Derailment near Grange
(20th September 1960)

10-00pm Barrow-Carnforth goods train
divided at Cark

The derailed up freight at Grange was caused by a load being improperly tied down and falling off the end of a wagon and derailing the leading axle of the following wagon. This wagon was not severely derailed and and was travelling quite happily along the sleepers just off the line of the chairs to the up cess until it came to a small under bridge between Cark and Kents Bank.

The derailed wheel caught the top flange of a short span Wrought Iron trough girder bridge with longitudinal timbers. This threw the derailed wheel a little more off line, and perhaps started a rocking motion that would eventually start wagging the wagons off the track.

The bridge was not damaged (apart from the slightly bent flange at the end of the girder) and was displaced longitudinally a couple of inches.

There was some criticism of the Guard, but apart of screwing down his hand brake, there was little that he could do when disturbed by all the flying ballast.

The Traffic Inspector was also criticised for not inspecting the loading of the scrap steel plate and ensuring adequate tying down, and permitting the load to travel.

I heard of no criticism of the condition of the wagon though.

John Holmes-Higgin.

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