"Welcome to my cave. I'm Flammie - Guildmaster
Razor's adopted dragon! I'm living here, until
Razor can find me a real home. Thanks for dropping
by here. I don't get very many visitors. In fact,
I've only been visited by

people so far!

By the way - you can look
at my certificate here!

So, what do you think of this site? You can give
all of your thanks to Razor, Mira, and Rae for
their work in bringing this awesome site to life.
However, Razor constructed this site as a birthday
present for Mira and Rae, so if you have comments
for this site, contact Razor. All three of them
are on MSN Messenger, so you can use that as well.
Razor also has AOL Instant Messenger (GM Razor).

Well, that's about it. See you later - and enjoy
the work of our talented artists.

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