Note: The current time keeping method was invented little over 1500 years since the fall and destruction of the ascans, once the primitive tribes found their own way to civilization without the help of the ascans. In case you did not notice in "The Ascan Era", aside from the ascans and the eyes of Corellion, the rest of the world was still savage and mostly primitive, consisting in tribes. Year 0 is considered the begginning of a new era, it marks the day when all the tribes of Northern Gatzrhé ( Now Thyrana ) were united into a powerful nation.


A few months later, the last descendant of Ruzsell, Hans Ruzsell III is crowned emperor of Thyrana

In 2023, the holy brotherhood is created in Alis, proclaiming any non clerical magic as demonic and blasphemous, supported by the king. Several similar movements rise in far away lands.

The mighty naval fleet of Thyrana is defeated on the shores of Centhaz, and the emperor is supposedly killed (actually captured) using a powerful artifact.


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