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Rebirth and Passing  

This ritual can be done when a loved one passes .
It celebrates rebirth and passing from one phase of life to the next.

Materials: juniper, bay, yew, alyssum, parsley, basil, rose, rosemary

Cast your circle using rose petals and rosemary sprigs to define it.
Say before the altar:

"The wheel of life turns,
The cycle of rebirth continues.
Those beyond life,
You are remembered today.
Gifts of love and hope,
Are offered whole heartedly,
To those we remember
to those we do not,
to all of those we have lost.
Dark Lady and Dark Lord,
In your gentle embrace,
Our dead you have taken.
All thread of life are cut,
All threads are woven anew.
May the wheel turn,
And begin the cycle again.
We give freely
Juniper for love
Yew for rebirth
Bay for strength
parsley for cleansing
Alyssum for happiness
Basil for peace.
May our blessings be received.
You are remembered."

Prayer of Passage

Oh Goddess
There is great sadness
A cherished one has gone

Emptyness engulfs me
Loss languishes within
Help me bear this grief

Accompany their spirit
Comfort we who grieve
Let us rejoice in their life

May their essence be recorded
In the Great Book of Shadows
Renew our rememberance with joy

When a witch is initiated they are presented before the four quarters and the watchers, and their craft name is revealed. Watchers guard the astral realm and can dispel a charge or help establish a charge in the astral substance.
It is a watcher who escorts a witch into the next realm or Summerland.