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Basic Perfume Recipe
This is one of the simplest recipes for perfume making you can do at home.


1 cup water
1 cup fresh chopped flower blossoms

In a bowl place a cheesecloth where the edges are hanging over the bowl. Fill with 1 cup of flower blossoms of your choice. Pour water over the flowers until they are completely covered. Cover and let sit overnight. The next day using the edges of cheesecloth pull it out of the bowl and gently squeeze the scented water into a small pot. Simmer the water until about 1 teaspoon is left. Cool and place into a small bottle. Making perfume this way has a shelf life of about 1 month.

Some suggestions for flowers: Lavender, Lilac, Orange Blossoms or even Honeysuckle. Anything that is highly fragrant works best

Perfume Making


• Essential oils
• Pure grain alcohol (vodka)
• Water


Perfume is simple to make, the trick is to put the essential oils together creating a smell you like. Perfume is made up of base notes (the smell stays the longest on your skin), middle notes (smell stays second longest), and top notes (smell of oil evaporates first). Because the oils all evaporate at different rates the perfume may smell different as time goes on. Below are listed easily found essential divided into base, middle and top notes.

• Base

notes-cedar wood cinnamon patchouli, sandalwood, vanilla
• Middle notes-clove, geranium, lemongrass, bottle nutmeg, neroli, ylang-ylang
• Top notes-bergamot, lavender lemon lime neroli
• Bridge-vanilla, lavender (add a few drops to join base, middle and top notes together)

To make your perfume, mix at least 25 drops total of essential oils divided evenly between base, middle and top notes. Start with the base notes, then middle, then top, smelling as you go. Add a few drops of the bridge oil. Add 2 1/2 ounces of alcohol (get a parent to help you with this), shake for a few minutes, then let it sit for 48 hours (or up to 6 weeks-the longer it sits, the stronger the smell). Add 2 tablespoons spring water, stir, then pour through a coffee filter and put it in a bottle.