
Half-orc male 13th-level fighter

Armor Class: -1 (-2 w/Tijjen Do Ruk)
Movement: 12, Fl 18 (B)
Hit Points: 110
THAC0: 8 (5 w/Suvious)
No. of Attacks: 3 (martial arts) or 2
Damage/Attack: 2d4+3
Alignment: Lawful neutral
STR 18/54, DEX 18, CON 19, INT 15, WIS 16, CHR 13, COM 15 (19 to orcs)

Weapons of Proficiency: Broad group blades, single weapon style (x2), and Tijjen Do Ruk with the special maneuvers of Kick 1,3,4,5.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Endurance (19); hunting (15); modern languages (Common, Drow & Goblin, 15); native language (Orcish); reading/writing (Common, 16); survival (Underdark, 15); swimming (18); tumbling (18).

As a warrior of the Underdark, A'yin gains the non-weapon proficiencies of endurance and survival (Underdark) as bonus proficiencies.

Equipment: Standard adventuring gear.

Magical Items: Plate mail of flight, an amulet of Phelthong, Suvious, a platinum necklace that functions as a helm of telepathy, an onyx ring of invisibility, gauntlets of healing, 2 potions of healing and 2 potions of invulnerability.

Combat/Tactics: A�yin typically flies into battle drinking a potion of invulnerability. He then lands and prepares to kill his foes in single combat; but he has no compunctions about backstabbing someone. A�yin can also deliver a fearsome combination of kicks (2 free kick attacks each causing 2d4 damage) in addition to his long sword attacks.

Allies/Companions: Stick and the Black Spiral.

Foes/Enemies: None of any note thus far, A'yin is well liked wherever he travels out of the light.

Appearance: A�yin looks identical to a normal human male, however, he has deep green skin and strange black eyes, in addition to him being very large and muscular. He wears bright red oriental styled armor and wields a black iron long sword, of which its edge glows with scintillating colors.

Personality: A�yin is an open and intelligent conversationalist and is very proud of his mixed heritage. He wants to fit in wherever he ventures and is very polite to those he deems as friends. A�yin is very superstitious, having negative reactions to maces, noise and sickness, and with positive reactions to magical weapons.

Experience (+10%): 1,284,905.

Experience For Next Level: 1,500,000.

Locales Frequented: Tethyr, the Underdark and rarely Menzoberranzan.

History: A�yin was born to a peasant girl in Tethyr after an orc raid in the Year of the Sword and Stars (1332 DR). His mother died in childbirth, and A�yin was taken in by a monk to be raised as his own. The monk then sent him out into to learn of the world when he was of the age of manhood.

A�yin was then captured by slavers and sent into the Underdark to be sold. There he was insulted by a drow slaver and challenged him. The drow used a typical black metal long sword of drow make, while A�yin was to fight with a knife.

Throwing the knife away, A�yin then bested the drow and killed him with a mighty blow to the back of his head with the heel of his foot! Amalica, the lead drow was so impressed that he allowed A�yin to take his rightful place as side aid, the very same position that the drow he killed held.

A�yin then traveled to Menzoberranzan and then back out into the wilds of the Underdark with Amalica and his rogues. He was granted total freedom and soon traveled back to the lost valley in the Tethyrian forest of his birth to the monastery, where he now learns more of the martial art style he has devoted himself to.

Motivations/Goals: To become the best warrior he can and to serve law to its fullest.

Campaign Uses: The unlikely hero, A'yin is the perfect warrior to asist misfit characters or outlaws, even being involved merely to heal someone.

Unique Abilities:

  • Monstrous Appearance 1: Because his strange looks, A'yin suffers a further reaction penalty of -2.

  • Monstrous Dexterity: A'yin has an almost innate ability to dodge the quickest blows, having a Dexterity of 18. This also gives him a -1 reaction adjustment, for a total of -3.

  • Monstrous Size: Because of his immense width, A'yin gains a -3 reaction penalty and is much stronger than a typical humanoid, for a total of -6.
  • [Bestiary] [Classes] [The Fallen Ones] [The Gods] [The Golden Enclave] [Heroes' Lorebook II] [Heroes' & Villains' Lorebook] [House Rules] [Kits] [Magical Items] [Mystic Places] [Neutrals' Lorebook] [Poems & Short Stories] [Proficiencies] [Races] [SPELLSPHERE] [Villains' Lorebook II]

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