layout to perform and understand, it also probably the most important one to be able to understand since it allows you to see how cards will relate to one another in the more complex layouts.
Yes/No Spread

This is an additional variation used on the line spread. If you allow the querent to ask a yes or no question, count each card turned upright as a vote for yes and each card reversed count as a vote for no. The middle (or present) card's vote gets counted twice. Interpret tie votes as you see fit. This spread can be used in conjuction with one of the other spreads listed here to glean additional information if the reading was hazy or if the querent has specific questions after a reading. In either case, the remainder of the deck used for the first reading may be used to continue.

Celtic Cross Spread

05 10
04 Q2 06 09 Card 2 is placed across and on top of the querent card, Q.
03 08 The reader or querent should select the querent card.

The Celtic cross spread is one of the most commonly used spreads, and is fairly easy to learn, despite all the instructions you see here. Rather than being very short with this description, and giving only a very basic outline of the spread, it has been expanded upon, to give the reader a good base of knowledge of this popular spread.

Card Q - This card represents the querent's current state.
Card 2 - Obstacles
Card 3 - Often called the crowning card. May have one or more of several meanings:
&nb sp; - Highest state the querent can achieve in the matter
&nb sp; - Highest perception the querent has in the matter
&nb sp; - What the querent wishes to achieve
Card 4 - Often called the base card. May have one or more of several meanings:
&nb sp; - Vices. What the querent possesses and can use to his/her advantage.
&nb sp; - What the querent needs to use to overcome the obstacle
&nb sp; - Why the querent has asked the question
Card 5 - Past
Card 6 - Future
Card 7 - May have one of several meanings:
&nb sp; - Attitude of the querent
&nb sp; - Same as 4a
Card 8 - May have one of several meanings:
&nb sp; - Environment
&nb sp; - What the querent may gain from the situation
Card 9 - Hopes or Fears
Card 10 - Future

Often the difference between card 6 and card 10 (both future cards) is that card 6 is generally believed to be that which will come true no matter what happens (definite future). Card 10 is a projection of what could happen in the future if the querent does not make an effort to change his current environment or a projection of what could happen if the querent wishes to make it happen (indefinite future).
Wish Spread

6 5 4
3 2 1 Q 9 8 7
15 14 13
12 11 10

Select a card to represent the querent. Shuffle and cut deck. Deal numerically as shown. It is suggested that this reading be used if the querent has a specific wish that s/he would like to happen, hence the name.

Each group of three cards has its own significance
Group 1: Environment
Group 4: Description of querent's wish
Group 7: Opposition
Group 10: Factors that will enter into this matter
Group 13: Realizations of the querent (usually in the future)

The nine of cups is often called the wish card. If this card should turn up anywhere in the reading, except in group 7, this would be a strong indication that some part or all of the querent's wish will come true. The closer it appears in the above numeric sequence, the sooner the wish will be realized. If the nine of cups appears in group 7, this is an indication that the wish will probably not come true; the other two cards in the group will yield the cause. If the nine of cups does not appear, this should not be taken as an indication of either fate, although other cards in the reading may confirm or deny the wish.


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