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Shamanic Self Blessing

Materials needed:
1 small White votive candle
Incense ( Sage, Thyme or Sandalwood )
1 small container of water ( spring water )
1 small container of salt ( sea salt )

This ritual is for connecting to the deepest levels of healing, as well as the four Elements and their energies.

The Candle represents the element of Fire
The Incense represents the element of Air
The Spring water represents the element of Water
The Sea salt represents the element of Earth

The element of Fire is for: relationships, protection, ideas, and achievements
The element of Air is for: creativity, spirituality, inspiration, and philosophies
The element of Water is for: emotions, intuition, dream states, psychic gifts, and healing balance
The element of Earth is for: practicality, knowledge, sacred wisdom, and growth

Find a quiet time and place
Light the incense and concentrate on the gifts that Air reflects in you
Light the Candle and concentrate on the gifts that Fire brings out in you
Hold the dish of Water and concentrate on the gifts Water reflects in you
Hold the dish of Salt and concentrate on the gifts that Earth offers to you
Slowly pour the water into the salt

Stir the mixture with your fingers, while considering the blending of elements that create life itself

Consider the balance of these elements and their effects in your life

After a few moments, face the candle, and dip your finger into the saltwater mixture and then touch your finger to your third-eye chakra.
Say: " Bless me Goddess, for I am your child "

Dip your finger again and carefully touch the areas around your eyes
Say: " Bless my eyes that I may see you "

Dip your finger again and touch your nose
Say: " Bless my nose that I may breathe your essence "

Dip again and touch your ears
Say: " Bless my ears that I may hear your wisdom "

Dip again and touch your mouth
Say: " Bless my mouth that I may speak your name "

Dip again and touch your heart
Say: " Bless my heart that I may feel your love "

Dip again and touch your lower abdomen
Say: " Bless my cauldron center that I may create harmony "

Dip again and touch your feet
Say: " Bless my feet that I may walk in balance "

Dip again and rub your hands together
Say: " Bless my hands that I may feel healing in my work "

Concentrate on the elements before you. When ready shift your focus to the candle and visualize healing white light flowing in and around you, completely enveloping you.
Feel the waves of strength flowing out from deep within your Self.
Breathe in deeply and revel in this moment of power.
Connect yourself with these feelings of Strength and Healing. Become one with these waves of personal power.
You are as one.

When finished, extinguish the candles.

Allow the incense to burn completely down.

The Incense serves as the carrier of the message of Healing and Strength.
Air serves as the communicating element.
Smoke serves as the transformation to Spirit.

Either return the Saltwater to the Earth or use its energies to cleanse your crystals.

The ceremony is complete.