SOME OF KO0R'S STUFF                  Page 16
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Balanced Line
Antenna Tuner

Bird wattmeter on top of a Multi-band tank circuit antenna tuner which covers 160 M. thru 10 M.

Belchfire 1000
(3) 4CX250B

Control panel with amplifier/antenna/exciter switching, Bird wattmeter and Heath Monitor Scope.

Collins Wattmeter on top of Delcon
Power Supply for

Old BTI amplifier with single 3-1000Z Grnd. Grid Amp.

BTI Amplifier modified to a single 4CX1500B Grnd. Grid

Frank'a home brew receiver circa 1969/70.  Mostly all dual gate mosfets. Bandswitches 12 positions covering bands in existence at that time plus SWL ranges.  Triple conversion.  Solid state noise blanker (article in QST and following editions of Handbook).  Mechanical and crystal filter.  Digital 5,10, 25, 50 and 100 KHz calibrator. IF shift passband tuning (shape your receive audio).  AM/FM/CW/SSB.  Calibrated S-meter. Two speed dial.  HFO/VFO output. Front end RF attenuater. Xtal controlled front end.

Balanced antenna tuner with BC610 type plug-in coils.  Input is tuned link with SWR bridge in series.  Output is tapped onto plug in coil.  Each tap has a series tuning condenser going to each side of ladder line.  Center of plugin coil is grounded.  Vacuum variable across whole plugin coil.