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The New Hall

Click to enlargeThe New Hall was designed as the main entrance hall to the 17th Century house. It was designed to impress guests as they entered the house with its size and decoration. Unfortunately, a lot of the original features from the room have been lost. The ceiling in the room was a hand made plaster ceiling dating from the 17th century, but this collapsed in the 1950s, when the house was a school. Also at this time, the Welsh slate flagstone floor was taken up. Similar stones were laid around the outside of the room a few Click to enlargeyears ago, but unfortunately the ceiling is beyond repair. What is original in the room is the wooden panelling, the cast iron and marble fireplace, and the painting above it, showing the story of the Judgment of Solomon. In addition to being the main entrance hall, the room was also used as an emergency dining room. Although the state dining room, the Gilt Room, was very decorative, it wasn't particuarly large, and so if there were a large party, they would be entertained in the New Hall. Today, the hall sees extensive use as it is licensed for civil weddings.

the building - interiors
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