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A form of divination in which one gazes into a luminous reflective surface. There are several ways to scry:
1. Mirrors, in the dark (my favorite method)
Use black mirrors if you can, they work the best with a black candle
2. Stones - Large piece of crystal such as a crystal ball and a black candle, in the dark Jet is a good stone to use if you don`t have crystal.
Nostradamus used to scry his information from a piece of tourmaline crystal. In ancient Mexico, flat pieces of obsidian were used to scrye and during the Renaissance beryl spheres were used. Certain cultures use rum poured over the stones or mirror as an offering before it is used. The most famous scryer was probably Dr. John Dee.
3. A dark bowl or a small cauldron filled with water and a black candle, in the dark
All these forms of scrying have one thing in common, the use of symbolism. The stones, the mirror, the water itself symbolizes the watery world of psychism, of water which is a psychic intuitive element. The object of scrying is to use one of these methods to help you make contact with your psychic mind and communicate with it and your conscious awareness. Don`t expect to see a movie of upcoming events in the mirror or stone because it wont happen, that is movie drama nonsense. Instead you will hear words or phrases in your mind and then your mind will produce symbolic images. The most that you will see gazing are wispy smokes and bits of reflection. The real magick is within you and you have to listen to yourself. When you do see and hear these images try to find out how they relate to the question you have in mind. Since you are working with your subconscious mind there will be symbols and it is up to you to determine what these symbols mean to you. It is also good to where silver jewelry when scrying since silver influences psychic awareness. I always wear silver so I don`t have to bother remembering to do this. I also have a large chunk of clear crystal on a silver chain. I would never part with this. You can also try wearing silver at night and a crystal under your pillow to encourage prophetic dreams.
Wash your mirror or stone in warm water and use the full moon`s light to purify it ( never sunlight) and keep it wrapped away in a soft black cloth. Some people rub fresh mugwort on their stones before using.
A Mirror Scrye

To see how you looked in a recent past life: This is one I have used myself. Be prepared to see someone you don`t expect to see. If you see things out of the corners of your eyes then stop what you are doing and ask for protection then turn the lights on.( This is not meant to scare you it is meant to protect you)
Burn Althea incense, good for protection as well as enhancing psychic abilities. While in states like these, you are vulnerable so it is best to protect yourself as much as possible.
One black candle
A black mirror if possible
Make the room as dark as possible, burn incense and light the black candle. Gaze into the mirror at yourself, but look directly at your middle forehead, where your middle eye is. Keep a constant gaze here and train your mind to think of nothing else. If you think of what you were in a past life, etc, you will influence the outcome and what you see will not be true. Lose your ego and try very hard to remain blank ,open and receptive. You may have to try this several times at different times before getting a response, but it works.