The Charles Family Crest


As a second son, I am allowed to use the Family Crest, but with My own changes.(I really read this) As You can see the Family name is in green representing We came from the earth as do A/all Men and shall return to the same one day when God wishes. The band of gold, an eternal circle of love for Family, Friends, and duty. The drops of blood is for all the Family, Male and Female that died before us, giving freely of Themselves that We might live. The Lion, the Family Royalty, ending with the death of My Father. The Royal Eagle, ever in search for wisdom, the food of Life, ever seeking just cause. I added the Healers's Cadueus, As I learned the art of healing first hand in the Crusades and it became a part of My life. I didn't think twice about adding the ~TBT~ to My Crest as first and foremost The TBT is about friendship which is the bases for life itself.

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