Building a Nymph

A number of people have asked for information and pictures of the Bolger Nymph that I built. This page is in response to these requests. I've merely linked a few pictures with cryptic captions, but if there's enough interest for a more comprehensive text about the building process, I'll try to expand on what I've provided here.

If you're looking for a good first project to see if your skills are up to the task, or you need a good rowing dinghy, the Nymph isn't a bad choice. Easily built and easily rowed.

I've nearly finished the spars, rudder and leeboard and have to make the sail, but as soon as that's all done, I'll add pictures of the sailing version of the Nymph.

Joe McWilliams

Building Nymph 1

Building Nymph 2

Building Nymph 3

Building Nymph 4

Building Nymph 5

Vertical view

Finished exterior

Finished interior

Launch Day. After a little beer over the bow, Elizabeth, daughter #2, gets first shot at finding out whether the Bonhomme Richard floats or sinks. I'm happy to report that she shipped nary a drop of water, and rowed like a charm.

Launching 1

Launching 2

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