Morecambe Visitor May 5th 1999
Station almost home and dry

By Wendy Sargeant

CARNFORTH'S Station regeneration project is close to going ahead after new cash boosts.

Lancaster City Council leaders have pledged to donate �100,000 to the project. If the ???? (ruling) labour group don't emerge from tomorrow's city council election as the largest party, they say they will campaign for the cash to be donated anyway.

Leader of the council, Coun Stanley  Henig  has stated that the project is of vital importance  to the future regeneration of Carnforth.

For now, the Lottery Commission have said they are reluctant to support the regeneration project , but Lancashire County Council has committed a total of   �145,000 to the scheme , and the North West Development agency has confirmed the award of  a redundant building grant of �56,000

Carnforth Station, the romantic setting for the classic British Film, "Brief Encounter" ?????????? opportunity to regain its former glory, and be saved from demolition.

Carnforth Station and Railway Trust, a local charitable body, have negotiated a provisional lease,  for the station buildings, from Railtrack..

They have also reached an understanding with Railtrack that Railtracks refurbishment plans will complement the Trusts proposal for the buildings.


The trusts proposals  include  reinstating the station buildings, and converting them to a variety of uses.

These will include a visitor centre, tourist shops and a refreshment room - the scene of the meeting between Trevor Howard and Celia Johnson in ????????????????????? (Brief Encounter)

Morecambe Visitor May 5th 1999
(My copy of the Morecambe Visitor was damaged and a little difficult to read, I will correct this page when I have got a replacement copy of the article)

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