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Tools of the Trade
Athame- (black handled knife). A director of energy used to create the Magick circle.
Censer - The incense or herb burner used to invite the presence of Deities.
Cup- (or Chalice) holds wine, water, or other liquids during a ritual.
Salt- is used for circle casting, consecration of tools and for other purposes.
Water- is used for purification of the circle.
Pentacle- is a flat disk bearing the five pointed star.
Wand- is used for power raising or while inviting beings to attend the circle.
Other Tools
Candles- are used to direct energy (different colors have different meaning!)
Symbols- can be drawn into candles, on paper, in sand, etc. for added energy
The Moon- each phase had a different meaning, and is very powerful in spells
The Elements- Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are my favorite tools to use
Deities (Gods or Goddesses)- Each Deity has a different property, or representation
Many people have personal altars dedicated to specific Gods/Goddesses and ask them for help. If you wish to use a Deity for assistance in your spell or ritual, cast the circle and then say something like:
"I invite ______ to attend this circle, in bright blessing, to help me reach my goal."
When you are done with the spell, before you close the circle, say:
"Thank you, ______, for helping with my needs; our paths will now part in peace and light."

The Altar
The altar is a table/platform of some kind that holds all of your tools. It is a sacred place. Do not put any items on it that will not be used for magickal purposes. Do not let anyone touch your tools.
There is no specific way to lay out an altar, but since I am element orientated, I choose the following:
Earthy tools (pentacle and salt) are at the north
Air tools ( censer and incense) are at the east
Fire tools (candles) are to the south
Water tools (water and chalice) are to the west
*It is recommended that you place your candles at the back of your altar to avoid knocking them over!*

Now proceed with the spell, secure that the ancient powers of the four winds are aiding your magick.