The Crusader States

Catholic Encyclopedia's History of the Crusades
Europe at the time of the First Crusade (Image taken from Catholic Encyclopedia)
The Holy Land (Image taken from Catholic Encyclopedia)
City of Jerusalem (Image taken from Labyrinth website)
Boise State University's virtual class on the Crusades
Barber's Map of the Crusader States

Hollister's Map of the Crusader States

Main Points to Remember

1. Schism between Eastern church and Western church, Byzantine sentiments and Western/Frankish sentiments

2. Instability and lack of unification. The sense of "living on borrowed time"

3. Dependence upon Western Christendom and the Roman church for support: political, economic, and social/religious

The Rulers of Jerusalem

Godfrey of Bouillon 1099-1100
Baldwin I 1100-1118
Baldwin II 1118-1131
Fulk of Anjou and Melisende 1131-1143
Melisende and Baldwin III 1143-1152
Baldwin III 1152-1163
Amalric 1163-1174
Baldwin IV 1174-1185
Baldwin V 1185-1186
Sibyl and Guy of Lusignan 1186-1192 Sibyl d. 1190
Isabella and Conrad of Montferrat 1192
Isabella and Henry of Champagne 1192-1197
Isabella and Aimery of Lusignan 1197-1205
Maria of Montferrat 1205-1210
Maria of Montferrat and John of Brienne 1210-1212
Isabella II and John of Brienne 1212-1225
Emperor Frederick II and Isabella II 1225-1228
Conrad II (IV of Germany) 1228-1254
Conradin 1254-1268
Hugh I (III of Cyprus) 1268-1284
John 1284-1285
Henry I (II of Cyprus) 1285-1324

Taken directly from Table 18 in Barber pg. 397

The Holy Sepulchre

(Images taken from "The Land of Jesus")



Entrance to the Tomb

Tomb of Christ

Another picture of the Tomb