Tele Hypnosis Pro's electronic magic spell to enhance clairvoyance ( remote viewing )

Following is the configuration / electronic magic spell that you should use with Tele Hypnosis Pro Multisession 20 (or the normal PRO version) or Radionics Workstation 2007 to enhance your clairvoyance ( remote viewing ).

Make this operation only in days when the moon is in crecent phase;
preferibly in the night, better than day.

Frequency: 9
Color 1: Violet
Color 2: Indigo, (or black but preferibly indigo)

Enabled: extreme amplification, prehypnosis and elemental power of
Symbol: the astrological symbol of the moon; also, you can use a
photo of a calm ocean / sea in the night.

Audio command: I (or you if it works better for you) have an inner
clear vission; i have a powerful receptive inner eye that allows me
to see any place and any situation. Past, present and future are in
my hands; real images of distant situations awake in my mind clearly.
I can see every situation in this world only wishing it. The images
coming from my third eye are fully integrated in my mind."

About the text message, something similar and shorter.

Note: these configuration by itself won't get you to become
clairvoyant, but will help a lot in your training.

In the help and support section of the website of tifareth, you can find lots of electronic magic spells (configurations) for Tele Hypnosis Pro Multisession 20 and Radionics Workstation 2007, for improvement of mind and psychic powers and abilities, like these configurations for example:
Configuration of Tele Hypnosis Pro Multisession 20 for aura cleansing

Configuration of Tele Hypnosis Pro Multisession 20 for lucid dreaming

Improve your psychic abilities with Tele Hypnosis Pro Multisession 20

Tifareth: radionics-magick software. electronic magic spells

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