The Drool page
a.k.a. what we mean when we say....

            Drozzie Bravo = Stars little nickname for Droz

            Jeffoney = A nice little nickname for Jeff Hardy. His voice sounds liek honey and he's all golden.
               So mix Jeff with Honey and you get Jeffoney. Mmmm.......sweet and sticky....

            Mattolate = A nickname for Matt. He has a tan, his hair is dark, and his eyes are dark. Like chocolate.
               So we have Mattolate. Melts in my mouth, not in my hands...oh, nevermind...We wouldn't mind if he DID
               melt in our my hands!

           Sire = Grangrels Spawns name for her,, well,, sire.

           POKE THE TUMMY = What WARM member Gangrel Spawn feels she must do. Poke Grel, the
             Pilsbury Dough Vampire Wrestler's tummy...*poke poke poke*

           Edgey Poo = Gangrel Spawn made this up after someone said that Edge was hers. She turned to her
              Edge clones and waved at them and said 'Edgey! Oh Edgey Poo!'

           Christian's Cross = What do you think this means? It refers to the same body part as 'Worship at the
              Altar of Christian'. *looks meaningfully at her vamp Chris' crotch*

           Hamster Face = Our special name for Chris Jericho.  The name is Hamster Face, and it refers to his
              little friend that sometimes grows on his chin.  Unless he is sporting the sideburns, in which case he is
              instantaneously morphed into Ferret face

           Dubya-Cee-Dubya / Dubya-Dubya-Eff = HOw we WARM member pronounce WCW and WWF
              after a few drinks. That is we WARM members that are old enough to drink , obviously :^)