IKS Pagh

The IKS Pagh is a Klingon Bird of Prey (b'rel class). The Commanding Officer is Kurre son of To'ka of the House of To'ka.

We are part of Bravo Fleet, the largest PBEM StarTrek RPG.

Bravo Fleet is set in the current Star Trek continuity, just after the end of the last Voyager season.

The IKS Pagh is on secondment from the Imperial Fleet to Star Fleet as part of an ongoing exchange program between the Empire and the Federation. As such the ship is under control of Star Fleet and most of their rules apply to her and her crew. However onboard the ship traditional Klingon rules apply.

crew list   |   Phrases   |   Klingon Weapons   |   Klingon Beliefs   |   Klingon Customs   |   Klingon Songs   |   Klingon Proverbs

"The pips graphics on this page where created by Steven Marriott, for the Tango Fleet PBE-RPG. Please do not copy these images. If you wish to obtain a copy simply go to the Tango Fleet Website, and the Ranks Page. Here you will find info regarding the Pips. Steven will happily pass along the files free of charge to anyone who takes the time to ask him for there use."

Thanks goes to Rear Admiral John Leschinskis of the USS HYPHRON for the cool banner

The Elite Force Alliance Star Trek Banner Exchange
The Elite Force Alliance Star Trek Banner Exchange

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