All-Time Stats

This page allows easy reference to see which team has done what in their history. It divides the teams into the current the teeams, and the defunct teams.

All Time Record of Current Teams
Farmers580438102404,2002,235 9160.79081
Hunters580419110513,3061,932 8890.76675
Quakers584397148393,6512,198 8330.71341
Hewsons584372170423,2282,195 7860.67340
Hellhound5584357192353,377 2,6907490.64151
Losers580343193442,9072,173 7300.62940
Torpedoes2580264263532,545 2,5325810.50100
GrtWhite3580236289552,456 2,5605270.45410
SeaWolves580224303532,3672,753 5010.43210
Soldats6580226309452,292 2,8454970.42800
Loggers580219323382,2512,692 4740.40900
Armagedon8584183367342,079 2,9954000.34200
Lmbrjacks4580181369302,180 3,0773920.33800
Crusaders7584171375382,275 3,3953800.32500
Cavemen584160386382,1583,485 3580.30700
Extreme1584146389492,078 3,2933410.29200

1Franchise was also known as the Wolves
2Franchise was also known as the Kannibalen
3Franchise was also known as the Geckos
4Franchise was also known as the Devils, and the Rd Apples
5Franchise was also known as the Hosers
6Franchise was also known as the MadBrewer
7Franchise was also known as the TazDevils
8Franshise was also known as the Gamblers

All-Time Records of Defunct Teams
Penguins726363636 287127.89510
Wombats7240248289268 88.61110
Ogres7239249286249 87.60400
Vikings7236288293248 80.55510
RedMachine7235307282256 77.53410
Bruisers72312813254266 75.52000
Inbreds7234326293285 74.51300
Deadthings72313011245249 73.50600
Icemen1152666818559 639150.49300
Regulars148637312542616 138.46600
Valkyires7231374256316 66.45800
SaltyDogs7229358268310 66.45800
Dragons7226388235288 60.41600
Avalanche7225416256309 56.38800
RedWings72233910253278 56.38800
Ninjas7223436221284 52.36100
Flappers7218495225377 41.28400
Avengers7214508207376 36.25000

1Franchise was also known as the Mpl Leafs