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Invocation is a process of inviting a deity, an element, or any other higher power to attend your circle in order to help you with your spell or ritual.
Here's an example of what to say:
I invoke ____________ to attend this circle with bright blessings.
May he/she/they bless me with the powers to achieve ______.
When the spell or ritual is done:
As I take down my circle, I thank ______ for helping me.
May we part in love and light.
If you are one of those who prefers meditation instead of words, you could just concentrate on calling out to a deity for help. Be sure to thank them.
Some people bring offerings into their circles for whomever they invoke.


 We call out to the Gods and our pleas are heard.
   Quarter Invocations ( Harvest Tide )
Guardian of the East, ruler of Air.
We invite thee to join with us
Be thou as the wind
That sorts wheat from chaff
Blessed be!

Guardian of the South,ruler of Fire
We invite thee to join with us
Be thou as the flame
Blessd be!

Guardian of the West, ruler of Water
We invite thee to join with us
Be thou as wine of harvested grape
That warms the heart and inspires the spirit
Blessed be!

Guardian of the North, ruler of Earth
We invite thee to join us
Be thou as the field that nurtures the seed within
That shall burst forth in Spring
Blessed be!

Otherworldy Queen
We call to thee

Veiled One
Golden, Silken
We call to thee

Night Mare
Hoofs of Thunder
You shake us to our souls

Mistrees of Fate
Welcomer of the Dead
Your birds bring forgetfulness and bliss

Lovely One
Dark One
Veiled One

Invocation of the Elements

Air, Fire, Water, Earth
Elements of Astral birth
I call you now, attend to me!
In the circle nightly cast
Safe from psychic curse or blast
I call you now, attend to me!
From cave and desert, sea and hill
By wand, cup, blade or pentacle
I call you now, attend to me!
This is my will
" So Mote It Be "

 Isis Invocation

Isis of the moon
You who are all that ever was
All that is
And all that shall be
Come veiled Queen of the Night
Come as the scent of sacred Lotus
Charging my circle
With love and magick
Do descend upon my Circle
I pray
O'Blessed Isis !


We called and they came, we are now as one.
       Invocation for Summer
Fireflies and Summer sun
In circles round, we become as one

Singing songs at magickal hour
We bring the winds and timeless power

Turning inward, hand to hand
We dance the hearth, to heal the land

Standing sacred beneath the sky
We watch the fire from out its eye

Swaying breathless beside the sea
We call the Goddess, " So Mote It Be "

 Invocation to Pan
Face the altar with raised hands and say:
" Great God Pan, return to Earth again!
Come at my call and show thyself to men.
Shepherd of Goats, upon the wild hill's way,
Lead thy lost flock from darkness into day,
Forgotten are the ways of sleep and night,
Men seek for them whose eyes have lost the light.
Open the door, the door which hath no key,
The door of dreams, whereby men come to thee.
O Mighty Stag, O answer to me!

Akhera goiti
akhera beiti! ( lower the hands )

  Invocation to the Horned God

( Alexandrian )

By the flame that burneth bright,
O Horned One!
We call thy name into the night,
O Ancient One!
Thee we invoke, by the Moon led sea,
By the standing stone and the twisted tree.
Thee we invoke, where gather thy own.
By the nameless shore, forgotten and lone.
Come where the round of the danc is trod,
Horn and Hoof of the Goat Foot God!
By moonlit meadow, on dusky hill,
Where the haunted wood is hushed and still,
Come to the charm of the chanted prayer,
As the moon bewitches the midnight air.
Evoke thy powers that potent bide,
In shining stream and the secret tide,
In feiry flame by starlight pale,
In shadowy host that rides the gale. And by the ferndrakes, faerie haunted,
Of forests wild and woods enchanted.
Come, O Come!
To the heartbeat's drum!
Come to us who gather below,
When the broad white Moon is climbing slow.
Through the stars to the heaven's height,
We hear thy hoofs on the wind of night!
As black tree branches shake and sigh,
By joy and terror, we know thee nigh.
We speak the spell thy power unlocks,
At Solstice Sabbath and Equinox!

Herbal Invocation

Earth, divine Goddess, Mother nature who generates all things and brings forth anew the sun
which you have given to the nations.
Guardian of sky and sea and of all gods and powers, through your powers all nature falls silent
and then sinks in sleep.
Again you bring back the light and chase away night and yet again you cover us most securely with your shades.
You do contain chaos infinite, yea and winds, and showers, and storms, you send them out when you will and cause the seas to roar, you chase away the sun and rouse the storms.
Again when you will you send forth the joyous day and give the nourishment of life with your eternal surety, and when the soul departs to you we return.
You are indeed duly called Great Mother of the Gods, you conquer by your divine name.
You are the source of strength of nations and of gods, without you nothing can be brought to perfection or be born.
You are Great Queen of the Gods.
Goddess! I adore thee as Divine.
I call upon your name,
be pleased the grant that which I ask of you, so shall I give thanks to thee, Goddess, with due faith.
Hear I beseech you, and be favorable to my prayer.
What ever herb your power does produce, give, I pray, with goodwill to all nations to save them and grant me this my medicine.
Come to me with your powers, and howsoever I may use them, may they have success to whosoever I may give them.
Whatever you grant, may it prosper.
To you all things return.
Those who rightfully receive these herbs from me, please make them whole.
Goddess, I beseech you, I pray as a supplicant that by your majesty you grant this to me.
Now I make intercession to you all your powers and herbs and to your majesty, you whom Earth parent of all has produced and given as a medicine of health to all nations and has put majesty upon you, I pray you, the greatest help to the human race.
This I pray and beseech from you, br present here with your virtues, for She who created you has Herself promised that I may gather you into the goodwill of him whom the art of medicine has bestowed, and grant for health's sake good medicine by grace of your powers.
I pray grant me through your virtues that whatsoever is wrought by me though you may in all its power have good success and that I may always be permitted with the favor of your majesty to gather you into my hands and to glean your fruits.
So shall I give thanks to you in the name of the majesty which ordained your birth.

Pan is the Lord of the Woods, god of goatherds and huntsmen; ecstatic dancer; god of laughter and good humor; god of excessive sexual desire (hence his opposition to marriage).  He is called 'the lonely God', and 'the last arrived of the Gods'.  Half-man, half-goat, He is the original party animal.  He is the mediator between nature and the Gods.  He is a God of strength - the marathon torch race in the original Olympics was dedicated to Pan - and He saved the Greeks at Marathon.  He was not an Athenian God, but an Arcadian, from the rugged mountainsides.  He fought the Titans with Zeus, yet His panic makes battle impossible, breaking the artificial bond of an army and causing everyone to run away.  He has connections to Artemis, Goddess of the hunt:  He shares Her nymphs and must obey Her.  Pan is the one who led Persephone's wedding dance, happily piping His pipes as She was led into the underworld, yet it was Pan who found Demeter in mourning when no one else could find Her.  And it was Pan's daughter, Iambe, who got Demeter to laugh and forget Her grief for just a moment.  When you clap your hands, you are doing homage to Pan, when you laugh, and when you dance.

The legend of Pan tells of a god born with goat legs and feet,
horns, and a furry human upper body. The other gods ridiculed him
because of his appearance, and so Pan left Olympus, and went to
live in Arcadia. There, he spent his time chasing lovely nymphs,
and playing on his pipes. Pan was the god of flocks, forests and
fields, and is often associated with Nature in general. At times,
he would stamp his foot in anger, and cause a "panic" among mortals.

Pan became especially enamoured of a water nymph, or naiad, named
Syrinx. He pursued her, but she escaped him by fleeing to a river,
where she was changed to a stand of reeds. Pan finally took some of
these, and fashioned the instrument known as "Pan's pipes", on which
he played to console himself.

Invocation to Pan

Oh, playful one, with pipe you prance,
The goat-foot Pan, lord of the dance.
With feral joy in ancient wood
You embue life with mirth and good.

Of seed and beast and plant and tune
We seek your form under this moon.
The woodland king, the lord of trees,
Friend to the moon and stars and breeze.

Hear us, horned one, your children cry,
And bring your song of life nearby.
Give us your fertile and creative force
And help to return us to wildness, our source.

Wild wond'rous Pan, the forest's sire
Enter this circle as we desire.
Enclose us all, be with us today
Magically join in our sacred play.

Pan Incense

1 tsp -- pine needles
1/2 tsp -- cinquefoil
1/2 tsp -- sage
1/4 tsp -- patchouli leaves
1/2 tsp - cedar
1/2 tsp - bay leaf
1/2 tsp - Devil's shoelace
11 drops - musk oil
4 drops - civet oil
9 drops - fir oil