(28 December 1875)

From the WESTMORLAND GAZETTE   1 January, 1876 .

ON Tuesday night a goods train after leaving Tebay, got over Shap Summit and was descending towards Cifton, when by some means some of the trucks got uncoupled. The engine went on, and coming near the Eden Valley junction, finding the signals against it, the driver slackened, and got out of the frying pan into the fire, for his "tail" pitched into him with considerable force, and smashed about a dozen trucks, blocking up both lines for some hours. Break down gangs from Tebay and Carlisle were at once brought to the scene of the accident, and after working till between two and three on Wednesday morning, the traffic was able to be resumed, the mails being about six hours late .

Report from the WESTMORLAND GAZETTE  1 January, 1876 .

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