The O'Briens of Wexford, Ireland

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This page contains a list of scheduled project events.

In addition, we maintain the following prioritized lists of what is being worked on and what is planned:


  1. Design & impliment project web site.
  2. Create an e-mail workgroup list of people with ties to the O'Briens from Wexford, Ireland.


  1. Notify the group of possible site catagories.
  2. Make changes according to the groups requirements.
  3. Make recommendations to the wider O'Brien community as to doing similar work in other Irish counties.
  4. Determine on the extent of related O'Brien names in Wexford (eg. Breen, Aubrie, Obrie, Bryan...).


  1. Added: Tithe Records of 1820's (Heads of Households in Bantry & Scarawalsh)
    Perogitive Marriages
    Some early history info. & new site pages
    List info on Canada page-1817 emmigration
    Enland-List of Irish strays in 1851 census


  1. Advertised help for Griffith Index listing.




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Obtained web site.


Web site uploaded.


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For problems or questions regarding this web contact [ProjectEmail].
Last updated: November 04, 1999.