Collision close to Milnthorpe station
11 th October 1847

RAILWAY ACCIDENT.-A serious casualty occurred on Monday, about mid-day, on the Lancaster and Carlisle line, close to the Milnthorp station, about seven miles from Kendal. A luggage train from the south was standing at the station on the down line, when a train laden with cattle, drawn by two engines, came up at a rapid rate, and before warning could be given ran into the luggage train, throwing over and smashing the engine, and forcing it some yards off the line. One of the engines of the cattle train was also very much damaged, and the stoker so seriously injured that he died shortly after. Three other men connected with the trains were severely, but it is thought not fatally, hurt; 14 of the bullocks were killed upon the spot, and lay among the ruins of the trucks in a dreadfully mangled condition. The line presented a sad spectacle, and was completely obstructed for some hours, so that two of the trains, both from the north and the south, had to exchange passengers there and turn back again. It is almost impossible to guess who are the parties to blame. The driver of the cattle-train states that no signal was hoisted to warn him that a train was upon the up-line, and the station-master states that it was properly hoisted. It is said that this luggage-train was not in its proper place at the time of the collision, but ought to have been "shunted," so that the line would have been clear. the passenger-train from the south came up to the spot immediately after the accident. Had it arrived a very short time before, the most serious consequences might have ensued. It was said that this affair would cost the company at least 2,000l.-Globe.

The Times newspaper 14 th October 1847

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