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How To Instantly Read Palms

Heart Line: deals with the emotions, a person's loving nature, insecurities, marriages, dependence and independence.

Head Line: indicative of career, intellect, reasoning power, career, potentials for success.

Life Line: is not the indictor of length of life— rather it relates to the pattern and quality of life, to physical vitality, to stability or imbalance, will power and logic.

Mercury Line: relates to matters of health and to business, adventure and the spirit of discovery.

Apollo Line: tells about utilization of creative energies and potentials for success through development of talents.

Saturn Line: the important psychological revealer of strengths of character, career, friendships, life's daily problems, and general ability to succeed.

Look at your hand. Which lines are strong, deep or prominent? Which lines are weaker? Congratulations, you're palm reading!