Hash History
The Hash House Harriers
Running and meeting people world-wide


      Question: What do you do if... 
      · you feel like a run but you don’t want to run alone, and your only friend who's also into running runs marathons in 2 1/2 hours and you don’t 
      · you think running your ordinary 3-mile loop is exceedingly boring,   
      · you’ve just arrived in New Delhi, you don’t know a soul but you feel like a run and you want to meet people? 
      Answer: You go Hashing 
      The History
      So what exactly is Hashing? In spite of the somewhat suspicious sounding name it has nothing to do with the narcotic drug made from hemp. Instead the name traces its origin to the English slang term "hash house" meaning "bad restaurant". The story of Hashing started in 1938 in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. A group of English expats led by a man called Gisbert started feeling bored and decided to do something about it. Being English they knew about the games "Paper Chase" and "Hare and Hounds" and decided to do something similar. This group of expats used to eat lunch together every day at a restaurant called The Selangor Club, jokingly referred to as "the hash house" so it was only natural to call their newly started club "The Hash House Harriers". (A harrier being a dog used for hunting hares.) The club managed 107 runs before everything ground to a halt by the Japanese invasion. It wasn’t until 1946 the club was able to reunite, sadly without the founder of the club. A.S. Gispert didn’t live to see his creation spread to most countries on earth on all continents including The Antarctic. He was killed in action on Feb. 11th 1942 in the battle of Singapore.
       To start off with, The Hash House Harriers could be found only in Kuala Lumpur. It wasn’t until 24 years later, in 1962 the next branch opened in Singapore. After that another five years passed before the first non-Asian Hash started in Perth in Western Australia in 1967. In 1974 there were about 35 Hash Houses around the world but after that the hashing scene really took off. In 1992 there were more than 1100 branches in over 135 countries, not counting the Vimmerby HHH founded in 1991.