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Flower Magick

The Magick of Flowers

Flowers have a great impact upon our everyday lives. They allow us to express out "true feelings" of one another without even realizing. Each flower has a basic meaning, but by adding a specific color the meaning completely changes. Below is a list of flowers and their meanings.

ACACIA~~The ability to love in secret, or to maintain a platonic relationship

APRICOTE BLOSSOM~~One who is timid or shy when in love

AMARYLLIS~~Pride or spendid beauty


AZALEA~~Fragile and Ephemeral Passion

BABY'S BREATH~~Happiness

BEGONIA~~"Beware! I am fanciful!"

BLUEBELL~~Humility, delicacy and constancy


CACTUS~~Bravery and endurance

CAMELLIA~~Excellence, admiration, perfections, good luck gift to a man

CANTERBURY BELL~~Constancy and warning

CARDINAL~~Splendor and distinction

CARNATION~~Fascination, heartache, pure and ardent love
Red Carnation~~Admiration
Pink Carnation~~Emblem of Mother's Day
White Carnation~~Pure Love
Yellow Carnation~~Disdain and rejection
Purple Carnation~~Antipathy

CHRYSANTHEMUM~~Feelings of love, cheerfulness and optimism
Red~~I love thee
Yellow~~Slighted love

DAFFODIL~~Admiration, regard, the only one

DAHLIA~~Good taste

DAISY~~Innocene, loyal love

DANDELION~~Faithfulness, happiness

FORGET~ME~NOT~~Lasting memories, true and faithful love

GARDENIA~~Secret love, lonely love

HEATHER~~Admiration, beauty, luck,
Purple Heather~~Admiration, beauty, and solitude
Pink Heather~~Good Luck
White Heather~~Protection from danger

HONEYSUCKLE~~A wedding will follow shortly, sweetness

HIBISCUS~~Delicate beauty


IRIS~~Faith, wisdom, valor and hope

JASAMINE~~Happiness, timid, and modesty
Red Jasmine~~Glee, happiness
White Jasmine~~Amiability and cheerfulness
Yellow Jasmine~~Timidity and modesty


LILAC~~Acceptibility, youth
Mauve Lilac~~"Do You Still Love Me"
Pink Lilac~~Youth and Acceptance
White Lilac~~My First Dream Of Love

LILY~~Beauty, disdain, hatred, purity
Calla Lily~~Majestic Beauty
Orange~~Hatred and Disdain
White Lily~~Majesty and Purity
Lily~Of~The~Valley~~Purity and Humility

LOTUS~~Mystery and truth

MAGNOLIA~~Dignity, splendid beauty

MYRTLE~~Love, mirth and joy

ORCHID~~Loveliness" flower of magnificence

PANSY~~Thoughtful recollection

PASSIONFLOWER~~Faith and piety

PEACH BLOSSOM~~Generosity and bridal hope

PEAR BLOSSOM~~Health and hope

PERIWINKLE, BLUE~~Early Friendship

PERIWINKLE, WHITE~~Pleasures of Memory

PETUNIA~~Anger and resentment

PEONY~~Healing, Life and Prosperity

PLUM BLOSSOM~~Beauty and longevity

POINSETTA~~"Be of Good Cheer"

POPPY~~Imagination and dreaminess

Primrose~~Young love

Queen Ann's Lace~~Fantasy

Rhododendron~~Danger, be careful


Rose,Carolina~~Dangerous love

Rose,Christmas~~Peace and tranquility


Rose,Pink~~Love,happiness,respect and friendship

Rose,Red~~Desire,passion and love


Rose,White on Red~~Unity

Rose,Yellow~~Jealousy & possible infidelity



Tiger Lily~~Wealth,prosperity,and pride

Tulip~~Symbol of the perfect lover, and fame


Wallflower~~Friendship and adversity

Water Lily~~Eloquence and persuasion

Wisteria~~Youth and poetry

Let your soul respond to the beauty that flowers and nature unfold.
Contemplate the beauty, meditate upon their fragrance,
their form and their color.
Be sensitive and receptive to the mysterious of nature
and the mother goddess will bestow upon you instructions for the development
of your soul.