
Timeline Ideas

Thanks to Beth Price for compiling these emails regarding timelines from the KonosSupport list at ONELIST. I have taken the liberty of editing out last names and email addresses for the sake of privacy, but basically the thread remains!

From: Sandy

I plan on using Konos next year (although as soon as my book gets here I may just punt what we are doing now! I am really excited to start using Konos). Anyway, I too,don't have a lot of wall space, and while I don't mind our home looking like a school, my hubby doesn't. There's an alternative this site While this still takes up wall space, it gave me an idea to incorporate into a 3 ring notebk as someone else has suggested. We have a scanner, as well a clip art to use for various stuff. Haven't done it yet. May not be as simple to do as it is to imagine in my head!


From: Lynn


I went to the Office supply store and got pieces of foam board (yes it did mean shortening the lines a little). I have BC on one set of 2 boards and AD on the other set of 2 boards. I carry mine with me to bookfairs, etc. I can fold it and put it away or have it out to look at. I guess you don't need me to repeat that the characters are gorgeous since the HOW came out and everyone demanded them to upgrade their gingerbread men for the real guys. I still think the sizes need some work (Vol 3 are huge), but they are very detailed.

The foam board is around 3 ft long. You do have to shorten some of the lines, but you know what time frame you don't have a lot of stuff for, so.....pick those lines to shorten. You take the two boards and place the "right" sides together. then tape (I use "nasty" tape) the outside edge of one side. Then you can open your board, and apply your lines. I have found that rubber cement seems to help the figures stick the best! (Of course, I have a lot of little kids that want to pick at my t/l when it is out at bookfairs on display). That's how I do it. I've never tried the science project boards. You should be able to slip either of these behind the couch to keep dad happy during non school times! LOL

Loving and Serving Him,


For a larger, more detailed photo of Lynn's timeline, click here!

The large picture is SO much better than this small one!


Here's our timeline picture! It has been a really neat visual aid for us because we can see that history "turned a corner" when Jesus came!


For a larger, more detailed photo of Mindy's timeline, click here!

The large picture is SO much better than this small one!

From: Christina

An idea that was passed along to me was to use Velcro on the backs of the figures and the time line instead of tape. It makes it reusable and more mobile.



When putting your timelines on the wall, on foam core board, or on the science fair project boards, leave lots of space around the time of Christ, and from the 1600's to the 1900's, especially the 1800's & 1900's. There are just lots of people to put up there.

I bought 4 sheets of blue foam core board. I folded them, in pairs, blue sides together and taped them, short sides together, with wide sticky tape. On board one I have from the year 2099BC to 700 BC. I have 7 rows of strips. One strip overlaps the other by 4 inches. (1800 bc overlaps 1799 bc) Year 2099 is in the lower left hand corner and 700 bc is in the top right hand corner. Board 2: Jesus is in the center middle of this board. I've left a blue strip down the center to differentiate between BC & AD. I also shortened the strips so I would have a 2 inch wide blue strip down the middle. So I cut off after 299 BC and used rubber cement to put it on top of the strip so it would fit. On the other side of Jesus is the first 1 - 799ad in descending order. (down the side) There are 8 strips on these boards. Board 3: I cut the strips much smaller for 800 ad to 1399 so that 6 of them fit in 3 rows (plenty roomy) and then one strip of 1400's and one strip of 1500's again cut to fit. This board has 4 strips on it. If I did over again, I'd also fit the 1600's on the board to give lots of room for the next centuries. Board 4: The 1700-s go across one row and there is a row and a half for the 1800's and 1900's, cut to fit. This board gets really crowded. The beauty of this timeline is that it folds up and fits behind or under the couch; next to the desk; or behind the bookcase. The disadvantage is that it doesn't have room for the days of creation or the AD & BC signs. And Christ does not show up as the center of time because there is so much more recorded history since the invention of the printing press. Hope this helps.

In His Grace


Other Timelines

NOTE: May contain some evolution! Use at parental discretion!

World Timeline--1930's to 1980's
Rome/Mexico Timeline Comparison
HyperHistory Timelines
World Timelines by Year and Region
TheCentury: Timelines (ABC News)
Many Various Timelines


Please notify me of dead links and your suggestions!

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