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Sir Charles Morgan

Sir Charles Morgan was born on 4th February 1760. He inherited the Tredegar Estates and succeeded his father as 2nd baronet in 1806. He carried on the work of his father, Sir Charles Gould Morgan, in channelling the family money into financial, commercial and industrial projects. He established the Tredegar Wharf Company, which created wharves along the banks of the River Usk and built the Pillgwenlly area of Newport on some 200 acres of marshland belonging to the Tredegar Estate. It was from this raised ground that they cut the town’s first floating dock in 1842. The company was also responsible for the construction of Commercial Street and Commercial Road. Sir Charles served in Parliament for over 44 years as MP for Brecon and the county of Monmouthshire, and succeeded his illustrious father as the President of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, but his first love was agriculture and farming. The Newport Cattle Market, which he paid for and opened in 1844 became the home of the Tredegar Cattle Show, a highlight of the South Wales agricultural calendar. A painting at Tredegar House depicts Sir Charles presenting a short-horned bull to King William IV at Windsor Castle. Sir Charles can be credited with introducing short horn cattle to South Wales. Sir Charles was called, to his great delight, 'one of the king's of South Wales'. Certainly he was dominant in local affairs and was largely responsible for the development of Newport in the nineteenth century as an industrial and commercial town. Sir Charles Morgan died on 5th December 1846, passing the estate to his son, Sir Charles Morgan Robinson Morgan.

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