Hi, I am Fornax and my name is Henk. I am Dutch.

The nick "Fornax" I use to identify myself on IRC/ICQ and other computer internet related programs.

I picked out Fornax from the starglobe just to have a nick and not with any particular reason. So, Fornax is a start at the Southern hemisphere and her Latin name stands for "oven".

I am born in Holland at the 25th of December 1947 at The Hague city. Later I became a technical draughtsman which I didn't like, left the office and joined the Dutch navy for six years as I was at the age of 19. I worked there for an "action information organization called the AIO.

After six years I left the navy and joined the police force of Deventer city in The Netherlands.

Left soon there cuz I didn't like the police work and took a new challenge in accepting a job as radar traffic controller for naval affairs. I am still working there and like the job very much.

I do have a hobby too, like reading, painting, playing the piano and I love music.

Here are some of my favorite books:

Meetings with remarkable men (Recontres avec des hommes remarquables) G.I.Gurdjieff
Undiscovered country. Katryn Hulme
The power of silence. Carlos Castaneda
The magus of Strovolos. Kyriacos C Markides
Black Elk speaks. John G Neihardt
The education of Little Tree. Forest Carter
In search of the miraculous. P.D. Ouspensky
The last barrier. R Field
The Hobbit/The lord of the rings. Tolkien

some links to visit including another link about me:

I started to explore the Internet in March 1998 and soon met Giobaby who learned me a lot in IRC and other related stuff like Pirch98. I am very grateful for all the help she gave me.

Later I met Kahnnie , Giobaby's great friend. Shortly after that I met Twinnie in Kahnnie's channel and met her and her husband with their beautiful 3 children in real.

I hope to gave you a good view into what and who I am. You are most welcome to meet me and this wonderful people in #Kahnnie on Chatnet from IRC.

Thank you for looking into this page.


� 2000, These pages were made and created by everyone at #Kahnnie..Please DO NOT take anything off the pages without permission Thank You Very Much!