Collision between two locomotives, after joyride
8th November 1846

SERIOUS RAILWAY ACCIDENT. On Sunday night last an accident of a dreadful character took place on the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway, near Kendal, which is likely to terminate in fatal consequences, and by which valuable property has been destroyed. It appears that on the above day a party of sub-contractors and other-persons engaged on the line decided on having pleasure trip to Shap, a distance of about 16 miles, to celebrate the completion of the railway, so far as the practicaltility of travelling was concerned, and for that purpose procured two engines belonging to the company (we understand entirely without their consent), and started at an early hour in the day. On returning, one of the engines preceded the other for a considerable distance, and, therefore, arrived at its destination sooner, and was incautiously left standing on the rails in the direct path of the one which was behind ; and the fearful consequence was that a collision ensued, which dashed the former engine to atoms, and dreadfully injured those who were being conveyed on the latter, they being thrown off it by the force of the shock in all directions. Gawth, a smith, who was on it, was dashed with tremendous force into the furnace of the engine, and dreadfully scorched about the upper parts of his body and otherwise injured so much that two out of the three surgeons who attended him stated that they had no hope whatever of his recovery. Another person had his thigh lacerated, and others were injured to a great extent. The engineer has absconded.

The Times 11 th November 1846

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