cool fire.gif (20006 bytes) barnshot.gif (19109 bytes) cool fire.gif (20006 bytes)

   Welcome to my..BYE BYE BARNEY PAGE!!!

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Note: These pages are intended as humor only. Violence in real life against Barney the Dinosaur (or any other fictional
character) is NOT condoned by the author,  or any associates of the author.
Some people might find these pages objectionable. You have been warned. The content of these pages should not be
seen by little kids who adore Barney. This site is for adults and teenagers who don't like Barney. If you like Barney, go somewhere else.

light bar.gif (11170 bytes)

                                          cool fire.gif (20006 bytes)  wierd_barney.jpg (5987 bytes) cool fire.gif (20006 bytes)

bofl.gif (3956 bytes)I know this page is kinda sadistic...but I'm so sick of this purple demon....I just had to dedicate a page to his destruction!! My hatred of Barney is consuming my very soul. Coming back from dropping off the kids and popping on the television and seeing that big purple beast tormenting parents and children alike around the world... I must strike a blow in the name of decency!!! I offer this forth as a weapon against the Purple One.


            batbarn.jpg (14235 bytes)

light bar.gif (11170 bytes)

              cool fire.gif (20006 bytes) barney evil.gif (20274 bytes)cool fire.gif (20006 bytes)

           BARNEY WAV FILES.......


Barney meets the chainsaw - background sound

barney dies. (84k)
barney dies. (208k)
Barney makes rude noises, barney dies. (83k)
Monty Python throws holy hand granade, barney dies. (477k)
Barney is called rebel scum, barney dies. (65k)
Wolfenstien, barney dies. (132k)
barney dies. (102k)
barney dies. (338k)
Barney Pukes, barney dies. (166k)
Barney joins the dark side, barney dies. (155k)
Barney is in duke nuke'em, barney dies. (80k)
Forest Gump talks to barney, barney dies. (211k)
Kirk beams away, barney dies. (54k)
Robocop talks to barney, barney dies. (139k)
Simpsons kill barney, barney dies. (346k)

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            (right click, and image as)

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light bar.gif (11170 bytes)

taskbarn.gif (1456 bytes)SOME COOL ANTI-BARNEY LINKS!taskbarn.gif (1456 bytes)

Into the Purple Abyss!!

The Barney Cookbook Page- Have Barney over for dinner.

Barney Ate My Balls Page - Self Explanatory!!!  

Barney Ate My Balls II            

Interactively Kill Barney With A Choice Of Weapons

Attack Barney - Click On Him To Shoot

Why Barney Should F**k Off!!

Barney the dinosaur HATE sounds

Kill Barney

The No Barney Pages

Big Hairy Purple Demon

Proving that Barney of Satan

Barney gets Busted

Die Barney

101 ways Barney should die

The truth about the Purple thing

Purple Death Clan

60 ways Barney should die

Dave's Anti-Barney Page

I Hate Barney sites

Death To Barney

light bar.gif (11170 bytes)

Proof that Barney is Satan


CV V L DI V Roman Numerals
100 5 5 50 500 1 5 Arabic Numerals
100+5+5+50+500+1+5 Add
666 Total
666=SATAN Given

light bar.gif (11170 bytes)

                                   cool fire.gif (20006 bytes)  evil_barney.jpg (4818 bytes)cool fire.gif (20006 bytes)


1.Make him watch his own show.
2.Move every third molecule 3 feet to the left until he closely resembles Picasso's "Guernica".
3.Donate his body to science...early.  (Living organ donor???)
4.Well, just call my cousins Guido and Vinnie and tell them that you kinda placed $200 in a bag under the rock in the
park.... mention the fact that you would _love_ to have Barney's knee-caps as conversation pieces.
5.Have him magically turn the classroom into a vacuum ... watch his body explode.
6.Strip off his flesh, bury the bones in your back yard, and then dig them up, a piece at a time, selling them to your nearest
natural history museum. A complete dinosaur skeleton would be worth a fortune! Death to Barney for fun AND profit!
7.Sew his lips to his rectum.
8.Make him a referee in an NHL game.
9.Put him in a guillotine; put the rope holding up the blade in his mouth and then beat him with a jagged piece of metal until
he screams.
10.Dip him in tar (anything sticky will do), cover him with hundred-dollar bills and throw him into a pit full of lawyers...
11.Bury all but his head in an anthill. Cover with honey.
12.Use him for testing Ginsu knives with Mrs. Bobbitt helping out.
13.Get him to neuter a Pit-Bull Terrier.
14.Plutonium enema.
15.Send him to Miami in a rented car.
16.Move the set of the show to an actual inner-city classroom.
17.Let him take a New York Subway at night.
18.Make him hug Madonna. (When she's wearing her pointy bra)
19.Tie him up like a pi�ata and have small Mexican children beat him to death.
Note: You can actually get pi�atas that look like Barney at Toys R Us
20.Tie him down in a chair and force him to listen to country music, until even *HE* goes insane with all the sap!
21 Tell him Jimmy Hoffa was a bad man and he should tell it to the Teamsters.
22.100 cans of JOLT and a titanium steel vault.
23.Send him to a country western bar and let him play heavy metal. (reversible)
24.Make him run UNIX on a Tandy Colour Computer 3. (128k total)
25.Inject him with all the chemicals that go into Hostess Twinkies.
26 Nitroglycerine suppository
27.Barney meets the Terminator. "Hasta la vista...BARNEY!".
28.Sucked into a turbo-prop engine (a jet would be more fun. 'after burners?')
29.Acupuncture with a nail gun
30.OOPS! Barney shouldn't have soldered that propane tank while full.
31.Forced to watch "The Wall" video without his happy pills.
32.Bent, folded and mutilated by the post office. (would be worse if you didn't write "fragile" on the label)
33.Put him in an old Star Trek episode, in a RED SHIRT.
34.Send him to Montreal wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey.
35.Send him to Cuba with a T-shirt saying "Fidel Sucks"
36.Make him figure out his own taxes.
37.Strap him to the back of a Ford Pinto, then rear-end it into the side of a GMC truck.
38.Shove his head in a floppy drive, then type "format a:".

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                 cool fire.gif (20006 bytes) wierdo.gif (13886 bytes)

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