
Rahvi , Perpetual Lord of the holy SDMS

Confirmed Kills: 62 (some of them were raised though)

Hunting Grounds: "Leyenda", Role Playing Group

Website: http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/stonekeep/25/index.htm

Comments: Contrary to what the number above may state, I don't like killing characters, after all, it's a lot more fun to make them suffer. Like disfiguring an arrogant paladin, revealing their live to be a lie, aging them, laying curses on them, using vorpal swords (I am really lucky, 20s love me) etc. All in all, I have created a new breed of players, the masochist type.

Mustavo, nearly as sadistic as Rahvi

Confirmed kills: 25+ (we lost the count)

Hunting Grounds: "Leyenda", Role Playing Group

Comments: He differs in methods with Rahvi, while Rahvi likes making characters squirm and suffer, Mustavo kills them outright. Everybody here remembers his infamous "Mortal Lance" campaigns.


Confirmed kills: A lot

Website: http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/final/232/index.html

Comments: Not only have I killed uncountable pc's, but am noted for killing pc's before they even meet up with the rest of the group. Example: Started an adventure in sewers of Capital City, pc ran through a poison mist trying to catch someone and was unable to reach the other side. The rest of the group was in a tavern just a few blocks away.

Silmacar, Captain of the Guard of Cardolan

Confirmed kills: Not so many... I like to let my PCs live, so I can torture and humiliate them better

Website: http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/shalimar/270/

Comments: If you're playing under my mastery, you're always too late. You're always the weakest. It is always your fault. Kneel down, baseborn player, there is only one hope... pray the Master.

Nightstalker, DM: Don't Mess with me

Confirmed kills: 19

Hunting Grounds: Draconia

Comments: What do I have to say apart from... maybe... TORTURE, LAUGH AND KILL!!! (as terminator said it: "HASTA LA VISTA BABY")

Lucifuge Rafokel, DM extraordinaire

Confirmed kills: 100+

Comments: I am an ancient DM with a reputation of torture and death. I have recorded well over 100 pc kills in my 12 years as Dungeon Master, some by dragon, other by deceptive NPC's...I've even convinced many a pc to kill one another for a bounty. I thrive on the negative effects of artifacts and the possible mishaps of mistreated magic items.

Magnus, The Demonic Master

Confirmed kills: 7 so far

Comments: I am not too sadistic just a demonic master. I seldom kill PCs, it's much more fun to have them on a rack until they respect me, if not a quick 74 hour death is in store for them

 Zephyr, Mage of the North Tower

Confirmed kills: About 15. Everyone in my RPG group always brings a second character with them - even if only for a short 1+half hour session!

Website: http://rivendell.fortunecity.com/mage/397/

Comments: ; I like the paranoia and angst that I can create. I love to hear the words "but this killed it last time" or "but that wasn't there a minute ago" promtly followed by either "charge *whack* ....ow" or "run-away *whack*....ow". but what has to be the best thing was when I had a group hitting the walls of nearly every room they went into to check for hidden monsters of any kind, I put some in just to please them *grin*.

 Mr. Puppy

Confirmed kills: A lot

Comments: I don´t like killing characters fast very much. I like torturing them. I like to make curses fall on them. I like to throw sexual deviations to them (I´ve had a coprophilian female mage, no joke, in my campaign). I like to make them feel they´ve betrayed their beliefs. For example, before killing a druid I made him understand he hadn´t respected the silvan goblins´ religion, and that he died because of that. Another time, I made one barbarian to humilliate himself to a Crypt Thing. The story is this: he fell in a cave where the Crypt Thing was. The Thing told him he could let him go if he pleased him. The barbarian had to sing, to dance and to clap loudly, all wet and in darkness. The Thing wasn´t pleased (he said the barbarian sang horribly) and killed him. Another time I made a female mage to engange in sexual relationship with a sadomasochistic old evil wizard, because she was a worshipper of Loviatar. I let her kill him, breaking his neck with a whip, before they went too much, as I experimented a burst of pity (incredible) for the young (16 years old) female mage. Well, I have lots of histories to tell where the PC´s suffer horribly. But that´s all for now.

Archmage Chaos Blackflame
Confirmed Kills: only 15, but...
Confirmed Insanities: 37
Hunting Grounds: Lord and Master of The Worshippers of The Wraithcouch
Comments: I answer to none but my own twisted soul, but I can be bribed...by the right people...all others, quake with fear!

My name is Excelxor: Your Destiny is in My hands.

Confirmed Kills: 30

Comments: In my 3 years of play AD&D in Denmark, I have had about 30 confirmed kills. Often a very violent death, due to a Dragon. But still they keep coming, so I have to keep killing them. Their loss, my gain!

Warrax: The Chaos Warrior

Confirmed Kills: 300

Comments: I have been DMing for 4 years now, and I can tell you, all my players are fearful of my playing style. I got my nickname from a friend of mine. Anyway, u get the picture.

Most Recent and most devastating kill this Year:
My friend had recently created a very detailed and well-thought out character. he had been playing it for several sessions, when he and his companions reached a cave.
Anyway, the long and the short of it is that a measley orc got a lucky break and lopped off Noah's arm with his weapon. Another lucky shot from behind gutted him (he reached in front and slashed). needless to say, Noah bled to death, very slowly and painfully. i made it very annoying, his eyes got covered in blood from another wound, and he slumped to the floor. his dying sight was his friends in battle. anyway, he escaped (his mind anyway) into his wolf companion. he continues now as a shapechanging lizardman who is due for some bad luck.


Confirmed Kills: 300

Comments: I have been playing this beloved game off&on for 18 years, in my time as a dm I have kill, tortured & harrassed via kenders up to 300 pc's. My favorite method is to let them screw themselves.After all if they do it to themselves they only have their party members,or their pc's to blame. I like to play on the worlds of Krynn, Ravenloft, or my world which is still unnamed


Confirmed Kills: 10

Comments: I play within a group of players wich turns around its DM every 6 months or so, since all of us want to get a chance to get nasty.

Personally I have sometimes hesitated to kill a character, offering chance upon chance to right themselves, but find that I am utterly annoyed by stupidness. My most famous kill was that of a 5th level paladin who had just gathered his first warhorse. No matter how the poor horse tried to run the other way Paladin Darius was determined to charge the 12th level Red Dragon facing him, in an attempt to save a less then honorably damsel in distress. Ragderdon, the dragon, only raised his left claw and used his little finger. The damage did Darius in.
Darius was loved by the gods, paladins often are unfortunately, and returned as an intelligent but irritating sword. (And yes, the player of Darius didn't actually get to play a new character, but played a sword for several gaming sessions. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to be able to influence the party only by threatening to sing?)


Confirmed Kills: A good question, but I think I can safely put it at a baker's dozen (and certainly more than that, but by being unassuming and modest, I keep the players coming back for more). All of these have been on my homeworld of Dulphus-Straxe and have been accumulated over about 8 years with roughly the same group of players (_NOT_ the same
characters <grin>).

Comments: Just a few short tales. First, there was "The Smothering". Now, as we all know, a dragon is a powerful opponent, yet foolhardy heroes often feel they can best even the greatest of wyrms. I knew victory would be mine (predetermined comes to mind) but I had to find the way to do it with chutzpah. And I came up with spades! In the heat of battle, as the whole motley crew was fearing the dreaded fire breath, I sent them all sprawling on their backsides as the mighty tail of the beast swatted them like flies. And then the ultimate humiliation... the great beast plummeted from the sky belly flopping on the whole bunch, and slowly smothered them like bugs underfoot. Oh, it was a great catch that day, all but one of the party in one fell swoop (Swing low sweet chariots...).
My next and most recent kill, titled "Frosty the Snowmen" was an abrupt end to what was to be a short session already. Even I wasn't planning on the first encounter to be that last, but it was music! Two hardy adventurers where travelling across snow covered plains, and ambushed by nasty giants hurling great hunks of ice. Never to let a good fight pass them by, the stalwart heroes charged across the frozen wastes, attempting to slay the beasts before the hurled ice sank them like the Titanic. Oh, but sink them it did, one of them anyway. Yes, a well-placed ice ball jellied the head of one adventurer, and he fell to the ground, and broken bloody mess. The kicker is his not-yet-slain companion yelled at the giants, "Hey! You are packing those things way too hard!" It was a good laugh for all.
And lastly, the tale of the "The North Passage" is my most vile and dreadful yet, and not a session goes by where my players don't give me a ribbing for this one. The group had just about finished exploring a captured ship, and were on their way back above decks. They intended to travel the route they had taken on the way in, and I suggested the North Passage, which they had yet to explore (they were going to ignore it since it was obvious the ship was symmetric). Well, some dust of sneezing and choking was waiting them, trapped and ready to go. And go it did, flush one party right down the toilet.


Confirmed Kills: To damn many to count over the last 5 years.

Comments: One of the funniest character deaths ever enacted by me was this: I jokingly had the party run into a lone kobold, and the jokester of our group decided to piss on it. Well, the kobold decided not to put up with it, withdrew a dagger, and lopped of his genitalia. The player promptly went insane and ate his character sheet to hide the evidence of having a character w/o a genitalia. Another amusing session was when I killed of an annoying PC using a monster of my own design: THE ANT FROM HELL! The little 1 inch creature crawled in the characters ear and breathed fire inside his head, roasting his brain. The last most amusing death was when I had a mage cast passwall through a character, but dispelled the magic as he was walking through the PC. Thus the PC exploded in a myriad of bodily organs.

Lord Rat

Confirmed Kills: At least 42.

Comments: My method of dealing with players who don't understand the power of rule #6 is simple: When I DM a campaign I add to the party one character of my own being as I deem him a DMPC. When the players think they can do what I deem they can't I don't kill them outright. Rather, my character gets 'miraculously' killed in some freak accident tipped off by an action on behalf of the players. Then, in a later battle (usually only about one or two down the road) they meet his specter who conveniently drains a few levels from the players before they manage to die from monsters who were previously road scum under the PC's feet. It really humiliates them and then when something happens, they have further confidence that the DM will take care of their PC's. . .

Buttercup, the Skull Crusher

Confirmed Kills: 13.

Comments: I'm not as psychotic as VGreen, but that's because I sever a limb off someone in group of only fighters and thieves so they have to find a wizard or priest to heal them. the deaths I do have are from creatures that send a chill down even my spine, like a cross of a Phoenix and a Shadow and NE alignment.

Tel-Bach, Lord Keeper of Time

Confirmed Kills: I never tried to keep count!

Comments: I have been gaming for 18 years, DMing for 17. Having the pleasure to humiliate, Disfigure, incinerate. or my most favorite Temporal Stasis, Diminution, then throw them into a bag of holding. Remember once a party was relaxing in a pub looking for employment one of the members was mentally disposed to sexual endeavours so I obliged by selling him a love potion. he immediately put it to use and bought a lovely lady a drink imbibed with the concoction. it so happens the Lady was the Daughter of a Nearby Lord, and thus had a Gnome food tester.( female, 3' tall, one tooth ) This character and the NPC became inseparable much to the PC's chagrin. from then on he had only one thing to say, GET THIS BI**H OFF ME!!!

Such Joy in manipulating the lives of PC's

Archmage Sage Moonblood

Confirmed Kills: I have over 50 confirmed kills.

Website: Welcome to Everdale!

Comments: Over half of my confirmed kills are due to death traps, such as Pool of Water/Contingent Lightning Bolt (which has killed over 15 personally). So many players believe that their characters are Superman, but with me at the helm, they turn into Eric the Cavalier (yes, I used a Dungeons and Dragons cartoon reference).

In my world, Death is not only a right, but a privelege.

Blood Knight

Confirmed Kills: Though I don't keep a complete track of my kills, since most just happen to be lucky rolls, but last time I checked it was somewhere in the neighborhood of about 325 kills (as a DM).

Website: Welcome to Everdale!_

Comments: I have had about 3 of my own campaigns/worlds. one of which is still under construction and the other 2 are
completely obliterated (players were getting too strong so I...THE GOD... destroyed the Universe persay.
There was one player, a freshman in highschool, who was well... not too bright when it came to understanding the power a DM has. He didn't like my price on a particular staff (my version what I call the Dragon Staff), he decided to INSULT
me. Well, having been in a good mood at the time I gave him a warning. He ignored it and insulted me again. Well, that did it. He lost all his equipment, spells, abilities, etc. But was still alive. One would think that would have been enough to shut him up...well, it didn't, so I put him 200 miles below the surface in a concrete room with no exit at all. And he STILL DIDN'T
SHUT UP!!! So need less to say, the room expanded to include 300! of each and every one of the different kinds of Dragons!! (with him in the middle of this vast room. Personally I don't think this freshman had a good day since he was stupid enough to try and run towards the wall (which was about 30 miles away in any direction). After several repeated attempts to get him to change his mind, I let him go ahead and do it. And before his character even got 10 feet this is what happened. One of the black dragons standing next to him lifted it's giant foot and flattened him. Then burned him to a crisp and decided to eat the charred remains. Well, to add further insult to injury I had the dragon SPIT his character back out like he tasted terrible.
That is so far the most reminding thing to my fellow players of how not to push me when I am the DM. I gotta go.

The Reputation Master

Confirmed Kills: 0

Comments: This may seem out of place, but listen. The group was so afraid of me that they broke up the group rather than have me be the DM. And I wasn't even going to use dragons (low level campaign)

Camdor Bloodflame, Order of Afterdark

Confirmed Kills: Only 30, But that's ok for having only 5 players.

Comments: I would have to thank my best player Varddican for making this possible. If it was not for him an elite group of winged assassins known only as the "Dire Avengers" would not be hunting the group.

In my life I have had only 4 campaign worlds, 3 of which where "Apocalypsed" by stupid players. They said it was no fair, but when I started using "Mike's Minute Meteors" ( 5 - 6 D12's aimed at players head) it got really quite. After that campaign I had to go and find some new players. I think I have a good record with 6 drop-outs after only 3 - 4 weeks of torture.

I thank all evil DM's for inspiration and I hope we can torture players forever....


Website: http:/members.tripod.com/~necrosb/index.html

Comments: I do not kill or at least leave dead. I make the players dance to my tune. As a powerful NPC I can forcew them to kneel and serve my will. I am so evil that they do it willingly. Only when they try to escape do they realize that the Purple Flame burns thier very souls.

The Bastard

Confirmed Kills: Around 5. I've caused much more insanities and cripples though.

Comments: We've only got 3 other players, and I really like to screw with my best friend's head. I had his character at swordpoint by 20 goblins and a master, and they forced him to beat his girlfriend to death with his bare hands, MWAHAHA!!! one of my best kills was in Vampire, where a player simply walked up to my main villain and said "Hey Jerky" and was instantly fried in a column of flame, cuz I was fed up with him.


Comments: My nick is rak as you can see, and dwell in the net among other dark places, to me RPGs sprung up a few years ago 2 & 1/2, since then I have been DM a couple of times, doing the usual stuff of killing the players, or making their things vanish, I love 3D laberinth, but when I really want to get on my players' nerves I simply take them by "free will" to a Gnome City. Needless to say that I like to roleplay my NPCs to the letter 8)))
Have u ever tried to get some information out of a gnome that feels the need to talk with u??????

Jeff Clark

Confirmed Kills: are you kidding, I don't even bother keeping count.

Comments: I've been playing D&D for well longer than most of my player's have been alive. I started way back in '74. I've been DMing almost as long. Although I do not publicly enjoy character deaths I do give out Death certificates for spectacular demises. I find that I don't have to go after the PC's anymore, I just sit back and
let them do themselves in. In one game secession I had a player go thru 5 characters. He just could not get the concept, DO NOT TOUCH THE SPARKLIES. But I'm sure you know the routine.
TTFN 8*)

Shawn... aka Lord Bloodaxe

Confirmed Kills: 104 (17 by decapitation, 32 by other players)
Confirmed Severed Limbs: 28
Confirmed Insanities: 14
**all kills are documented/listed at his website.

Hunting grounds: Dragonia (alternate Greyhawk)
Website: www.dragonia.net

Comments: "kill and kill again!" I've been known to kill the same PC over and over again. My favorite victim was a half-orc with 3 charisma that traveled the world with his meat cleaver of sharpness in one hand because he lost the other arm. He also had a wooden stick for a leg and one eye was gouged out. This player played for 2 years in this condition and after a while he enjoyed it!
Another player loved the freedom being a chaotic evil anti-paladin until he died. In the abyss he was continuosly reborn as a food source for demons. He was eaten alive every day...
This is my 20th year Dming and there is no greater pleasure than torturing the minds of PCs. ICQ me at 4596601 ! I have a listing of all 104 PC deaths at my website, a lot of fun to look over and get ideas from...

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