***WCW Monday Nitro Results Archive***
Results from February '99
***Nitro Results from Feb. 1, 1999***
(give full credit to lordsofpain.net and Mike Penta for this report)

*Showed Henning and Whindam Arriving to the arena. They were talking about teaming up for the Tag Team Tournament

*Showed The Nitro Girls practicing. Steiner came in and bothered them. He grabbed Kimberly and she fell back and hit her head and was unconscious.

*Konnan & Rey Mysterio Jr., out for an interview. Rey said if he has to beat Lex Lugar for respect he will. Konnan said he was going to make Hall & Nash pay for what they did. They said they fight them in any type of match at Superbrawl.

*Showed the NWO B team complaining about their treatment. Stevie Ray said there was a limo outside for only 4 people. Vincent was told to take a hike and walk it. He called Nash on the phone. Nash showed up with the Wolfpack in the limo. Vincent got in

*Nitro Girls danced with out Kimberly

*Showed Flair giving Bischoff his new job. He put him in a dunk tank outside. Every employee he stepped on was going to throw a ball to dunk him. It was 45 degrees outside.

*Barry Whindam & Curt Henning Vs Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko

Benoit & Malenko had control of the match. A hard hitting match. Benoit & Malenko work well together. Whindam and Benoit overpowered them. Good match. Match went outside the ring for a moment. Henning got Benoit in the Henning Plex and got the pin. Winners: Henning & Whindam

*Showed the NWO coming in to arena.

*Showed the NWO B team going in the lockeroom. There was girls waiting for them.

*Interviewed Ric Flair. Talked about Bischoff's new job. Also talked about the 2 teams in NWO. He said Hogan was unfit as a Champion. Flair said he will get the title on the 21st.
He also said he was going to tie Hogan in a knot. He also told Bret Hart he was defending the title against Chris Benoit at Superbrawl. Hall & Disco came out. Hall said he should get the title against Hart. Hall called Benoit out. Hall said he was going to beat up Benoit. All four men started a fight. Flair then said Benoit was fighting Hall tonight.

*Kenny Kaos Vs Van Hammer

OK match. Both men had some good moves. Van Hammer slammed Kaos and got the pin. Winner: Van Hammer

*Hak came out. Beat Van Hammer with the Singapore cane. Sandman said he was tired of people taking credit for his work. He said he was the first to use barbwire. He challenged Bigelow to a match. Bigelow came out.

*Hak Vs Bam Bam Bigelow

Hak continualy beat Bigelow with the cane. Match went outside the ring. Bigelow took control. Bigelow and the Sandman used chairs. Bigelow got the Asbury Park on Sandman on a chair. Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow

*Showed Bischoff in the tank.

*Showed Kidman telling DDP what happened to Kimberley. DDP went into the NWO locker room looking for Seiner. DDP said they better hope Kimberly is alright. DDP left. Steiner came out and told everybody she sliped and was holding Nitro Girls cloths. Nash then told Vincent to tell DDP that they accept a match then slap him. Vincent then told Disco to do it and said when he slaps him they would come out to help. Disco went out to the ring and told DDP and hit him. Nobody came out. DDP gave him the Diamond cutter and left.

*Lash Leroux Vs Kidman

Good match. A lot of quick and high flying moves. Match went outside the ring for a few. Lash had some good moves. Kidman gave Lash the Fallen Star and a pin. Winner: Kidman

*Showed Heeaning thowing balls to dunk Bischoff.

*Showed Hogan talking to one of the Hell's Angels in a limo.

*Interviewed Booker T. He said he wants the shot at a title. He said he was fighting Disco at Superbrawl

*Scott Steiner w/ Bagwell Vs Chris Jericho w/ Ralphus

Scott basically said he was banging Kimberly. Jericho sent Ralphus back. Good match. Steiner obviously overpowered Jericho. Steiner had control early on. Match went outside the ring for a while. Buff was joking around (Awesome). Jericho walked out to leave the ring. Saturn came down and hit him and threw him in the ring. Steiner locked on the Steiner Recliner and got a tap out. Winner: Scott Steiner

*Nash & Lugar w/ Elizabeth came out. Talked about the challange Konnan made. They said they would put up Elizabeth's Hair. Liz wasn't to kean on the idea at first.

*The Cat w/ Sonny Ono Vs Scott Norton
Cat called anybody to fight.

The NWO told Norton that the Cat called him out. Norton came out. Norton just beat down the Cat. Cat started on Norton's Knees. Norton powerslamed The Cat. Winner: Scott Norton

*Interviewed Goldberg. Talked about Bam Bam Bigelow. He said he had no fear of Bigelow.

**Main Event**
*Winner take on Bret Hart @ Superbrawl*
Scott Hall w/ Disco Inferno Vs Chris Benoit

Bret Hart was doing color cometary. Good Match. A hard hitting match. Benoit got the Crippler Cross Face on Hall and Disco pulled him out. Mongo Came down and beat Disco into the back. Mongo threw him in a room with Arn Anderson holding a tire iron.
Benoit had control of most of the match. Nash came down but Benoit knocked him down. Hall got the Outsiders edge and a pin. Winner: Scott Hall

*Showed Hogan and Chuck Zito in the limo talking about beating up Flair's Kid. Flair was watching on a camera.

***Nitro Results from Feb. 8, 1999***(give full credit to lordsofpain.net and Mike Penta for this report)

*Showed the Nitro Girls dancing with DDP watching them. Kimberly was with the girls.

*Showed Disco in the back. Nash & Hall said they had a surprise for him. It was Arn Anderson laying on the floor.

*Showed a cute girl talking into the camera and telling them to go in her limo.

*Blitzkrieg Vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. w/ Konnan

Awesome match. A lot of high flying from both men but especially from Blitz. Non stop action. Match went outside the ring for a few. A lot of good moves. Rey got a frankinsteiner off the top rope and got the pin. Winner: Rey Mysterio, Jr.

*Showed raven and Kanyon at home.

*Fit Finly Vs Booker T

Good match. Finly took control and held on to it. Match went outside the ring for a little while. Booker got the missile drop-kick and a pin. Winner: Booker T

*Showed Flair telling Bischoff he was a custodian for WCW locker room

*Showed Hogan telling Horace he wants him to lead NWO Black & White

*Showed Raven widrawing 10,00.00 dollars in ones. He was going to but Kanyon new cloths.

*Showed Bischoff in the bathroom. Hart told him they need TP

*Showed Hogan telling Adams to take over NWO Black & White

*Interviewed Flair. He said he was going to beat up Nash & Hall tonight in the match. He also said he was going to make Hogan submit. Told Hart to bring him the belt. Hart said he was hurt and he couldn't wrestle. Flair also said he was going to wrestle Piper tonight.

*Should the girl in the limo again.

*Showed Hogan telling Stevie Ray to take over NWO Black & White

*Horace & Brian Adams Vs Curt Hennig & Barry Windham

Hennig jumped Adams. Match went outside the ring for a while. Good match. A hard hitting match. Whindham and Henning had control. All four men were in the ring. Vincent came down with the slapjack and when to hit Henning but hit Adams because Stevie Raycame down. Hennig fell back and got the pin. Winner: Curt Hennig & Barry Windham

*Showed the cute girl now in the elevator.

*Showed Bischoff in the locker room again.

*Showed Hogan telling Vincent to take over NWO Black & White

*Interviewed Bam Bam Bigelow. He said he was going to beat Goldberg. He said he tired of Goldberg helping animals. Bigelow said he would help, he would give a leash to Goldberg's wife. Goldberg came down and the fought.

*DDP Vs Kenny Kaos

Good match. DDP had control. Kaos had some good moves. DDP gave him the Diamond cutter off the rope and got the oin. Winner: DDP

*Showed Raven and Kanyon shopping at the mall and at home.

*The Cat w/ Sonny Ono Vs VincentDisco Inferno

*NWO sent vincent out say he was talking about him, Vincent told Disco the Cat was talking about his mother. Disco walked away. The cat beay Vincent to pilliar to post. Vincent got the cheap rollup and pin. Winner: Vincent

*Showed Steiner talking to Kimberly. DDP came out and they fought. Kimberly went in the car and locked it. Security came to break it up. Steiner got away and took the car w/ Kimberly. He turned it around and threw Kimberly out of the moving car. EMS came out and took her away.

*Showed Bischoff in the locker room

*Bret Hart Vs Roddy Piper

Good match. Piper had control of the match early. Match went outside the ring for a while. Bret said piper kicked him in the nuts. Trainer came out. Match continued. Bret also beat up Sasso from Mad TV. Sasso stayed at ringside. He taunted Bret. Piper got a rollup on bret because Sasso held on the refs leg. Winner: Rowdy Piper

*Showed the girl now in a hotel room with mystery man

*Nash & Hall w/ Disco Vs Flair & Mongo

Good match. All four men were in the ring. Hall & Nash had control. A lot of hard hits. Good team work between Hall & Nash. Flair got the figure four on Hall. Hogan came down with a bucket of bleach water and threw it into Mongo's eye. Flair was alone with Hall. Nash and Hogan. Goldberg came down. Bigelow chased Goldbeg.

***Nitro Results from Feb. 15, 1999***
(give full credit to lordsofpain.net and Mike Penta for this report)

*Showed Arn Anderson beating up Disco Inferno. Arn was arrested by security

*Showed Bischoff as Ric Flair's limo driver.

*Jerry Flynn Vs Saturn

Saturn had some good moves. Saturn had control of the match. Flynn had some moments of control Scott Dickerson came out to distract the ref. Jericho jumped in with a pipe. Saturn caught him. Flynn sidekick Saturn to get a pin. Winner: Jerry Flynn

*Showed Flair in the limo. Talked on the phone about Anderson beating up Disco. Bischoff said he took a detour. Bischoff was on the phone telling someone they will be there in a few minute.

*Blitzkrieg, Juventtud Guerrera & Psychosis Vs Hector Gazzara, Super Calo & El Dandy

Boring match. A lot of high risk moves and quick moves. Luchidore rules. Blitzkrieg got a corkscrew moonsault off the top rope for the pin. Winner:

*Showed the mystery girl (Torrie Wilson) in the hotel with ???

*Showed 3 Humv's following Flair's limo. NWO came out in Black shirts and masks and told the 2 people with Flair to get out. Everybody beat up Flair with sticks. A helicopter was shinning a light on all of it. Flair took a severe beating from Hogan. Hogan said Flair will never make it to Superbrawl. Flair was left on the ground everybody drove off.

*Fit Finly & Dave Taylor Vs Chris Benoit & Dean Melinko

Good match. Melinko & Benoit work good together. I was impressed by Finly & Taylor they took a beating. Melinko got the Texas Cloverleaf on Taylor. Winner: Chris Benoit & Dean Melinko

*Showed Bret Hart's match last week with Piper on Nitro.

*Bret Hart Vs Will Sasso from Mad TV
Sasso took a beating. The colored girl from Mad TV came out with Sasso. She helped Bret and turned on Sasso. Bret got the Sharpshooter on Sasso. Winner: Bret Hart

*The NWO came in. Hogan sent everybody in take back for a party. Hogan said he should beat Flair in his hometown. He said he would give Flair a shot at the title tonight. Hogan called out Flair. Piper came out. Piper said Hogan was going to fight him for the world title.

*Hogan Vs Piper
Old match. Piper had control early. Hogan whipped Piper as usual. Piper got a bloody nose. Hall came down and shocked Piper. NWO came down. Hall put on the kilt. everybody took shots at Piper.

*Showed someone finding Flair in a field.

*Showed a lawyer representing Scott Steiner saying they were suing DDP. They also said felony charges were going to be sought against DDP.

*Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko Vs Scotty Riggs & Mike Enos

Riggs looked good. Good match. Enos & Riggs worked good together. Long match. Riggs & Enos had control early on. Winner: Benoit & Malenko

*Showed the mystery girl (Torrie Wilson) in the hotel with ???

*Hogan w/ NWO Vs Flair

Hogan challenged Flair. Flair came in roughed up from the beating earlier. He stumbled and crawled to the ring. His face was bruised. Flair made it to the ring with a stick. Horsemen came in. Flair was beat with the axe handle. All of the Horsemen were beat up.

***Nitro Results from Feb. 22, 1999***
(give full credit to lordsofpain.net and Mike Penta for this report)

*Showed a Nitro Party. Ricky Rackman (Of MTV Fame) was hosting it.

*Showed a segment of the Nitro Girls.

*Jerry Flynn Vs Mike Enos

Match went outside the ring for a few. Flynn had control for a while. Flynn locked on the armbraker. Enos taped out. Winner: Jerry Flynn

*Showed David Flair & Torrie Wilson talking.

*Talked to Booker T. He said the Harlem Hangover is back. He also said he was going to beat Bret Hart tonight for the #1 contender to the US Title.

*Showed the Nitro Party again.

*Showed Vincent telling Norton that Hogan made him the leader.

*Showed Wrath on Mortal Kombat.

*Van Hammer Vs Bam Bam Bigelow

Fans were chanting Goldberg. Van Hammer had some offense but Bigelow had control for the match. Bigelow got off The Greetings From Asbury Park and a pin. Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow

*Showed Big Papa Pump & Buff Bagwell on the Nitro bus to spring break and going into a drag bar. They also walked into a Goldberg photo shoot.

*Bret Hart Vs Booker T

Good match. Control went back and forth between the two. A good hard hitting match. Bret deserves more of a push from WCW. Booker took a beating. A couple of close calls for both men. Bret locked on the figure four in the middle of the ring. It was revered then broken. Bret got a suplex off the top rope. Bret went for a sunset flip but Booker got a rollup for a pin Winner: Booker T

*Disco Inferno Vs Kaz Hayasi

Disco sang the National Anthem but somebody shut the mic off. Disco took control of the match. Match went outside the ring for a while. Kaz had some moments of offense. Disco got the Chartbuster and a pin. Winner: Disco Inferno

*Showed Disco in the control truck. He was pirating the satellite signal.

*Showed Adams telling Norton that Hogan put him in charge.

*Showed the Nitro Party

*Big Papa Pump w/ Buff Bagwell came into the ring. They picked a girl out of the crowd and brought her in to the ring. Steiner said DDP wasn't a challenged. He also said he was going to be on and off Kimberly for 30 days. He also said Kimberly was going to be on her back screaming his name. He also challenged Goldberg for a match tonight.

*Chris Jericho w/ Ralpus (In a new dress) Vs Hugh Morrus w/ Jimmy Hart

Jerico said that Saturn had a chance to give up the dress. He said he realy must be, You Know. Match went outside the ring. Jericho had control. Morrus had some good moves. He over powered Jericho. Saturn came down and tore the dress off Ralpus. Saturn gave Jericho the Death Vally Driver. Morrus then gave Jericho a moonsult flip off the top rope. Morrus got the pin. Morrus and Saturn got into a fight. Winner: Hugh Morrus

*Showed Malenko & Benoit beating up Whindham & Henning after they won the belts last night.

*Lugar, Nash & Elizibeth came out. Nash told Rey he could have his mask back.
Rey came out and said he wanted a pice of Nash. Nash said if Rey wants a beating he will give it to him.

*Nash w/ Lugar & Elizibeth Vs Rey Mystrio Jr.

Rey took control of the match. He wa sa house of fire. Nash then just overpowered him. He threw him around like a rag. Nash went for a powerbomb and Rey pushed him back and got a pin.Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr.

*Showed Konnan's new video

*Showed Horace telling Norton that Hogan put him in charge.

*Interviewed Henning & Windham. Henning said Benoit and Melinko were good but not great. They are in no hurry for a rematch. They said they were the greatest tag team.

*Showed Norton talking to Norton. Hogan told him HE was the leader.

*The Cat w/ Sonny Ono Vs Scott Norton

The Cat challenged Scott Norton. The Cat started off good. Norton overpowered him. Norton got the pin. Winner: Scott Norton

*Goldberg Vs Big Papa Pump w/ Buff Bagwell

Buff said Goldberg wasn't here. Buff also told Michael Buffer he didn't have the stuff to be Buff. Steiner challenged anybody in the crowed. Goldberg came out.
Two stood nose to nose. Goldberg pushed Steiner. Good Match. Both men had control during the match. Goldberg benchpressed Steiner over his head a couple of times. Goldberg chased Bagwell around the ring. Buff threw out the ref. Buff got speared. Rick Steiner came out. Goldberg & Steiner. took on the NWO. NWO left the ring . Winner: Goldberg

*Showed the Nitro Girls Swimsuit Expo.

*Showed Disco in the control truck.

*Interviewed David Flair and Ric Flair. Showed Ric coming to arena. NWO cut in with a parady of the Horseman. Nash was Arn. David said he was the new and improved space mountain. Torrie was all over David. Hall was Piper. Disco was Schvonie. Hogan was Ric Flair. Vincent was Mongo I think. I was so funny. I loved it.
Results from March '99
***Nitro Results from Mar. 1, 1999***
(give full credit to lordsofpain.net and Mike Penta for this report)

*Big Papa Pump and Buff Bagewell come out and have an quick interview, and Buff challenged Goldberg & Rick Steiner to battle himself and his partner Big Papa Pump.

*Nash and Luger come out and they want Rey Misterio Jr. to join the Wolfpack. And Rey refuses!! And he will stay with Konann.

*Psychosis vs. Billy Kidman
Winner: Billy Kidman (by:pin) Shooting Star Press off the top rope.

*Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Rey Misterio Jr
Winner: Rey Misterio Jr (by:pin) An Awesome Pin combination, I don't know what it was.

*The Cat vs. Jerry Flynn
Winner: The Cat (by: Count) Both Jerry Flynn and The Cat were getting counted in the Ring because they were both on the mat. So they both got up at the same time right before 10, so Sonny Onno hit Jerry Flynn when the ref wasn't looking. And then he got the pin.

*Saturn vs. Hugh Morrus
Winner: Hugh Morrus (by:pin) The No Laughing Matter, Jimmy Hart kept distracting the referee in the corner. Then Jericho came out and hit Saturn in the head with a chain. And then Hugh Morrus went off the top with the No Laughing Matter

*Bret Hart vs. Chris Benoit
Winner: Chris Benoit (by:DQ) Bret Hart had the sharpshooter on Chris Benoit, but Benoit was holding the rope. And Bret Hart didn't let go of the hold so he got DQ'd.

*The NWO Wolfpack and NWO black and white came out for an interview. And Hogan was talking about how Flair is done, and how he will announce his retirement tonight. And Hogan was talking about how David Flair made the right choice to be the newest member of the Wolfpack.

*Flair came out to make his Announcement, and first he said that his son went Wolfpack because he is hooked on that girl. And he doesn't know what he is doing. But his announcement was for Uncensored, he is gonna battle Hollywood Hogan is a Steel Cage match with no doors and with barb wire around the outside of the cage!! This match is for the World Title.

*(Main Event) Buff Bagewell & Big Papa Pump vs. Rick Steiner & Goldberg
Winner: Rick Steiner & Goldberg (by:pin) Rick Steiner went off the top rope with a flying bulldog. Then he pinned Buff for the 1 2 3.

***Nitro Results from Mar. 8, 1999***
(give full credit to lordsofpain.net and Mike Penta for this report)

*Beinging for the show you see people Building the cage for the Hogan Vs Flair match

*Flashback to Thunder Arn Anderson and Flair talk:They talk about how Flair doesnt care about David anymore or anything esle and all he cares about is being 14-time WCW World Heavyweight Champ and nothing is going to stand in his way of it.

*Live Nitro party in Providence, RI
Some guy Doug winning a trip to spring breakout he seemed real exticed

*Spotlight of a Nitrogirl:
A.C Jazz

*Hogan Interview from Thunder:
Talk about how people hate him and he tells his dad he hates him. Says Flair is worst then he is and lust for the title, and doesnt care about his Famliy. Call him the Rottenest Human on this earth and has to be eliminated. Hoagn says he wants Falir gone for good no more wrestling at all. Say if Flair Beats him he will get total contorl of WCW and the belt. Speaks about last time he was in the ring with Falir and how it brought the tiger out in him.

*Back to the Nitro Party in RI w/Konnan

*Konnan's new Video (again)

*nWo WolfPack Paid ad
Nash and Hogan watching Flair on TV they are making fun of him,they pause the tape time to time to comment about it. They comment on everything he says. Says that Flair is like 90 , 95 years old. Talk about what they will do with Daivd. Talks about they have to go to plan B.

*Luger Highlight Reel (Wolfpack music plays)

*More SpringBreak with Big Poppa Pump and Buff Bagwell:They Pretend they are cops and bust people for stupid reasons.

*Back to RI w/ Kidman
They watch people dance

*Nash and Rey Jr match in a highlight reel:

*Paid ad nWo
Torrie shooting a gun at a range. Nash and Hogan go see her.She wearing next to nothing.Talk about how they have to drop David and get a new plan, makes plans to meet for dinner to dicuss the NEW plan

*Paid ad nWo
Nash, Hogan, and Torrie at dinner:
Hogan say they got Flair right where they want him. Hoagn says that he sold his Family down the river. Talks about Plan B and what to do with Daivd. Something abotu another girl for David???? Torrie said she is a 12. The other girl somes him and Nash and Hoagn are like WOW. Asks her if she is up for the task. She is . Her Last name is Robinison (like the movie). The Pay for her is 20,000 Dollars to get the job done.


*Goldberg Interveiw is suppose to happen but Wolfpack music kicks instead. David Flair and Torrie cpme to the ring instead. Daivd wants his Dad to get out there and Face him man to man and will what all night for him.Goldberg music kicks in

*Goldberg comes out. Talks to David , says they got a lot of respect for his famliy and says Davd has to learn it. David starts to Point a finger on Goldberg. Flair comes runnign down and Pulls him off of David, Goldberg Slams Flair, Flair starts to tell Goldberg that he is the greatest to ever live. Goldberg say he lost his faimly and that Flair has lost his mind.Goldberg all so says that flair has crossed that line. Flair says he IS the line , Flair says that Goldberg has to Wrestling Flair tonight on Nitro. Goldberg loves the idea.

*Hak vs Raven
They hug each other first then Raven get the cane and starts to hit Hak with it. Then they go outside the ring. They fight up the alise. Raven gets a table. Lays Hak on it and climbs WCW enterance way and jumps off and lays on him . Bam bam comes out and starts to beat on
Hak . Ref throws the match out. but it was a bad bell so the match contiunces they all go backstage. They use ladders, chairs, Garbge cans, a ambulance. they get beat on each other the match is back and forth. Awsome match. Raven Puts Hak in Can and slams him in the ambulance. then they fight with a limo , Raven does a Evenflow on Hak on the limo. Then Bam bam does a Spalsh on Raven on the limo.Raven slams Hak in the Windsheld and breaks it. Bam Bam Slams Raven in to Hak on the limo.Raven wants more. No man will quit.Then a Flashback to nitro when the 3 men when at it.

*Lizmark Jr. Vs Chris Jericho w/ Ralphus
Jericho comes out with a Dog collar on him with a long chain and another collar on it. Jericho starts to talk about Saturn and his dress. Jericho says he is a master of the chian matches. He says he is the Suami of the dog collar chain matchisk and challeges Lizmark to a dog collar match , Lizmark agrees. Jericho just dominates the match .Chokes and Hits Lizmark with the chain. Jericho wraps lizmark up in the chain and just starts to beat him down. Then Jericho Wraps the chain around Lizmark's neck and does the Lointammer on him and lizmark taps out.
Winner:JerichoVia Lointammer

*Flashback to the Goldberg interveiw

*BPP w/Buff Vs Booker T
BPP talks about how all the people boo him and he makes fun of the crowd. Then talks about how great he is. and he is says that he is Big bad Botty Daddy.
Buff gets on the mic and says he tried to talk Booker T out of the match. But he was stupid Buff says. Starts out slow BPP just stays away form Booker T. Booker T Gets the advange early with a Flying Forearm and a spin kick. BBP rolls out of the ring and rests. Booker T very agreesive until BPP gets a low blow on Booker T. Then Buff starts to Double team on Booker T. The Crowd chants
Results from April '99
***WCW Monday Nitro Results***
from 4-12-99! Yakima, Washington
**Sting Interview = called out Page**

Match #1: **Cruiserweight Title Match**
Rey Mysterio, Jr. defeats-> Juventud Guerrera

Match #2: **Kendo Stick Match**
Bam Bam Bigelow defeats-> Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart

**Diamond Dallas Page Interview = DDP turns down Sting and called out �Big Poppa� for the Main Event**

**Ric Flair Interview = Savage interupted Confrontation between �Gorgeous George� and Referee Charles Robinson occured leading to a match at Slamboree for Savage's right to wrestle in WCW again. Sting Interupted and called out Flair for a match, Flair accepted**

Match #3: El Dandy and La Parka vs. Master Blasters

****Kevin Nash came out and kicked everyone�s
@$$!!! Nash said Flair promised him a PPV title shot last week, if Flair left the Las Vegas Nitro with the Title. So it will be Page vs. Nash at WCW Slamboree �99****

Match #4: Kidman defeated-> Psychosis

**Goldberg Interview = talked about victory over Nash and talked smack about Bret �Hitman� Hart**

Match #5: **T.V. Title** Booker T. defeated-> Rick Steiner

**�Big Poppa Pump� Interview = talked smack about DDP and said he would be the �Only Champion in WCW�**

Match #6: Goldberg defeated-> Kenny Kaos

Match #7: Sting defeated-> Rick Flair


Match #8: **WORLD TITLE**
Diamond Dallas Page with Kimberly defeated-> "Big Poppa Pump" via Kimberly chair shot on "Poppa".
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