We currently have 46 members on our mailing list.

            So we don't clog up mail boxes we use the list primarily for the following:
                    1) Obviously updates to pages

                    2) Any question about HTML, picture, info can and should be sent to the list, also any answer to said questions can and should be
                    sent to the list cause what helps one of us can more than likely help us all out!

                    3) Any "legit" news about our men in tights can also be sent, however if you disagree with the news please email the person
                    privately about the matter, then when you 2 or 3 have things straightened out about the news or rumor then you can send new
                    information to the list.

                    4) PLEASE no arguing on the list, if you don't like what someone says take it up with them personally!

                    5) Raw, Nitro, Heat, Thunder etc,,, reports with opinions can be sent to the list.

                    6) When answering list messages try to combine answer to topics brought up into one em ail instead of answering 3 or 4 messages
                    with 3 or 4 messages!

                    7) Whenever ANYONE meets a wrestlers, especially those we all drool over, or just anyone else i feel a detailed report must be
                    given! Right down to how nice their butts looked in the jeans they were wearing! I think everyone can understand this :^)

                    8) Questions about angles, booking, story lines or future events, etc can be sent to the list, likewise answers can also be sent but
                    check and see if someone else hasn't already answered the question before we have 5 or 6 repeats of the same answer.

                    9) and finally when you do reply and send something to the list make sure the the [email protected] is the ONLY address in
                    the TO: box! This cuts down on double or sometimes triple messages to 1 or 2 people!

Its come to my attention that the listbot code here on the page isn't working correctly!
I apologize for this! If your interested in joining please email Star and i'll be sure to send
you an invite from the listbot page itself! Thanks :^)